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Nylon Jacket vs. Polyester Jacket — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Published on November 2, 2023
Nylon jackets are known for strength and elasticity, whereas polyester jackets are popular for their chemical, wrinkle, and stain resistance. Both are synthetic materials.
Nylon Jacket vs. Polyester Jacket — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Nylon Jacket and Polyester Jacket


Key Differences

Nylon and polyester jackets are widely recognized in the textile industry, both being synthetic materials but with distinct characteristics. Nylon jackets typically offer more flexibility and are generally known for being durable and stretchable. On the other hand, polyester jackets are usually celebrated for their ability to resist wrinkles and maintain their shape over time.
In terms of moisture management, nylon jackets and polyester jackets show some differences as well. Nylon jackets tend to absorb more water than polyester, which may not be ideal in wet conditions. Conversely, polyester jackets are generally more hydrophobic, resisting water absorption, and consequently, they dry faster than nylon counterparts.
Considering environmental aspects, both nylon jackets and polyester jackets raise concerns but in different ways. Manufacturing nylon is notably energy-intensive and produces nitrous oxide, a greenhouse gas. Meanwhile, polyester, while less energy-intensive to produce, is made from petroleum, raising concerns about reliance on fossil fuels.
In the realm of comfort and feel, nylon jackets tend to have a softer and silkier feel as compared to polyester jackets. Polyester jackets, while also capable of providing comfort, sometimes might come off as slightly more rigid or stiff, depending on the weave and finish.
When discussing cost and affordability, nylon jackets tend to be a bit pricier due to their durability and the higher cost of production. Polyester jackets, however, tend to be more budget-friendly, providing a somewhat more economical option for those who are cost-conscious.

Comparison Chart

Material Origin

Synthetic polymer derived from petroleum.
Synthetic polymer derived from coal, air, water, and petroleum.


Softer, silkier feel.
Slightly rougher compared to nylon.

Moisture Management

Absorbs more water than polyester.
Wicks moisture away, dries quickly.


Strong, resistant to abrasion.
Resilient, tends to resist wrinkles and shrinkage.

Environmental Impact

Non-biodegradable; recycling is possible.
Non-biodegradable; often recycled from PET bottles.

UV Resistance

Less UV resistant; can weaken over time in direct sunlight.
More UV resistant compared to nylon.


Typically more expensive.
Generally more affordable.

Compare with Definitions

Nylon Jacket

Polyester jackets can be slightly rigid compared to their nylon counterparts.
Despite being a bit stiff, the polyester jacket offered excellent durability.

Nylon Jacket

Polyester jackets typically dry quickly due to their low water-absorption rate.
The light shower barely affected his polyester jacket, and it dried rapidly.

Nylon Jacket

Polyester jackets are often more affordable due to their cost-effective production.
She bought a stylish polyester jacket without straining her budget.

Nylon Jacket

A polyester jacket is a garment constructed from polyester, known for its wrinkle resistance.
He appreciated the polyester jacket as it remained smooth after travel.

Nylon Jacket

Polyester jackets are recognized for their ability to resist stains and spills effectively.
Her polyester jacket repelled the spilled juice effortlessly.

Common Curiosities

How do Nylon and Polyester Jackets compare in terms of environmental impact?

Nylon production is energy-intensive and emits nitrous oxide, while Polyester, derived from petroleum, involves using fossil fuels.

Can both Nylon Jackets and Polyester Jackets be used for outdoor activities?

Yes, both Nylon and Polyester Jackets can be used for outdoor activities, but they have different properties like water-resistance and breathability that might make one more suitable than the other depending on the specific activity.

Which jacket type, Nylon or Polyester, is typically lighter?

Polyester Jackets are usually lighter than Nylon Jackets, making them a popular choice for lightweight outerwear.

Can I find both Nylon and Polyester Jackets in various colors and styles?

Yes, Nylon and Polyester Jackets come in a wide range of colors and styles, catering to diverse tastes and preferences.

How does a Polyester Jacket handle moisture compared to a Nylon Jacket?

A Polyester Jacket typically resists and sheds water more effectively and dries faster compared to a Nylon Jacket which absorbs more moisture.

What is a Nylon Jacket made from?

A Nylon Jacket is made from nylon, a synthetic polymer, known for its strength and elasticity.

Which jacket type is generally more affordable, Nylon or Polyester?

Polyester Jackets are typically more affordable than Nylon Jackets due to lower production costs.

Are Nylon Jackets generally more stretchable than Polyester Jackets?

Yes, Nylon Jackets are typically more stretchable and flexible compared to Polyester Jackets.

Are there any allergenic concerns associated with Nylon or Polyester Jackets?

Allergies or skin sensitivities to Nylon and Polyester are rare but can occur; choose hypoallergenic options if available.

Do both Nylon and Polyester Jackets offer good insulation?

Both can provide insulation, but the insulation effectiveness is also largely determined by the jacket’s specific design and construction.

How do Nylon and Polyester Jackets compare in terms of durability?

Both Nylon and Polyester Jackets are durable, but Nylon is often considered superior due to its strength and elasticity.

How should I wash and care for Nylon and Polyester Jackets?

Both Nylon and Polyester Jackets can generally be machine washed, but always check the care label for specific instructions.

Can both Nylon and Polyester Jackets be recycled?

Yes, both Nylon and Polyester can be recycled, but the availability of recycling programs may vary by location.

Which type of jacket, Nylon or Polyester, is typically more resistant to UV degradation?

Polyester Jackets are generally more resistant to UV degradation compared to Nylon Jackets.

Can I use both Nylon and Polyester Jackets for layering in colder weather?

Yes, both Nylon and Polyester Jackets can be used for layering, but consider their breathability and insulation properties for optimal comfort.

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Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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