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Older vs. Young — What's the Difference?

By Maham Liaqat & Fiza Rafique — Updated on May 2, 2024
"Older" refers to a comparative state of having more age or being more advanced in life, while "young" describes a state of early life stages, often associated with youth and inexperience.
Older vs. Young — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Older and Young


Key Differences

The term "older" is used to describe individuals, objects, or concepts that have existed for a relatively longer period. On the other hand, "young" applies to those in the early stages of life or existence, implying freshness, newness, or a lack of maturity.
"Older" often carries connotations of experience, wisdom, and sometimes obsolescence in the case of objects, whereas "young" suggests vigor, innovation, and potential for growth.
In societal contexts, older individuals might be respected for their experience and knowledge, while young people are often celebrated for their energy and adaptability.
In biology, "older" organisms are closer to the latter stages of their life cycles, experiencing declines in physical and sometimes cognitive functions, whereas young organisms are growing, developing, and generally increasing in complexity and capability.
In technology, older models are usually those that have been superseded by more recent developments, suggesting they may lack the latest features or efficiencies. Conversely, young technologies are at the cutting edge, often pushing the boundaries of what's possible and innovating the field.

Comparison Chart


Having lived or existed long
Being in the early stages of life


Experience, wisdom, possibly decline
Vigor, potential, lack of experience

Social Role

Often respected for knowledge
Celebrated for energy and adaptability


Near later stages of life cycle
Growing and developing


Superseded by newer models
Cutting-edge and innovative

Compare with Definitions


Pertaining to earlier times or former styles.
Older architecture often features more ornate designs.


Being in an early period of life or development.
Young children are very curious about their surroundings.


More advanced in terms of age or experience.
She sought advice from her older colleagues.


Having qualities associated with youth, like energy and enthusiasm.
His young spirit keeps the office lively.


Having more years of life or existence.
My older brother is five years my senior.


Having lived or existed for only a short time
A young girl
Young tender mint leaves
The young are amazingly resilient


Having lived or existed for a relatively long time; far advanced in years or life.


Used to denote the younger of two people of the same name
Pitt the Younger


Relatively advanced in age
Pamela is our oldest child.


Offspring, especially of an animal before or soon after birth
Many grebes carry their young on their backs


Made long ago; in existence for many years
An old book.


Being in an early period of life, development, or growth.


Of or relating to a long life or to people who have had long lives
A ripe old age.


Newly begun or formed; not advanced
A young biotech company.


Having or exhibiting the physical characteristics of age
A prematurely old face.


Relating to, typical of, or suggestive of youth or early life
He is young for his age.


Having or exhibiting the wisdom of age; mature
A child who is old for his years.


Lacking experience; immature
A young hand at plowing.


Having lived or existed for a specified length of time
She was 12 years old.


Being the junior of two people having the same name.


Exhibiting the effects of time or long use; worn
An old coat.


(Geology) Being of an early stage in a geologic cycle. Used of bodies of water and land formations.


Known through long acquaintance; long familiar
An old friend.


Young persons considered as a group; youth
Entertainment for the young.


Skilled or able through long experience; practiced
He is an old hand at doing home repairs.


Offspring; brood
A lioness with her young.


Belonging to a remote or former period in history; ancient
Old fossils.


In the early part of growth or life; born not long ago.
A lamb is a young sheep;
These picture books are for young readers


Belonging to or being of an earlier time
Her old classmates.


At an early stage of existence or development; having recently come into existence.
The age of space travel is still young;
A young business


Often Old Being the earlier or earliest of two or more related objects, stages, versions, or periods.


(Not) advanced in age; (far towards or) at a specified stage of existence or age.
How young is your dog?
Her grandmother turned 70 years young last month.


Having become slower in flow and less vigorous in action. Used of a river.


Junior (of two related people with the same name).


Having become simpler in form and of lower relief. Used of a landform.


(of a decade of life) Early.


Used as an intensive
Come back any old time. Don't give me any ol' excuse.


Youthful; having the look or qualities of a young person.
My grandmother is a very active woman and is quite young for her age.


