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Nernst Equation vs. Goldman Equation — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Published on November 10, 2023
Nernst Equation: Calculates potential of an ion across a membrane. Goldman Equation: Computes overall potential considering multiple ion permeabilities.
Nernst Equation vs. Goldman Equation — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Nernst Equation and Goldman Equation


Key Differences

The Nernst Equation is a formula that describes how the membrane potential of cells is affected by the concentration of ions on either side of a cellular membrane. It is particularly vital when one is focused on a single ion species. Conversely, the Goldman Equation expands on the Nernst perspective, taking into account the combined effects of multiple ions and their respective permeabilities.
In more technical terms, the Nernst Equation provides a means to determine the equilibrium potential (or reversal potential) for an individual ion based on the ratio of its external and internal concentrations. In contrast, the Goldman Equation takes a more holistic approach, including not only the concentration gradients but also the relative permeabilities of different ions through the cell membrane.
While the Nernst Equation is more simplistic and idealized, offering insights into the potential of a singular ion, it doesn't always reflect the complexities of real biological systems where multiple ions are at play. This is where the Goldman Equation comes in, providing a more comprehensive view of the cell's membrane potential by accounting for the contributions of multiple ions simultaneously.
One key application of the Nernst Equation is in neurophysiology, where it helps researchers understand the role of individual ions in generating electrical signals in neurons. On the other hand, the Goldman Equation is often used in the same field but provides a broader picture, considering how ions like potassium (K+), sodium (Na+), and chloride (Cl-) collectively influence the membrane potential.

Comparison Chart

Primary Focus

Individual ion's potential.
Combined potential of multiple ions.


Ion concentrations inside & outside the cell.
Ion concentrations & their permeabilities.


Simpler and idealized for single ion.
Comprehensive, considering multiple ions.


Understanding potential of individual ions in cells.
Evaluating combined ion effects on membrane potential.

Reflection of Real Systems

Might not reflect complexities of real systems.
Offers a more realistic view by considering multiple ions.

Compare with Definitions

Nernst Equation

Derivation linking ion concentrations to membrane potential.
The Nernst Equation revealed the contribution of chloride ions to the cell's voltage.

Goldman Equation

A tool for a holistic understanding of cellular electrical activity.
The Goldman Equation is crucial for a comprehensive grasp of cellular electrophysiology.

Nernst Equation

Formula for individual ion's equilibrium potential.
The Nernst Equation was applied to determine the potassium ion's potential.

Goldman Equation

Mathematical tool considering ion concentrations and permeabilities.
By using the Goldman Equation, we factored in both sodium and potassium in our analysis.

Nernst Equation

Mathematical representation of an ion's potential across a membrane.
Using the Nernst Equation, we calculated the membrane potential due to sodium ions.

Goldman Equation

Equation integrating effects of multiple ions on a cell's voltage.
To understand the neuron's complex signaling, the team turned to the Goldman Equation.

Nernst Equation

A tool to assess the role of singular ions in cellular electrical activity.
Neuroscientists employ the Nernst Equation to study neuronal signaling.

Goldman Equation

Formula combining potentials of multiple ions.
The Goldman Equation provided a holistic view of the cell's membrane potential.

Nernst Equation

Equation linking ion gradients to a cell's electrical state.
By employing the Nernst Equation, the research team assessed the ion's impact on the cell.

Goldman Equation

Comprehensive representation of overall membrane potential.
The Goldman Equation showed how various ions collectively influenced the cell's state.

Common Curiosities

Is the Nernst Equation applicable to multiple ions simultaneously?

No, the Nernst Equation primarily focuses on the potential of a single ion.

How does the Goldman Equation differ from the Nernst Equation?

The Goldman Equation determines the overall potential, considering multiple ions and their permeabilities.

Which equation would be used for a more comprehensive view of a cell's membrane potential?

The Goldman Equation offers a broader perspective by accounting for multiple ions.

What does the Nernst Equation represent?

The Nernst Equation calculates the potential of an individual ion across a membrane.

Can the Nernst Equation provide insights into real biological systems?

While the Nernst Equation offers insights, it might not capture the complexities of real systems where multiple ions are involved.

Which ions are typically considered in the Goldman Equation?

The Goldman Equation often accounts for ions like potassium (K+), sodium (Na+), and chloride (Cl-).

Why is the Goldman Equation considered more holistic?

The Goldman Equation integrates the effects of several ions and their permeabilities, offering a more complete view.

Can the Nernst Equation be used to understand neuronal signaling?

Yes, the Nernst Equation helps understand the role of individual ions in neuronal signaling.

In which fields are the Nernst and Goldman Equations primarily used?

Both the Nernst Equation and Goldman Equation are essential tools in neurophysiology and cellular electrophysiology.

Which equation provides a more idealized view of membrane potential?

The Nernst Equation offers a more idealized and simplified view focused on a single ion.

In what context would the Goldman Equation be more applicable?

The Goldman Equation is more applicable in situations where the combined effects of multiple ions on membrane potential need assessment.

What primary variables does the Nernst Equation consider?

The Nernst Equation considers ion concentrations inside and outside the cell.

Is the Goldman Equation an extension of the Nernst Equation?

Yes, the Goldman Equation expands on the Nernst Equation by considering multiple ions and their permeabilities.

Does the Goldman Equation factor in ion permeabilities?

Yes, the Goldman Equation takes into account both ion concentrations and their respective permeabilities.

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Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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