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Northern Inuit vs. Husky — What's the Difference?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Published on December 1, 2023
Northern Inuits are a dog breed originally developed from Huskies and other breeds, while Huskies are a specific breed known for their sled-pulling abilities.
Northern Inuit vs. Husky — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Northern Inuit and Husky


Key Differences

The Northern Inuit dog is a relatively new breed, developed in the late 20th century in the UK. It was created by crossing Siberian Huskies, Alaskan Malamutes, and German Shepherds. Their origin stems from an attempt to create a dog breed that closely resembles the wolf in appearance. On the other hand, the Husky, particularly the Siberian Husky, has a much older origin, tracing its roots back to the indigenous Chukchi people of Siberia.
The Northern Inuit dog is often mistaken for wolves or wolf-dog hybrids because of their strikingly wolf-like appearance. They have a thick double coat, a straight tail, and almond-shaped eyes that can be of any color. In contrast, the Husky, while still bearing some resemblance to wolves, has a more distinct appearance with a variety of coat colors and often striking blue or heterochromic eyes.
In terms of temperament, Northern Inuits are known to be friendly, loyal, and intelligent, making them suitable for families. They are, however, also independent and can be a bit stubborn. Huskies, on the other hand, are known for their high energy levels, intelligence, and sometimes mischievous nature. They are also very friendly and usually get along well with both humans and other dogs.
When it comes to their role and purpose, Northern Inuits are primarily bred as companion animals. They aren't particularly known for any specific working role. Huskies, in contrast, have a long history as sled-pulling dogs, known for their endurance and strength in cold environments.
Lastly, while both breeds require a good amount of exercise and mental stimulation, Huskies, in particular, need a lot of physical activity. If not provided with enough exercise, both Northern Inuits and Huskies can become bored and potentially destructive.

Comparison Chart


Developed in the UK
Originated in Siberia

Typical Use

Primarily companion animals
Sled-pulling and companionship


Wolf-like appearance
Distinct coat colors and eyes


Friendly, loyal, can be stubborn
Energetic, friendly, mischievous

Exercise Requirement

Moderate to High

Compare with Definitions

Northern Inuit

A Northern Inuit is a dog breed developed in the UK to resemble wolves.
The Northern Inuit caught everyone's attention because of its wolf-like appearance.


Huskies originate from Siberia and were bred by the Chukchi people.
The cold weather didn't bother the Husky, a testament to its Siberian roots.

Northern Inuit

Northern Inuits result from crossbreeding Huskies, Malamutes, and German Shepherds.
Although the Northern Inuit has Husky ancestry, they have a distinct personality and look.


Huskies have a high energy level and require ample exercise.
If you don't provide enough activity, a Husky might turn your garden into a digging ground.

Northern Inuit

The breed is known for its thick double coat and almond-shaped eyes.
Grooming a Northern Inuit can be a task due to its dense fur.


A Husky is a medium-sized working dog breed.
The Husky pulled the sled with incredible strength and endurance.

Northern Inuit

Northern Inuits have a friendly yet independent temperament.
Training a Northern Inuit requires patience because of its independent streak.


Hoarse or rough in quality
A voice husky with emotion.

Northern Inuit

Northern Inuits are primarily bred as companion dogs.
Many families choose a Northern Inuit for their loyalty and friendly nature.


Resembling a husk.


Containing husks.


Strongly built; burly.


Heavily built
Clothing sizes for husky boys.


A husky person.


A dog of any of various compact, thick-coated Arctic breeds developed as sled dogs, especially the Siberian husky.


(of a voice) Hoarse and rough-sounding.


Burly, stout.


Abounding with husks; consisting of husks.


Any of several breeds of dogs used as sled dogs.


Abounding with husks; consisting of husks.


Rough in tone; harsh; hoarse; raucous; as, a husky voice.


Powerful; strong; burly.
A good, husky man to pitch in the barnyard.


An Eskimo.


The Eskimo language.


An Eskimo dog, especially a breed of strong heavy-coated dogs used to pull dogsleds in the Northern regions of North America.


Breed of heavy-coated Arctic sled dog


Muscular and heavily built;
A beefy wrestler
Had a tall burly frame
Clothing sizes for husky boys
A strapping boy of eighteen
`buirdly' is a Scottish term


Deep and harsh sounding as if from shouting or illness or emotion;
Gruff voices
The dog's gruff barking
Hoarse cries
Makes all the instruments sound powerful but husky


They are known for their distinctive blue or heterochromic eyes.
The child was fascinated by the Husky's striking blue eyes.


The breed has a thick double coat, making them well-suited for cold environments.
The Husky's dense coat shimmered as snowflakes settled upon it.

Common Curiosities

Where did Huskies originate?

Huskies originated in Siberia and were bred by the Chukchi people.

Are Northern Inuits good family dogs?

Yes, Northern Inuits are known to be friendly, loyal, and good with families.

What is the origin of the Northern Inuit?

The Northern Inuit originated in the UK in the late 20th century.

What is the primary purpose of breeding Huskies?

Historically, Huskies were bred for sled-pulling and as companion animals.

Do Huskies require a lot of exercise?

Yes, Huskies have a high energy level and need regular physical activity.

What kind of coat does a Northern Inuit have?

Northern Inuits have a thick double coat suitable for colder climates.

Is the Northern Inuit a type of Husky?

No, the Northern Inuit is a separate breed, although it has Husky ancestry.

Is the Northern Inuit's appearance similar to that of a wolf?

Yes, Northern Inuits were bred to resemble wolves closely.

Are Northern Inuits prone to any specific health issues?

Like all breeds, they have certain health concerns but are generally robust with proper care.

How do Huskies handle warm climates?

While Huskies can adapt, they are better suited for cooler environments due to their thick coat.

Do Huskies have a high prey drive?

Yes, Huskies have a strong prey drive and might chase after smaller animals.

Are Huskies good with other pets?

Generally, Huskies are friendly, but early socialization is crucial if living with other pets.

What colors can a Husky's eyes be?

Huskies can have blue, brown, green, amber, or heterochromic (two different colored) eyes.

Which is more wolf-like in appearance, the Northern Inuit or the Husky?

The Northern Inuit is specifically bred to have a more wolf-like appearance compared to the Husky.

How large do Northern Inuits typically grow?

Northern Inuits are medium to large-sized dogs, weighing between 55-110 pounds.

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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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