Used to express affection or familiarity
Good ol' Sam.


Of or belonging to the early part of life.
The cynical world soon shattered my young dreams.


An individual of a specified age
A five-year-old.


(obsolete) Having little experience; inexperienced; unpracticed; ignorant; weak.


Old people considered as a group. Used with the
Caring for the old.


(often as if a plural noun) Offspring, especially the immature offspring of animals.
The lion caught a gnu to feed its young.
The lion's young are curious about the world around them.


Former times; yore
In days of old.


To become or seem to become younger.


, elder, senior
My older brother and I are Catholic twins. He’s older by eleven months, not quite a year older than me.


To cause to appear younger.


The thoughtful lad helped an older lady across the street.


(geology) To exhibit younging.


Advanced in years; (`aged' is pronounced as two syllables);
Aged members of the society
Elderly residents could remember the construction of the first skyscraper
Senior citizen


Not long born; still in the first part of life; not yet arrived at adolescence, maturity, or age; not old; juvenile; - said of animals; as, a young child; a young man; a young fawn.
For he so young and tender was of age.
"Whom the gods love, die young," has been too long carelessly said; . . . whom the gods love, live young forever.


Older brother or sister;
Big sister


Being in the first part, pr period, of growth; as, a young plant; a young tree.
While the fears of the people were young.


Used of the older of two persons of the same name especially used to distinguish a father from his son;
Bill Adams, Sr.


Having little experience; inexperienced; unpracticed; ignorant; weak.
Come, come, elder brother, you are too young in this.


Old in experience;
An old offender
The older soldiers


The offspring of animals, either a single animal or offspring collectively.
[The egg] bursting with kindly rupture, forth disclosedTheir callow young.


Being senior or higher in order.
The older model of the car lacks modern features.


Any immature animal


Used to describe antiques or things from a past era.
Older furniture can add a classic touch to your home.


United States film and television actress (1913-2000)


United States civil rights leader (1921-1971)


British physicist and Egyptologist; he revived the wave theory of light and proposed a three-component theory of color vision; he also played an important role in deciphering the hieroglyphics on the Rosetta Stone (1773-1829)


United States jazz tenor saxophonist (1909-1959)


English poet (1683-1765)


United States baseball player and famous pitcher (1867-1955)


United States religious leader of the Mormon Church after the assassination of Joseph Smith; he led the Mormon exodus from Illinois to Salt Lake City, Utah (1801-1877)


Young people collectively;
Rock music appeals to the young
Youth everywhere rises in revolt


(used of living things especially persons) in an early period of life or development or growth;
Young people


(of crops) harvested at an early stage of development; before complete maturity;
New potatoes
Young corn


Relatively new or fresh.
The paint on the house is still young.


Lacking experience; naive.
As a young manager, she had much to learn.


Pertaining to the younger members of society.
Young voters tend to favor more progressive policies.

Common Curiosities

What does "older" mean?

"Older" refers to having more age or existence, often implying greater experience or maturity.

How does society view older individuals versus young?

Society often respects older individuals for their wisdom, while young people are admired for their vitality and adaptability.

How do "older" and "young" relate to the workplace?

In the workplace, older employees may bring experience and stability, while young employees can offer fresh perspectives and energy.

What is the biological difference between older and young organisms?

Older organisms are generally in the declining phase of their life cycle, while young ones are developing and growing.

What defines "young"?

"Young" describes being in the early stages of life or development, associated with growth and potential.

How do older and young technologies differ?

Older technologies are typically outdated, having been replaced by newer, more efficient ones, while young technologies are innovative and at the forefront of the field.

What are the advantages of being older?

Being older often comes with more life experience, wisdom, and a deeper understanding of the world.

Is "older" always better in terms of products?

Not necessarily; while older products may be more reliable due to known qualities, newer products often offer improved features and efficiencies.

Can "older" and "young" apply to objects as well as people?

Yes, these terms can describe the age or state of objects, like cars, technologies, or buildings.

What are the benefits of being young?

Being young typically involves having more energy, potential for learning, and adaptability to change.

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Written by
Maham Liaqat
Co-written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.

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