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Operating System vs. Application Software — What's the Difference?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Published on December 31, 2023
An Operating System manages hardware and system resources, while Application Software executes specific tasks or functions on top of the OS.
Operating System vs. Application Software — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Operating System and Application Software


Key Differences

An Operating System (OS) serves as the backbone of a computer, managing both hardware components and system resources. On the other hand, Application Software is built on top of the OS to perform distinct, user-oriented tasks.
While the Operating System acts as an intermediary between software applications and computer hardware, ensuring smooth execution, the Application Software focuses on providing users with functionalities such as word processing, data analysis, or graphic design.
Operating Systems like Windows, macOS, and Linux offer a foundational environment for application software to run. Conversely, Application Software, like Microsoft Word or Adobe Photoshop, operates within this environment, providing specialized features to the user.
Essential tasks like memory management, task scheduling, and file management are taken care of by the Operating System. Meanwhile, Application Software leverages these system services to bring the end-user an interactive interface for specific tasks.
A device's performance, security, and user interface largely depend on its Operating System. However, the utility, efficiency, and functionality perceived by the user predominantly come from the Application Software they employ.

Comparison Chart

Primary Function

Manages hardware and system resources.
Executes specific user tasks or functions.


Windows, Linux, macOS.
Microsoft Word, Adobe Photoshop, Excel.


Foundational for software.
Relies on an OS to run.


Multi-user, distributed, embedded.
Word processors, graphics software, databases.

Interactivity with Hardware

Direct interaction with hardware.
Interacts with hardware through the OS.

Compare with Definitions

Operating System

Ensures other software can function on the machine.
The Linux Operating System supports numerous applications.

Application Software

Offers specialized functionalities.
Database management is easier with Application Software like MySQL.

Operating System

Manages files, processes, and system security.
The new Operating System update offers enhanced security features.

Application Software

Runs atop an Operating System.
This gaming Application Software requires Windows 10 or higher.

Operating System

Software that manages computer hardware.
Windows is a widely-used Operating System.

Application Software

Tools that fulfill specific computing needs.
Adobe Illustrator is Application Software for graphic design.

Operating System

Provides a user interface and controls computer tasks.
MacOS is Apple's proprietary Operating System.

Application Software

Can be standalone or require internet access.
Zoom is Application Software that facilitates online meetings.

Operating System

Acts as an intermediary between users and computer hardware.
The Operating System allocates memory as required.

Application Software

Programs designed for end-users.
Microsoft Excel is a powerful Application Software for spreadsheet tasks.

Common Curiosities

What's the difference between system software and Application Software?

System software (including the Operating System) manages hardware and provides services for software, while Application Software serves specific user tasks.

Do video games count as Application Software?

Yes, video games are a type of Application Software.

Which Operating System is used in iPhones?

iPhones use the iOS Operating System.

Is Microsoft Word an Operating System?

No, Microsoft Word is Application Software designed for word processing.

Can Application Software run without an Operating System?

No, Application Software requires an Operating System to function.

Are mobile apps considered Application Software?

Yes, mobile apps are a type of Application Software tailored for smartphones.

Can I install macOS on any computer?

macOS is designed for Apple hardware, but with modifications, some tech enthusiasts install it on non-Apple machines, termed "Hackintosh."

What's an example of cloud-based Application Software?

Google Docs is a cloud-based Application Software for document creation and editing.

What's the main role of an Operating System?

An Operating System manages computer hardware and provides services for Application Software.

Can one device run multiple Operating Systems?

Yes, it's called "dual-booting" or "multi-booting," allowing a device to run multiple Operating Systems.

Can I run Application Software built for Windows on macOS?

Not directly, but software like virtual machines or compatibility layers can enable such tasks.

Does every electronic device have an Operating System?

Not every device, but most modern electronic devices like computers, smartphones, and tablets have an Operating System.

Is the web browser part of the Operating System?

No, a web browser is Application Software, but some OSs have them pre-installed.

Can the Operating System be upgraded on a device?

Yes, most modern Operating Systems provide options for upgrades or updates.

Which is more critical for performance: Operating System or Application Software?

Both play essential roles, but the Operating System has a broader impact on device performance.

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Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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