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Oscar Award vs. Grammy Award — What's the Difference?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Published on November 14, 2023
The Oscar Award recognizes excellence in film, while the Grammy Award honors outstanding achievements in music.
Oscar Award vs. Grammy Award — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Oscar Award and Grammy Award


Key Differences

The Oscar Award and Grammy Award are prestigious accolades in their respective fields. The Oscar Award, officially named the Academy Award of Merit, is presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. It recognizes outstanding achievements in the film industry. On the other hand, the Grammy Award is bestowed by the Recording Academy. It honors outstanding achievements in the music industry.
In terms of their origins, both the Oscar Award and Grammy Award have rich histories. The Oscar Award was first presented in 1929, making it one of the oldest awards for achievements in film. The Grammy Award, meanwhile, was introduced in 1959, serving as a counterpart to the Oscar, but for music.
When it comes to the physical award itself, the Oscar Award is a golden statuette of a knight holding a crusader's sword, standing on a reel of film. The Grammy Award, in contrast, is a small gilded gramophone, representing the early days of music recording.
Both the Oscar Award and Grammy Award ceremonies are significant events in the entertainment calendar. The Oscar Award ceremony is a major event in the film industry, where actors, directors, producers, and other professionals gather to celebrate cinematic excellence. The Grammy Award ceremony, likewise, is a grand event in the music industry, attracting musicians, producers, and other professionals from various genres.
While both awards have numerous categories, the Oscar Award mainly focuses on aspects of filmmaking like Best Picture, Best Actor, and Best Director. The Grammy Award, however, has categories such as Album of the Year, Song of the Year, and Best New Artist.

Comparison Chart



First Introduced


Award Statuette

Knight with a sword
Gilded gramophone

Major Ceremony

Academy Awards ceremony
Grammy Awards ceremony

Key Categories

Best Picture, Best Actor
Album of the Year, Song of the Year

Compare with Definitions

Oscar Award

Oscar Awards are presented annually by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.
Many await the Oscar Award announcements with bated breath.

Grammy Award

Securing a Grammy Award is a significant accomplishment for a musician.
With a Grammy Award on his shelf, he felt validated.

Oscar Award

The Oscar Award ceremony is a major event in Hollywood.
The red carpet at the Oscar Award event was a spectacle.

Grammy Award

A Grammy Award is an honor for musical achievements.
His album's success was sealed with a Grammy Award.

Oscar Award

The Oscar Award honors cinematic achievements.
The director's innovative storytelling earned him an Oscar Award.

Grammy Award

The Grammy Award event attracts global musical talents.
The performances at the Grammy Award ceremony were electrifying.

Oscar Award

Winning an Oscar Award is a significant milestone in a filmmaker's career.
After receiving the Oscar Award, her offers doubled.

Grammy Award

The Grammy Award recognizes excellence in the music industry.
She was over the moon when she got nominated for a Grammy Award.

Oscar Award

The Oscar Award is a prestigious accolade in the film industry.
She dreamt of winning an Oscar Award since childhood.

Grammy Award

The Grammy Awards are given out annually by the Recording Academy.
Artists from all genres attend the Grammy Award ceremony.

Common Curiosities

When was the first Oscar Award presented?

The first Oscar Award was presented in 1929.

Who bestows the Grammy Award?

The Grammy Award is bestowed by the Recording Academy.

What is the Grammy Award?

The Grammy Award is an honor given for outstanding achievements in the music industry.

What does the Oscar Award statuette represent?

The Oscar Award statuette is a knight holding a crusader's sword, standing on a reel of film.

Which is older, the Oscar or the Grammy?

The Oscar Award is older, first presented in 1929, while the Grammy began in 1959.

What is the Oscar Award?

The Oscar Award, or Academy Award, is a prestigious accolade recognizing excellence in film.

When did the Grammy Award begin?

The Grammy Award was introduced in 1959.

Who presents the Oscar Award?

The Oscar Award is presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.

Is the Oscar Award only for American films?

No, while many categories focus on American cinema, there is also a category for Best International Feature Film.

Are there multiple categories in both awards?

Yes, both the Oscar Award and Grammy Award have numerous categories honoring various aspects of film and music respectively.

What does the Grammy Award statuette represent?

The Grammy Award statuette is a gilded gramophone.

Can an artist win both an Oscar Award and a Grammy Award?

Yes, some artists have won both, usually for their work in film soundtracks or original songs.

Where are the Oscar and Grammy ceremonies held?

While locations can vary, traditionally, the Oscar Award ceremony is held in Los Angeles and the Grammy Award ceremony has been held in various cities, including Los Angeles and New York.

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Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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