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Ocurr vs. Occur — Which is Correct Spelling?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Updated on March 26, 2024
"Ocurr" is an incorrect spelling. "Occur" is the correct spelling referring to an event that takes place or happens.
Ocurr vs. Occur — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Ocurr or Occur

How to spell Occur?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Double the "c" to make "occur" like doubling the effort for something to happen.
Link "occur" with "occulus" to remember the double "c."
Recall "occurrence" to remember the double "c" in "occur."
Envision "oc-cur" as two separate parts, emphasizing both c's.
Think: two "c's" are needed for an event to come to completion.

How Do You Spell Occur Correctly?

Incorrect: Mistakes like these ocurr often in the early stages of learning.
Correct: Mistakes like these occur often in the early stages of learning.
Incorrect: Events like these don't just ocurr; they're planned.
Correct: Events like these don't just occur; they're planned.
Incorrect: How often do earthquakes ocurr in this area?
Correct: How often do earthquakes occur in this area?
Incorrect: Did it ever ocurr to you to ask for help?
Correct: Did it ever occur to you to ask for help?
Incorrect: The accident will ocurr at the intersection.
Correct: The accident will occur at the intersection.

Occur Definitions

Occur denotes presenting itself, especially at a specific frequency.
The word occurs frequently in the text.
Occur signifies being found in a particular situation or place.
The mineral occurs naturally in the region.
Occur can refer to coming into one's mind.
The idea occurred to her suddenly.
To take place; come about.
To be found to exist or appear
Copper deposits occur in the region.
To come to mind
The idea never occurred to me.
(intransitive) To happen or take place.
The liftoff will occur in exactly twelve seconds.
(intransitive) To present or offer itself.
I will write if the opportunity occurs.
(impersonal) To come or be presented to the mind; to suggest itself.
To be present or found.
The chemical monofluoroacetate occurs in all parts of Dichapetalum cymosum, and is responsible for its toxic effects.
To meet; to clash.
The resistance of the bodies they occur with.
To go in order to meet; to make reply.
I must occur to one specious objection.
To meet one's eye; to be found or met with; to present itself; to appear.
In Scripture, though the word heir occur, yet there is no such thing as "heir" in our author's sense.
To happen; to take place; as, I will write if opportunity occurs.
To come to the mind; to arise in the mind; to suggest itself; to be presented to the imagination or memory; - of an idea or thought; as, it never occurred to me to call John to ask.
There doth not occur to me any use of this experiment for profit.
Come to pass;
What is happening?
The meeting took place off without an incidence
Nothing occurred that seemed important
Come to one's mind; suggest itself;
It occurred to me that we should hire another secretary
A great idea then came to her
To be found to exist;
Sexism occurs in many workplaces
Precious stones occur in a large area in Brazil
Occur means to take place or happen.
The accident occurred at the intersection.
Occur implies becoming evident or apparent.
A problem occurred during the experiment.

Occur Meaning in a Sentence

It didn't occur to me that I might need an umbrella today.
How do such mistakes occur in the manufacturing process?
Rare events occur more often than you think.
When did the idea first occur to you?
It can occur to anyone to check the time during a long meeting.
It will occur to her eventually that she was wrong.
Changes in weather patterns occur due to various factors.
Stars seem to twinkle more when special events occur.
Why do misunderstandings occur between friends?
Natural disasters occur without warning.
Breakthroughs in science occur after many experiments.
Surprises occur when planning is overlooked.
Accidents occur when people are not paying attention.
Innovations occur when people think outside the box.
Meetings often occur to discuss important matters.
Joyful events occur when people come together.
Misunderstandings occur when communication is unclear.
Sometimes, realizations occur after it's too late.
Creative ideas often occur in the shower.
The best solutions occur when you least expect them.
New species of plants occur in the wildest places.
Phenomena that occur in nature can be breathtaking.
It might occur to you later why the decision was made.
Historical events occur that change the course of history.
Beautiful moments occur amidst chaos.

Occur Idioms & Phrases

Occur in waves

Happen repeatedly in cycles.
The attacks occurred in waves, each more intense than the last.

Let it occur

Allow something to happen naturally.
Instead of forcing a decision, let it occur organically.

Common Curiosities

What is the pronunciation of Occur?


Why is it called Occur?

It derives from Latin "occurrere," meaning "to run to meet, to present oneself."

What is the plural form of Occur?

Verbs don't have plural forms.

Which preposition is used with Occur?

"To" as in "occur to someone" or "in" as in "occur in a place."

What is the verb form of Occur?

"Occur" itself is a verb.

What is the root word of Occur?

The Latin word "occurrere."

Which vowel is used before Occur?

The vowel "a" as in "an occurrence."

Is Occur a noun or adjective?

It's a verb.

Which conjunction is used with Occur?

Any conjunction can be used depending on the context.

What is the singular form of Occur?

"Occur" itself is singular.

Is Occur an adverb?


Is Occur an abstract noun?

No, but "occurrence" is.

Is the word Occur a gerund?

No, but "occurring" is.

What part of speech is Occur?


What is another term for Occur?


Is Occur a collective noun?


Is the Occur term a metaphor?

Not inherently, but can be used metaphorically.

Is the word “Occur” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

Neither, "occur" is a verb. However, its related noun form can be used as an object.

How do we divide Occur into syllables?


What is a stressed syllable in Occur?

The second syllable, "cur."

Which article is used with Occur?

"An" if using a noun form like "an occurrence."

Is Occur a vowel or consonant?

"Occur" is a word made up of both vowels and consonants.

How many syllables are in Occur?


Which determiner is used with Occur?

Determiners aren't typically used directly with "occur."

What is the first form of Occur?


What is the third form of Occur?


Is Occur a negative or positive word?


Is Occur a countable noun?

"Occur" is not a noun.

What is the opposite of Occur?

Avoid or prevent, contextually.

How is Occur used in a sentence?

"Mistakes can occur in any process."

Is the word Occur imperative?


What is the second form of Occur?


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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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