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Offeror vs. Offerer — Which is Correct Spelling?

Offeror vs. Offerer — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Offeror or Offerer

How to spell Offeror?


Correct Spelling


Incorrect Spelling

Offeror Definitions

To present for acceptance or rejection; proffer
Offered me a drink.
To put forward for consideration; propose
Offer an opinion.
To present in order to meet a need or satisfy a requirement
Offered new statistics in order to facilitate the decision-making process.
To present as an act of worship
Offer a prayer.
To propose as payment; bid
Offered only half what I was asking for the car.
To make available; afford
The situation offers us the opportunity to learn more.
To present for sale
Those boots are being offered at half price.
To provide; furnish
A hotel that offers conference facilities.
To exhibit readiness or desire (to do something); volunteer
Offered to carry the packages.
To engage in; put up
Partisans who offered strong resistance to the invaders.
To threaten
Offered to leave without them if they didn't hurry.
To produce or introduce on the stage
The repertory group is offering two new plays this season.
To present an offering in worship or devotion.
To make an offer or proposal, especially of marriage.
To present itself
"This plan was dropped, because of its risk, and because a better offered" (T.E. Lawrence).
(Baseball) To swing at a pitch. Used of a batter.
The act of offering
An offer of assistance.
Something, such as a suggestion, proposal, bid, or recommendation, that is offered
Did you accept his offer for the car?.
(Law) A proposal that if accepted constitutes a legally binding contract.
The condition of being offered, especially for sale
Thousands of bushels of wheat on offer.
One who makes an offer to another.
A unilateral contract consists of a promise on the part of the offeror and performance of the requisite terms by the offeree.
Acceptance of the offer terminates the power of revocation that the offeror ordinarily has.
Someone who presents something to another for acceptance or rejection.
Someone who presents something to another for acceptance or rejection

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