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Origional vs. Original — Which is Correct Spelling?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Updated on March 27, 2024
"Origional" is an incorrect spelling; "original" is correct, denoting something initial or authentic.
Origional vs. Original — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Origional or Original

How to spell Original?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Think: "The original spellings contain the word 'origin'."
Memorize the phrase: "Be original, don't add the extra 'o'."
Recall "origin" as the base of "original".
Visualize "original" with "gin" in the middle, like the drink.
Avoid the "e" sound after "origin".

How Do You Spell Original Correctly?

Incorrect: She has a very origional style of dressing.
Correct: She has a very original style of dressing.
Incorrect: I loved the origional painting more than the print.
Correct: I loved the original painting more than the print.
Incorrect: The origional version of the song is better.
Correct: The original version of the song is better.
Incorrect: The origional idea was to go to the beach.
Correct: The original idea was to go to the beach.

Original Definitions

"Original" denotes being created directly by an individual or artist.
He sang his original song.
Preceding all others in time; first
Who played the original Dracula?.
Not derived from something else; fresh and unusual
An original play, not an adaptation.
Showing a marked departure from previous practice; new
A truly original approach.
Productive of new things or new ideas; inventive
An original mind.
Being the source from which a copy, reproduction, or translation is made.
A first form or model from which others are made or developed
Later versions of the car retained key features of the original.
An authentic work of art
Bought an original, not a print.
A work that has been composed firsthand or used to make a copy, reproduction, or translation
Kept the original but sent a photocopy to his publisher.
A person with a creative or unusual personality.
A person who is appealingly odd or curious; a character.
(Archaic) The source from which something arises; an originator.
(not comparable) Relating to the origin or beginning; preceding all others.
The original state of mankind;
The original laws of a country;
The original inventor of a process
(not comparable) First in a series of copies or versions.
The original manuscript contained spelling errors which were fixed in later versions.
This recording is by the original broadway cast.
(not comparable) Newly created.
Tonight we will hear an original work by one of our best composers.
(comparable) Fresh, different.
The paper contains a number of original ideas about color perception.
(not comparable) Pioneering.
Parker was one of the original bebop players.
(not comparable) Having a specified place or time as its origin.
This kind of barbecue is original to North Carolina.
An object or other creation (e.g. narrative work) from which all later copies and variations are derived.
This manuscript is the original.
A person with a unique and interesting personality or creative talent.
(archaic) An eccentric person.
A newly designed garment released by a fashion designer as part of a collection.
A ridgeling.
Pertaining to the origin or beginning; preceding all others; first in order; primitive; primary; pristine; as, the original state of man; the original laws of a country; the original inventor of a process.
His form had yet not lostAll her original brightness.
Not copied, imitated, or translated; new; fresh; genuine; as, an original thought; an original process; the original text of Scripture.
Having the power to suggest new thoughts or combinations of thought; inventive; as, an original genius.
Before unused or unknown; new; as, a book full of original matter.
Origin; commencement; source.
It hath it original from much grief.
And spangled heavens, a shining frame,Their great Original proclaim.
That which precedes all others of its class; archetype; first copy; hence, an original work of art, manuscript, text, and the like, as distinguished from a copy, translation, etc.
The Scriptures may be now read in their own original.
An original thinker or writer; an originator.
Men who are bad at copying, yet are good originals.
A person of marked eccentricity.
The natural or wild species from which a domesticated or cultivated variety has been derived; as, the wolf is thought by some to be the original of the dog, the blackthorn the original of the plum.
An original creation (i.e., an audio recording) from which copies can be made
An original model on which something is patterned
Preceding all others in time or being as first made or performed;
The original inhabitants of the Americas
The book still has its original binding
Restored the house to its original condition
The original performance of the opera
The original cast
Retracted his original statement
(of e.g. information) not secondhand or by way of something intermediary;
His work is based on only original, not secondary, sources
Being or productive of something fresh and unusual; or being as first made or thought of;
A truly original approach
With original music
An original mind
Not derived or copied or translated from something else;
The play is original; not an adaptation
He kept the original copy and gave her only a xerox
The translation misses much of the subtlety of the original French
"Original" refers to the earliest form or version of something.
The original painting is in the museum.
"Original" describes something novel and innovative.
She had an original idea for the project.
"Original" means not copied or imitated.
Her style is truly original.
"Original" indicates the source from which copies arise.
Always keep the original document.

