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Mulberry vs. Raspberry — What's the Difference?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Maham Liaqat — Updated on May 21, 2024
Mulberry is a fruit from the Morus tree, typically elongated and varying in color from red to dark purple, whereas raspberry is a fruit from the Rubus genus, known for its aggregate structure and bright red or black color.
Mulberry vs. Raspberry — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Mulberry and Raspberry


Key Differences

Mulberry fruits come from the Morus tree and are elongated, resembling blackberries but with a softer texture. They can be red, white, or dark purple and have a sweet flavor. Mulberries grow on trees and can vary greatly in size and taste depending on the species. Raspberry fruits are produced by plants of the Rubus genus and are known for their distinct aggregate structure, where each small drupelet forms the entire berry. They are typically red or black, though yellow varieties exist. Raspberries grow on bushes and have a slightly tart taste, with a firm yet juicy texture.
Mulberries often ripen in late spring to early summer, and their soft texture can make them prone to squishing and damage during harvesting. This delicate nature makes them less common in grocery stores compared to other berries. They are frequently used in pies, jams, and wines. Raspberries, on the other hand, have a firmer structure, making them easier to harvest and transport without damage. They ripen in mid to late summer and are widely available in supermarkets. Raspberries are versatile in culinary uses, often found in desserts, salads, and smoothies.
Mulberries are high in vitamin C and iron and are known for their antioxidant properties. They also have a slightly higher sugar content, which contributes to their sweet taste. Their leaves are used to feed silkworms, particularly the Morus alba species. Raspberries are also rich in vitamins, particularly vitamin C and dietary fiber. They contain powerful antioxidants like quercetin and ellagic acid. The hollow core of raspberries distinguishes them from mulberries and many other berries.

Comparison Chart

Plant Genus


Fruit Structure

Elongated, single fruit
Aggregate, composed of small drupelets

Common Colors

Red, white, dark purple
Red, black, yellow


Grows on trees
Grows on bushes


Soft and delicate
Firm and juicy

Harvest Time

Late spring to early summer
Mid to late summer

Nutritional Content

High in vitamin C, iron, and antioxidants
Rich in vitamin C, dietary fiber, and antioxidants

Culinary Uses

Pies, jams, wines
Desserts, salads, smoothies

Market Availability

Less common in stores due to delicate nature
Widely available in supermarkets

Unique Feature

Leaves used to feed silkworms (Morus alba)
Hollow core, easier to harvest and transport

Compare with Definitions


Tree of the genus Morus that produces the mulberry fruit.
She planted a mulberry tree in her garden.


High in dietary fiber and vitamin C.
Raspberries are a nutritious addition to any diet.


Deep purple color similar to the fruit.
She wore a dress in a beautiful shade of mulberry.


Aggregate fruit of the Rubus genus, usually red or black.
The raspberry bushes were full of ripe berries.


Used in making jams, wines, and desserts.
The mulberry pie was a family favorite.


Bright red or black color of the fruit.
The raspberry-colored scarf complemented her outfit.


Any of several deciduous trees of the genus Morus, having unisexual flowers in drooping catkins and edible usually purple fruit.


Commonly used in desserts, salads, and beverages.
She made a delicious raspberry smoothie.


The sweet fruit of any of these trees.


The raspberry is the edible fruit of a multitude of plant species in the genus Rubus of the rose family, most of which are in the subgenus Idaeobatus. The name also applies to these plants themselves.


A grayish to dark purple. Also called murrey.


Any of various shrubby, usually prickly plants of the genus Rubus of the rose family that bear edible fruit, especially R. idaeus of eastern North America and Eurasia.


Any of several trees, of the genus Morus, having edible fruits.


The aggregate fruit of any of these plants, consisting of many small, fleshy, usually red drupelets.


The fruit of this tree.


A moderate to dark or deep purplish red.


A dark purple colour tinted with red.


(Slang)A derisive or contemptuous sound made by vibrating the extended tongue and the lips while exhaling.


Of a dark purple color tinted with red.


The plant Rubus idaeus.


The berry or fruit of any tree of the genus Morus; also, the tree itself. See Morus.


Any of many other (but not all) species in the genus Rubus.


A dark pure color, like the hue of a black mulberry.


The juicy aggregate fruit of these plants.


Any of several trees of the genus Morus having edible fruit that resembles the blackberry


A red colour, the colour of a ripe raspberry.


Sweet usually dark purple blackberry-like fruit of any of several mulberry trees of the genus Morus


(colloquial) A noise intended to imitate the passing of flatulence, made by blowing air out of the mouth while the tongue is protruding from and pressed against the lips, or by blowing air through the lips while they are pressed firmly together or against skin, used humorously or to express derision.


Fruit of the Morus tree, elongated and varying in color.
The mulberries were ripe and ready to be picked from the tree.


A cripple.


Rich in vitamins and antioxidants.
Mulberries are known for their health benefits.


Containing or having the flavor/flavour of raspberries.


(color) Of a dark pinkish red.


To gather or forage for raspberries.


(colloquial) To make the noise intended to imitate the passing of flatulence.


The thimble-shaped fruit of the Rubus Idæus and other similar brambles; as, the black, the red, and the white raspberry.


Woody brambles bearing usually red but sometimes black or yellow fruits that separate from the receptacle when ripe and are rounder and smaller than blackberries


Red or black edible aggregate berries usually smaller than the related blackberries


A cry or noise made to express displeasure or contempt


Plant that produces raspberry fruit.
They cultivated raspberries in their backyard garden.

Common Curiosities

Which fruit has a more delicate texture?

Mulberries have a softer and more delicate texture compared to the firmer raspberries.

Do mulberries and raspberries grow on the same type of plant?

No, mulberries grow on trees, while raspberries grow on bushes.

What unique characteristic do raspberries have compared to mulberries?

Raspberries have a hollow core, distinguishing them from many other berries.

Which fruit has higher sugar content?

Mulberries generally have a higher sugar content than raspberries.

Are mulberries and raspberries similar in taste?

Mulberries are generally sweeter, whereas raspberries have a slightly tart flavor.

Can mulberries and raspberries be used interchangeably in recipes?

Yes, but the texture and sweetness may vary, affecting the final taste and consistency.

What are the main nutritional benefits of raspberries?

Raspberries are rich in vitamin C, dietary fiber, and antioxidants.

When are raspberries typically harvested?

Raspberries are typically harvested in mid to late summer.

Can mulberries be used to feed animals?

Yes, particularly the leaves of Morus alba are used to feed silkworms.

What is the primary botanical difference between mulberry and raspberry?

Mulberries come from the Morus tree, while raspberries are from the Rubus genus.

Which fruit is more commonly found in grocery stores?

Raspberries are more widely available due to their firm texture and ease of transport.

What are the main nutritional benefits of mulberries?

Mulberries are high in vitamin C, iron, and antioxidants.

When are mulberries typically harvested?

Mulberries are usually harvested in late spring to early summer.

Which fruit is easier to harvest and transport without damage?

Raspberries are easier to harvest and transport due to their firmer structure.

Are there different color varieties of both mulberries and raspberries?

Yes, mulberries can be red, white, or dark purple, and raspberries can be red, black, or yellow.

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Written by
Maham Liaqat
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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