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Pajamas vs. Pyjamas — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman & Urooj Arif — Updated on March 28, 2024
Pajamas, preferred in American English, refers to comfortable clothing worn for sleeping or lounging, while Pyjamas, used in British English, denotes the same attire.
Pajamas vs. Pyjamas — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Pajamas and Pyjamas


Key Differences

Pajamas are primarily used in American English to describe a set of clothes typically worn during sleep or while lounging at home. These garments are designed for comfort, made from soft materials such as cotton, silk, or flannel. On the other hand, Pyjamas, the term favored in British English, carry the same definition and purpose. The difference in spelling reflects the variation in American and British English language conventions.
While pajamas often consist of a loose-fitting shirt and pants combination, they can also include variations like shorts sets or nightgowns, adapting to different climates and personal preferences. Pyjamas, similarly, encompass a wide range of styles and materials, highlighting the term's versatility across English-speaking cultures. Both terms acknowledge the importance of comfort and practicality in sleepwear.
In the United States, the word pajamas can also colloquially refer to certain casual wear suitable for lounging at home, not strictly limited to sleepwear. Pyjamas in the UK and other Commonwealth countries maintain a more traditional association with night attire, though the lines between casual home wear and sleepwear are increasingly blurring in both regions.
Marketing and branding strategies in the apparel industry often reflect the preferred regional spelling of pajamas/pyjamas, aiming to cater to the linguistic preferences of their target audience. This distinction helps brands connect more effectively with consumers by aligning with local language norms.
Despite the spelling differences, pajamas and pyjamas share the same historical roots, tracing back to the traditional garments worn in South and West Asia. The evolution of the term and its garments in Western culture showcases the adaptation of foreign concepts to fit local customs and languages.

Comparison Chart




Preferred in American English
Preferred in British English


Includes sets, nightgowns, shorts sets
Includes sets, nightgowns, shorts sets

Casual Wear Connotation

Sometimes refers to casual home wear
Primarily associated with sleepwear


Brands use "pajamas" to appeal to US market
Brands use "pyjamas" for UK/Commonwealth markets

Compare with Definitions


Can include various materials.
His silk pajamas were a gift.


Includes sets and individual pieces.
The pyjamas set was on sale.


Clothing for sleeping or lounging.
She bought a new pair of pajamas for the winter.


British term for sleep or lounge wear.
He wore his pyjamas to the breakfast table.


Marketed according to regional preferences.
The brand launched a new line of pajamas for the holiday season.


Encompasses a range of styles.
Her cotton pyjamas kept her cool at night.


Often consists of a set.
The pajamas set included a matching shirt and pants.


Subject to regional marketing strategies.
The new pyjamas collection targeted UK consumers.


May refer to casual home wear in the US.
She spent the day in her pajamas.


Strictly associated with nighttime attire in the UK.
The hotel provided guests with complimentary pyjamas.


Pajamas (US) or pyjamas (Commonwealth) (), sometimes shortened to PJs, jammies, or Jim-jams, are several related types of clothing originating from South Asia. Adopted in the Western world, pajamas are soft, warm, and traditionally loose garments derived from the Indian and Persian bottom-wear, the pyjamas.


A loose-fitting jacket and trousers for sleeping in
A pair of pyjamas
Pyjama trousers


A garment, usually consisting of loose-fitting pants and a shirt or top, worn for sleeping or lounging.


Variant of pajama.


A pair of loose-fitting pants worn in South and Southeast Asia by men and women.


Standard spelling of pajamas.


Clothes for wearing to bed and sleeping in, usually consisting of a loose-fitting shirt and pants/trousers.


Standard spelling of pajamas.


Originally, in India, loose drawers or trousers, such as those worn, tied about the waist, by Mohammedan men and women; by extension, a similar garment adopted among Europeans, Americans, etc., for wear in the dressing room and during sleep; also, a suit consisting of drawers and a loose upper garment for such wear.


A garment, similar to the Oriental pyjama (which see), adopted among Europeans, Americans, and other Occidentals, for wear in the dressing room and during sleep; also, a suit of drawers and blouse for such wear.


Loose-fitting nightclothes worn for sleeping or lounging; have a jacket top and trousers


Lightweight trousers worn in various Eastern countries


Lightweight trousers worn in various Eastern countries


Loose-fitting nightclothes worn for sleeping or lounging; have a jacket top and trousers

Common Curiosities

What are pyjamas?

The British spelling for sleepwear or lounge wear, similar in meaning to pajamas.

Are pajamas and pyjamas the same thing?

Yes, they refer to the same type of clothing but differ in spelling by region.

Why are there two spellings, pajamas and pyjamas?

The difference in spelling reflects American and British English conventions.

How do I choose the right pajamas/pyjamas?

Consider material, comfort, climate, and personal style preferences.

How have pajamas/pyjamas evolved over time?

Originally inspired by South and West Asian garments, they have adapted to Western preferences for comfort and style.

What are pajamas?

Comfortable clothing worn for sleeping or lounging, often consisting of a shirt and pants.

Can pajamas be worn outside the house?

While traditionally for home use, some pajamas styles are considered acceptable for casual outings.

Are there different types of pajamas/pyjamas?

Yes, including sets, nightgowns, and shorts sets, among others.

Is there a difference in pajamas/pyjamas styles between the US and UK?

Styles are similar, but the term usage and some fashion trends may vary.

What's the significance of pajamas/pyjamas in fashion?

They reflect personal style, comfort preferences, and can be a fashion statement even at home.

What materials are pajamas/pyjamas made from?

Commonly made from cotton, silk, flannel, and other comfortable materials.

Are pajamas/pyjamas acceptable as a gift?

Yes, they are a popular and practical gift choice.

Why might someone prefer pajamas over pyjamas, or vice versa?

Preference is usually based on regional language use rather than the garments themselves.

Do pajamas/pyjamas come in sets?

Yes, they often come in matching sets but can also be purchased as separate pieces.

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.
Co-written by
Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.

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