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Oxybenzone vs. Avobenzone — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Published on October 24, 2023
Oxybenzone and Avobenzone are both sunscreen agents; Oxybenzone absorbs primarily UVB rays, while Avobenzone focuses on UVA rays. Both help prevent sunburn but have different chemical structures and spectrums of protection.
Oxybenzone vs. Avobenzone — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Oxybenzone and Avobenzone


Key Differences

Chemical Nature: Oxybenzone is an organic compound that primarily provides protection against UVB radiation. On the other hand, Avobenzone is also an organic compound but is designed to offer protection against UVA radiation.
Usage in Sunscreens: Both Oxybenzone and Avobenzone are utilized in sunscreen formulations. Oxybenzone is often found in broader spectrum sunscreens as it complements other agents that protect against UVA rays. Conversely, Avobenzone is added to sunscreens specifically for its UVA protective properties.
Stability: Oxybenzone tends to be more stable than Avobenzone in isolation. However, Avobenzone's stability can be improved when formulated with other photostabilizing agents in sunscreens.
Concerns: There have been environmental and health concerns associated with Oxybenzone, as it's believed to be harmful to coral reefs and may have potential hormone-disrupting effects. Avobenzone, while considered safer for the environment, may degrade quicker and require frequent reapplication.
Protection Spectrum: To reiterate, while Oxybenzone offers more protection against UVB rays, Avobenzone specializes in shielding the skin from UVA rays, which are responsible for premature skin aging.

Comparison Chart

Type of UV Protection

UVB primarily
UVA primarily


More stable
Less stable but can be photostabilized

Environmental Concerns

Harmful to coral reefs
Less environmental concerns

Health Concerns

Potential hormone disruptor
Generally fewer concerns

Usage in Sunscreens

Broad-spectrum sunscreens
UVA protection sunscreens

Compare with Definitions


A chemical linked to environmental concerns.
Researchers found Oxybenzone damages coral reefs.


An organic compound protecting against UVA rays.
This sunscreen has Avobenzone for UVA protection.


A potential hormone-disrupting agent.
There's debate about the safety of Oxybenzone due to potential endocrine-disrupting effects.


A primary UVA shield in sunscreens.
To prevent premature aging, use sunscreens with Avobenzone.


A UVB protective agent.
Oxybenzone is often added to sunscreens for its UVB absorbing properties.


Known for its less stable nature in isolation.
Avobenzone requires stabilizing agents in sunscreens for longevity.


A component in many broad-spectrum sunscreens.
For broad-spectrum protection, look for sunscreens containing Oxybenzone.


A safer environmental option for UVA protection.
Eco-conscious consumers often prefer sunscreens with Avobenzone.


A colorless crystalline compound, C14H12O3, that is a derivative of benzophenone and is sometimes used in sunscreens.


Effective against skin-aging UVA radiation.
For anti-aging benefits, choose sunscreens containing Avobenzone.


An organic compound used in sunscreens.


An oil-soluble ingredient, derived from dibenzoylmethane, used in sunscreen products to absorb ultraviolet light.

Common Curiosities

Is Oxybenzone safe for coral reefs?

No, Oxybenzone has been linked to coral reef damage.

Which one offers UVA protection: Oxybenzone or Avobenzone?

Avobenzone offers UVA protection.

Which agent is more stable in sunscreens?

Oxybenzone is more stable than Avobenzone in isolation.

Can Avobenzone protect against UVB rays?

Avobenzone primarily protects against UVA rays, with minimal UVB coverage.

Is Avobenzone considered environmentally safe?

Avobenzone is generally seen as having fewer environmental concerns compared to Oxybenzone.

Can I use sunscreens with both Oxybenzone and Avobenzone?

Yes, some sunscreens combine both for a broader protection spectrum.

Are there health concerns with Oxybenzone?

Yes, Oxybenzone may have potential hormone-disrupting effects.

Are there any alternatives to Avobenzone for UVA protection?

Yes, alternatives include zinc oxide, which offers broad-spectrum protection.

Are there sunscreens without Oxybenzone and Avobenzone?

Yes, there are mineral sunscreens that use zinc oxide or titanium dioxide.

Do sunscreens with Avobenzone feel different on the skin?

Sunscreen feel varies by formulation, not solely due to Avobenzone content.

Can people with sensitive skin use Oxybenzone-based sunscreens?

Some people with sensitive skin may react to Oxybenzone; patch testing is recommended.

Why is Avobenzone added to sunscreens?

Avobenzone is added for its UVA protective properties.

Why are there concerns about Oxybenzone in sunscreens?

Beyond environmental concerns, Oxybenzone is scrutinized for potential hormone-disrupting effects.

Which one requires frequent reapplication: Oxybenzone or Avobenzone?

Avobenzone may degrade quicker and require more frequent reapplication.

Is Oxybenzone effective against UVA rays?

Oxybenzone primarily absorbs UVB rays, with limited UVA protection.

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Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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