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No-hitter vs. Perfect Game — What's the Difference?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Published on December 1, 2023
In baseball, a No-hitter means no hits by the opposing team, but there might be walks or errors; a Perfect Game means no opposing player reaches base.
No-hitter vs. Perfect Game — What's the Difference?

Difference Between No-hitter and Perfect Game


Key Differences

A No-hitter in baseball is an achievement where a pitcher, or team of pitchers, completes a game without allowing the opposing team to get a hit. This doesn't mean, however, that no opposing player reaches base. In contrast, a Perfect Game is a specific type of No-hitter. Here, the pitcher not only prevents any hits but also ensures that no opposing player reaches base for any reason.
While both No-hitters and Perfect Games are remarkable feats in baseball, a Perfect Game is considered the pinnacle for a pitcher. It means that not a single player from the opposing team managed to reach base, whether through hits, walks, or errors. Conversely, in a No-hitter, a player might reach base via a walk, an error, or even being hit by a pitch, as long as no hits are recorded.
Another distinction is in the frequency of occurrence. No-hitters, while rare, do happen with some regularity in Major League Baseball. However, Perfect Games are much rarer. This difference emphasizes the elevated challenge of achieving a Perfect Game over a No-hitter.
In summary, while both accomplishments highlight a pitcher's skill and dominance in a game, a Perfect Game elevates this dominance to an absolute level. Every pitch and every play must be flawless, making a Perfect Game one of the most esteemed achievements in baseball. On the other hand, a No-hitter, while still a significant achievement, allows for certain imperfections, such as walks or errors.

Comparison Chart

Hits Allowed

No hits allowed.
No hits allowed.

Players Reaching Base

Players might reach base via walks, errors, or hit by pitch.
No opposing player reaches base for any reason.


Relatively more frequent in MLB history.
Much rarer compared to No-hitters.

Level of Perfection

Allows for certain imperfections.
Absolute level of perfection in terms of players reaching base.

Team Achievement

Can be achieved by a team of pitchers.
Always achieved by a single pitcher.

Compare with Definitions


A game where opposing players get no hits.
The pitcher threw a No-hitter against the rival team.

Perfect Game

A 27-out masterpiece without imperfections.
The stadium erupted in cheers after the last out of the Perfect Game.


A pitching performance with zero hits recorded.
The team celebrated their first No-hitter of the season.

Perfect Game

The pinnacle of pitching performances.
The Perfect Game he threw is part of baseball legend.


A game showcasing pitching dominance over hitters.
Fans were thrilled by the unexpected No-hitter.

Perfect Game

A game with no hits, walks, errors, or hit by pitch.
Every pitch mattered in that unforgettable Perfect Game.


A game where hits are absent, but errors might occur.
Despite the error in the 7th inning, it was a No-hitter.

Perfect Game

An achievement indicating flawless pitching and defense.
Decades later, fans still talk about that iconic Perfect Game.


A baseball achievement preventing hits but not walks.
Even with a few walks, he secured a No-hitter.

Perfect Game

A baseball game with no player reaching base.
He pitched a Perfect Game, a crowning achievement for any pitcher.


A game in which one pitcher allows the opposing team no hits.


(baseball) A game in which no batter on one of the teams got a hit.
Not many pitchers can say they threw two no-hitters in their career.


A game in which a pitcher allows the opposing team no hits.


A game in which a pitcher allows the opposing team no hits

Common Curiosities

Is a Perfect Game also a No-hitter?

Yes, a Perfect Game is a type of No-hitter, but more stringent.

What does a No-hitter mean in baseball?

A No-hitter means the opposing team got no hits during the game.

How often do Perfect Games occur?

Perfect Games are extremely rare in Major League Baseball.

Can a pitcher give walks in a No-hitter?

Yes, walks are allowed in a No-hitter, but not in a Perfect Game.

Can multiple pitchers combine to throw a No-hitter?

Yes, a No-hitter can be a combined effort, but a Perfect Game is always by a single pitcher.

Can a No-hitter have errors?

Yes, errors can occur in a No-hitter as long as there are no hits.

How many outs does a pitcher get in a Perfect Game?

A pitcher gets 27 consecutive outs in a Perfect Game.

What makes a Perfect Game "perfect"?

No opposing player reaches base for any reason in a Perfect Game.

Can a pitcher hit a batter in a No-hitter?

Yes, a batter can be hit by a pitch in a No-hitter but not in a Perfect Game.

Are No-hitters and Perfect Games exclusive to MLB?

No, they can occur in any baseball league, but are most noted in MLB.

How do fans typically react to a Perfect Game?

With immense excitement, as it's one of the rarest feats in baseball.

Is a Perfect Game more prestigious than a No-hitter?

Yes, because a Perfect Game requires absolute perfection.

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Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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