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Open Chain Hydrocarbons vs. Closed Chain Hydrocarbons — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Published on January 5, 2024
Open chain hydrocarbons have a linear or branched structure without forming a ring, while closed chain hydrocarbons form a ring structure, either aromatic or non-aromatic.
Open Chain Hydrocarbons vs. Closed Chain Hydrocarbons — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Open Chain Hydrocarbons and Closed Chain Hydrocarbons


Key Differences

Open chain hydrocarbons, also known as aliphatic hydrocarbons, consist of carbon atoms linked in a straight or branched chain. Closed chain hydrocarbons, known as cyclic hydrocarbons, have their carbon atoms connected in a loop or ring formation.
Open chain hydrocarbons can be subdivided into saturated (alkanes) and unsaturated (alkenes and alkynes) based on the presence of double or triple bonds. Closed chain hydrocarbons include aromatic hydrocarbons like benzene and non-aromatic cyclic compounds.
The chemical properties of open chain hydrocarbons are determined by the type of bonding and structure (linear or branched). Closed chain hydrocarbons exhibit properties influenced by ring stability and aromaticity.
In terms of reactivity, open chain hydrocarbons can undergo addition reactions, especially unsaturated ones. Closed chain hydrocarbons, particularly aromatic ones, are characterized by substitution reactions due to the stability of the ring.
Open chain hydrocarbons are found in natural gas and oils and are used as fuels and chemical feedstock. Closed chain hydrocarbons are integral in the production of plastics, dyes, and pharmaceuticals.

Comparison Chart


Linear or branched chains
Ring formations


Alkanes, alkenes, alkynes
Aromatic and non-aromatic cyclic compounds

Chemical Properties

Determined by bonding and chain structure
Influenced by ring stability and aromaticity

Typical Reactions

Addition reactions (unsaturated)
Substitution reactions (aromatic)


Fuels, chemical feedstock
Plastics, dyes, pharmaceuticals

Compare with Definitions

Open Chain Hydrocarbons

Exhibits properties based on chain length and type.
Open chain hydrocarbons with longer chains are used in diesel fuels.

Closed Chain Hydrocarbons

Includes aromatic and non-aromatic types.
Napthalene, an aromatic closed chain hydrocarbon, is used in mothballs.

Open Chain Hydrocarbons

Hydrocarbons with linear or branched structures.
Ethane, a simple open chain hydrocarbon, is used in heating.

Closed Chain Hydrocarbons

Hydrocarbons forming a ring structure.
Benzene, a simple closed chain hydrocarbon, is used in making plastics.

Open Chain Hydrocarbons

Common in natural gas and oil.
Open chain hydrocarbons like hexane are extracted from crude oil.

Closed Chain Hydrocarbons

Exhibits stability due to ring formation.
Closed chain hydrocarbons are often used in synthetic organic chemistry.

Open Chain Hydrocarbons

Does not form a closed ring.
Pentane, a common open chain hydrocarbon, is found in natural gas.

Closed Chain Hydrocarbons

Integral in the production of dyes and pharmaceuticals.
Many closed chain hydrocarbons are precursors for drug synthesis.

Open Chain Hydrocarbons

Can be saturated (alkanes) or unsaturated (alkenes/alkynes).
Butene, an unsaturated open chain hydrocarbon, is used in polymer production.

Closed Chain Hydrocarbons

Characterized by substitution reactions.
Toluene, a derivative of benzene, undergoes various substitution reactions.

Common Curiosities

What are examples of aromatic closed chain hydrocarbons?

Benzene and napthalene are common examples.

Can open chain hydrocarbons be saturated?

Yes, alkanes are saturated open chain hydrocarbons.

Are open chain hydrocarbons found in natural gas?

Yes, they are major components of natural gas.

Are closed chain hydrocarbons more stable than open chain ones?

Yes, especially aromatic closed chain hydrocarbons due to ring stability.

How are closed chain hydrocarbons used in industry?

They are used in making plastics, dyes, and pharmaceuticals.

Is propane an open chain hydrocarbon?

Yes, propane is a saturated open chain hydrocarbon.

Are all closed chain hydrocarbons aromatic?

No, there are also non-aromatic closed chain hydrocarbons.

How do chain length and structure affect open chain hydrocarbons?

They influence their chemical properties and applications.

What are open chain hydrocarbons?

Hydrocarbons with linear or branched structures without forming a ring.

What defines closed chain hydrocarbons?

Hydrocarbons with carbon atoms forming a ring structure.

What type of reactions do open chain hydrocarbons undergo?

They can undergo addition reactions, especially the unsaturated ones.

Do closed chain hydrocarbons have substitution reactions?

Aromatic closed chain hydrocarbons typically undergo substitution reactions.

What is the use of butene, an open chain hydrocarbon?

It's used in the production of polymers and fuels.

Are open chain hydrocarbons versatile in chemical synthesis?

Yes, they are fundamental in a wide range of chemical synthesis processes.

Can closed chain hydrocarbons be part of complex molecules?

Yes, they often form the core structure of complex organic compounds.

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Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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