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Opthamology vs. Ophthalmology — Which is Correct Spelling?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Updated on April 1, 2024
"Opthamology" is an incorrect spelling. The correct spelling is "ophthalmology," which refers to the study and treatment of eye disorders.
Opthamology vs. Ophthalmology — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Opthamology or Ophthalmology

How to spell Ophthalmology?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Remember the silent "h" after the "p" in "ophthalmology."
Use mnemonic "OH! It's PHTHal" to remember the order.
Recall that "phth" is a rare combination, making it unique.
Associate "ophthalmology" with "optic" to recall the initial "op."
Think of "OPtimal eye Health" to remember the "ophth" in the beginning.

How Do You Spell Ophthalmology Correctly?

Incorrect: The opthamology department is on the third floor.
Correct: The ophthalmology department is on the third floor.
Incorrect: I'm interested in studying opthamology.
Correct: I'm interested in studying ophthalmology.
Incorrect: They are conducting research in opthamology to find a cure for glaucoma.
Correct: They are conducting research in ophthalmology to find a cure for glaucoma.
Incorrect: She visited the opthamology clinic for her eye exam.
Correct: She visited the ophthalmology clinic for her eye exam.
Incorrect: He specializes in opthamology, particularly in retinal diseases.
Correct: He specializes in ophthalmology, particularly in retinal diseases.

Ophthalmology Definitions

The medical specialty dealing with vision correction and eye disorders.
He's been an ophthalmology consultant for ten years.
The study of the structure, functions, and diseases of the eye.
Ophthalmology clinics have state-of-the-art equipment for eye exams.
The branch of medicine focused on eye diseases.
My interest in ophthalmology began when I started wearing glasses.
The realm of medicine concerning eye surgeries and treatments.
The advancements in ophthalmology have reduced the need for glasses.
The medical discipline concerning the eyes and vision.
She specialized in ophthalmology during her medical training.
Ophthalmology () is a branch of medicine and surgery that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of disorders of the eye. An ophthalmologist is a physician who specializes in ophthalmology.
The branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases and disorders of the eye.
(medicine) The anatomy, functions, pathology, and treatment of the eye.
The science which treats of the structure, functions, and diseases of the eye.
The branch of medicine concerned with the eye and its diseases

Ophthalmology Meaning in a Sentence

The history of ophthalmology dates back to ancient civilizations, which recognized the importance of eye health.
Ophthalmology involves the study and treatment of eye disorders and diseases.
Advances in ophthalmology have made cataract surgery safer and more effective.
Many medical schools offer specialized courses in ophthalmology.
Ophthalmology clinics often use cutting-edge technology to diagnose and treat eye conditions.
Ophthalmology conferences are held worldwide to discuss the latest advancements in eye care.
Ophthalmologists often work closely with optometrists and opticians to provide comprehensive eye care.
Pediatric ophthalmology focuses on the unique eye care needs of children.
A career in ophthalmology requires years of medical training and residency.
Advances in ophthalmology have significantly improved the quality of life for people with chronic eye conditions.
The field of ophthalmology has made significant progress in treating age-related macular degeneration.
Corneal transplantation is a complex procedure performed by specialists in ophthalmology.
Ophthalmology journals publish research on new treatments and surgical techniques.
The American Academy of Ophthalmology is a leading organization for eye care professionals.
Retinal imaging is an important diagnostic tool in ophthalmology.
The invention of the ophthalmoscope was a major milestone in the history of ophthalmology.
In ophthalmology, laser surgery has become a popular treatment for various eye diseases.
Glaucoma is a common topic of research in ophthalmology due to its potential to cause blindness.

Common Curiosities

Which vowel is used before ophthalmology?

There's no specific vowel always used before "ophthalmology"; it depends on the sentence.

Which preposition is used with ophthalmology?

"In" as in "specializing in ophthalmology."

What is the pronunciation of ophthalmology?

Ophthalmology is pronounced as /ɑfˈθæl.məˌlɑ.dʒi/.

Is ophthalmology an adverb?


Is ophthalmology an abstract noun?

No, it refers to a specific field of study.

Which article is used with ophthalmology?

Either "an" or "the" can be used depending on context.

Is ophthalmology a noun or adjective?

Ophthalmology is a noun.

Why is it called ophthalmology?

It's derived from the Greek words "ophthalmos" meaning "eye" and "-logia" meaning "study of."

What is the verb form of ophthalmology?

There isn't a direct verb form. However, "examine" can be used in the context of eye examinations.

What is the root word of ophthalmology?

The root word is "ophthalmos" from Greek, meaning "eye."

Which conjunction is used with ophthalmology?

Any conjunction can be used depending on context, e.g., "and," "but," "or."

Is ophthalmology a vowel or consonant?

"Ophthalmology" is a word, not a single letter.

Is ophthalmology a negative or positive word?


How do we divide ophthalmology into syllables?


What is the singular form of ophthalmology?

Ophthalmology is already in its singular form.

What is the plural form of ophthalmology?

The concept itself doesn't have a plural form, but related fields might be termed "ophthalmological specialties."

Is ophthalmology a countable noun?


Is the ophthalmology term a metaphor?

No, but it can be used metaphorically in certain contexts.

What is the first form of ophthalmology?

It's a noun, so it doesn't have verb forms.

Is the word ophthalmology imperative?


What part of speech is ophthalmology?


Which determiner is used with ophthalmology?

Determiners like "this," "that," "my," "his" can be used.

What is the stressed syllable in ophthalmology?

The third syllable, "mol."

What is the third form of ophthalmology?

Not applicable, as "ophthalmology" is a noun.

How is ophthalmology used in a sentence?

"She pursued a career in ophthalmology to help people with vision problems."

Is ophthalmology a collective noun?


How many syllables are in ophthalmology?

Five syllables.

What is another term for ophthalmology?

Eye medicine.

What is the opposite of ophthalmology?

There isn't a direct opposite, as it refers to a specific medical specialty.

What is the second form of ophthalmology?

Not applicable, as "ophthalmology" is a noun.

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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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