Original Meaning in a Sentence

The original flavor of the ice cream is still the best.
The original plan was to have a picnic, but it rained.
The painting is an original, not a copy.
The movie's original soundtrack became very popular.
She prefers the original book over the movie adaptation.
Her original artwork was displayed at the school exhibition.
The game's original design was much simpler.
He came up with an original idea for the science fair.
The original concept was altered to make it more practical.
The museum houses many original pieces from ancient times.
She has an original approach to solving problems.
The original character was written out of the script.
He always prefers original content over remixes.
The band's original members reunited for a concert.
They found the original manuscript in the attic.
The original recipe calls for fresh herbs.
They decided to stick to the original plan.
The original document is kept in a secure location.
She is known for her original sense of humor.
She won an award for originality in her poetry.
The software's original version had many bugs.
He restored the car to its original condition.
The original draft of the novel was much longer.
The original building was demolished and rebuilt.
His original ambition was to become an astronaut.

Original Idioms & Phrases

Lose the original intent

To deviate from the initial purpose or meaning.
The movie adaptation seemed to lose the original intent of the book.

Back to the original drawing board

Starting over again due to failure.
After the prototype failed, it was back to the original drawing board.

The original article

Something genuine or unique.
Her grandmother's necklace is the original article, not a replica.

In its original form

Something that remains unchanged from its initial state.
The document is more powerful when read in its original form.

Keep to the original path

To continue doing something in the way it was initially planned.
Despite the challenges, they kept to the original path laid out for the project.

Stick to the original

To follow the initial plan or idea without making changes.
Despite the feedback, they decided to stick to the original.

True to the original

Being faithful to the first or original source.
The cover band was praised for being true to the original songs they performed.

A return to the original

Going back to the way something was at the beginning.
The sequel was a return to the original, capturing the spirit of the first movie.

The original and best

A statement to declare something as the first and superior option.
This brand claims to be the original and best in their industry.

Original thinking

The process of creating new and innovative ideas.
The project requires original thinking, not just copying others.

Common Curiosities

What is the pronunciation of original?

Original is pronounced as "uh-RIJ-uh-nul".

What is the verb form of original?

The related verb form is "originate".

What is the root word of original?

The root word is "origin".

What is the singular form of original?

Original itself is the singular form.

Which vowel is used before original?

Typically, "an" is used before "original", but it depends on the context.

Why is it called original?

The term "original" is derived from "origin", indicating the starting point or first instance of something.

Which preposition is used with original?

Various prepositions can be used depending on context, such as "of", "from", or "in".

What is the plural form of original?

The plural form is "originals".

Which conjunction is used with original?

Any conjunction can be used based on the sentence, e.g., "and", "but", or "or".

Is original a collective noun?

No, original is not a collective noun.

Is the word original imperative?

No, original is not an imperative.

Is original a noun or adjective?

Original can be both a noun and an adjective.

What is another term for original?

Another term could be "authentic".

Is original a vowel or consonant?

Original is a word, not a single letter, so it contains both vowels and consonants.

How do we divide original into syllables?

Original is divided as o-rig-i-nal.

What part of speech is original?

Original can be an adjective or a noun.

Which article is used with original?

"An" is typically used before "original", but "the" can also be used depending on context.

Is original a countable noun?

Yes, e.g., "There are several originals in her collection."

How many syllables are in original?

Original has four syllables.

What is the first form of original?

Original doesn't have verb forms. As a noun or adjective, its form is "original".

Is original an abstract noun?

In contexts where it represents an idea or quality, yes, it can be an abstract noun.

Is the original term a metaphor?

Original itself isn't a metaphor, but it can be used metaphorically.

What is a stressed syllable in original?

The stressed syllable is "rig".

Is original an adverb?

No, original is not an adverb.

Is original a negative or positive word?

Original is generally neutral, but can be seen as positive when denoting creativity or authenticity.

What is the opposite of original?

The opposite could be "copy" or "imitation".

Which determiner is used with original?

Common determiners are "this", "that", "my", "their", etc., based on context.

What is the second form of original?.

The word "original" is primarily an adjective or noun and doesn't have verb forms like "first", "second", or "third" forms.

What is the third form of original?

"Original" doesn't have a third form as it's not a verb.

How is original used in a sentence?

"The original concept was far more ambitious than the final product."

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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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