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Omiting vs. Omitting — Which is Correct Spelling?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Updated on March 29, 2024
"Omiting" is an incorrect spelling; "Omitting" is the correct spelling, signifying leaving something out or excluding it.
Omiting vs. Omitting — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Omiting or Omitting

How to spell Omitting?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

English verbs ending in a single consonant preceded by a single vowel often double the consonant before adding "-ing."
Consider "Omit" as having a little tail, which is the second 't', before it gets its '-ing'.
Think of "mitt," which has two 't's, to remember the double 't' in "Omitting."
Recall the phrase, "Don't omit the second 't' in omitting!"
Picture an image of a hand omitting or skipping over the second 't' as a way to remember it needs to be there.

How Do You Spell Omitting Correctly?

Incorrect: He was accused of omiting important details from the report.
Correct: He was accused of omitting important details from the report.
Incorrect: The article was criticized for omiting several key facts.
Correct: The article was criticized for omitting several key facts.
Incorrect: They ended up omiting the scene for time constraints.
Correct: They ended up omitting the scene for time constraints.
Incorrect: She considered omiting the chapter that wasn't relevant.
Correct: She considered omitting the chapter that wasn't relevant.
Incorrect: By omiting that step, you risk ruining the entire process.
Correct: By omitting that step, you risk ruining the entire process.

Omitting Definitions

Skipping or bypassing in a sequence or order.
Omitting several steps, he still managed to assemble the furniture.
Excluding or disregarding intentionally.
She was upset about omitting her name from the list.
Leaving out or not including something.
He finished the story, omitting the minor details.
Neglecting or failing to consider or include.
The report was criticized for omitting important data.
Ceasing or stopping from mentioning or expressing.
He apologized for omitting his gratitude in the speech.
To fail to include or mention; leave out
Omitted an important detail from the report.
To fail or neglect to do (something)
Omitted his daily walk during our visit.
To fail or neglect (to do something)
I omitted to mention that I don't eat meat.
Present participle of omit
An act of omission.

Omitting Meaning in a Sentence

He apologized for omitting her name from the acknowledgments.
By omitting unnecessary details, the author made the story more powerful.
Omitting that ingredient changes the flavor of the dish entirely.
The film was criticized for omitting historical events for the sake of drama.
He chose to write a concise email, omitting unnecessary pleasantries.
The editor recommended omitting the redundant paragraphs to shorten the article.
They risked omitting critical information by not consulting all sources.
The presentation was effective because it focused on key points, omitting minor details.
In his hurry, he ended up omitting an important step in the procedure.
Omitting the introduction can confuse readers unfamiliar with the topic.
The teacher noticed the student omitting answers to the hardest questions.
The recipe suggests omitting salt if you're watching your sodium intake.
Omitting data from the analysis can lead to inaccurate conclusions.
By omitting the background music, the scene became more impactful.
Omitting the safety briefing in such situations can be dangerous.
She was careful in omitting sensitive information from the public report.
Omitting the preface made the book start more abruptly, but it captured attention immediately.
The documentary was praised for not omitting the challenging aspects of the subject's life.
When updating the document, ensure you're not omitting any recent developments.
She debated omitting her middle name from the new passport.
The guideline suggests omitting personal opinions to maintain objectivity.
He felt that omitting the truth was as bad as lying.
Omitting those scenes made the movie suitable for a younger audience.
The software update was delayed due to omitting a critical bug fix.
Omitting the flour resulted in a much denser cake.

Omitting Idioms & Phrases

Omitting for clarity

Removing parts to make something clearer.
By omitting technical jargon, the manual became much easier to understand.

Omitting for brevity

Excluding details to make something shorter.
I'm omitting some of the examples for brevity in my presentation.

Omitting the truth

Leaving out important facts intentionally.
He was guilty of omitting the truth to protect his friend.

Omitting by mistake

Accidentally leaving something out.
She apologized for omitting his name by mistake in the invitation list.

Omitting on purpose

Deliberately not including something.
She was omitting on purpose the fact that she had prior knowledge of the matter.

Omitting details

Not including specific information.
The report was vague, omitting crucial details about the incident.

Omitting for effect

Intentionally leaving something out for a dramatic or specific impact.
The playwright was skilled at omitting for effect, making the audience fill in the gaps.

Omitting without losing essence

Leaving out parts without changing the core message.
The edited speech was shorter, omitting some anecdotes without losing its essence.

Omitting as a strategy

Strategically deciding not to include certain elements.
Omitting specific financial details was a strategy to avoid early criticism.

Omitting to simplify

Excluding information to make something simpler.
The teacher suggested omitting complex equations to simplify the lesson.

Common Curiosities

Which vowel is used before Omitting?

Context is required. Typically, there's no specific vowel before "Omitting."

What is the root word of Omitting?

The root word is "Omit."

Why is it called Omitting?

It is called "Omitting" because it describes the action of leaving out or excluding something.

What is the singular form of Omitting?

"Omitting" is a verb form and doesn't have a singular or plural form in the traditional sense.

Which conjunction is used with Omitting?

Any conjunction can be used based on the sentence structure.

Which preposition is used with Omitting?

Various prepositions can be used, such as "from" or "in," depending on the context.

Is Omitting an adverb?

No, "Omitting" is not an adverb.

What is the plural form of Omitting?

Again, "Omitting" is a verb form, so it doesn't have a plural.

What is the verb form of Omitting?

The base verb form is "Omit."

What is the pronunciation of Omitting?

It is pronounced as /oʊˈmɪtɪŋ/.

Which article is used with Omitting?

"The" can be used when referring to the act of omitting, but it depends on the context.

Is Omitting a vowel or consonant?

"Omitting" is a word, not a single letter, so it contains both vowels and consonants.

Is Omitting a countable noun?

When used as a gerund, it is uncountable.

Which determiner is used with Omitting?

Determiners like "the," "this," or "that" can be used based on context.

Is Omitting a negative or positive word?

It is neutral but can be perceived as negative depending on the context.

Is Omitting a collective noun?

No, it is not a collective noun.

Is Omitting an abstract noun?

When used as a gerund (the act of omitting), it can be considered an abstract noun.

Is the word Omitting is imperative?

No, "Omitting" is a gerund or present participle form of the verb. However, "Omit!" would be imperative.

Is the word Omitting is Gerund?

Yes, "Omitting" can be a gerund.

Is the word “Omitting” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

"Omitting" can serve as a direct object depending on its usage in a sentence.

How do we divide Omitting into syllables?

It is divided as O-mit-ting.

What is another term for Omitting?

Another term for omitting is "excluding."

What is the opposite of Omitting?

The opposite of omitting is "including."

What is the first form of Omitting?

The first form is "Omit."

What is the third form of Omitting?

The third form is also "Omitted."

Is the Omitting term a metaphor?

Not inherently, but it can be used metaphorically in certain contexts.

How many syllables are in Omitting?

There are three syllables in "Omitting."

What is a stressed syllable in Omitting?

The stressed syllable is "mit."

What is the second form of Omitting?

The second form is "Omitted."

Is Omitting a noun or adjective?

"Omitting" is primarily a verb, but it can also be used as a noun (gerund) referring to the act of omission.

What part of speech is Omitting?

"Omitting" is primarily a verb (present participle) but can also be a noun (gerund).

How is Omitting used in a sentence?

Example: "She completed the report, omitting the unnecessary details."

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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