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Pancakes vs. Pikelets — What's the Difference?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Published on November 19, 2023
Pancakes are flat, often large, fluffy breakfast items, while pikelets are smaller, thicker, and typically served with afternoon tea.
Pancakes vs. Pikelets — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Pancakes and Pikelets


Key Differences

Pancakes and pikelets, while similar, have distinct characteristics that make them unique. Pancakes are a popular breakfast item in many countries, known for their flat and often large shape. Made from a batter of flour, eggs, milk, and a leavening agent like baking powder, pancakes are typically cooked on a griddle or skillet. Their fluffiness and light texture make them a favorite, often served with toppings like syrup, fruit, or whipped cream.
Pikelets, on the other hand, are more common in countries like Australia and New Zealand. They resemble what many would recognize as a "silver dollar" pancake in size but are typically thicker. The basic ingredients for pikelets are similar to pancakes, but they often have a denser texture. Traditionally, pikelets are enjoyed during afternoon tea or as a snack, adorned with jam, cream, or even just butter.
It's fascinating how both pancakes and pikelets, despite being made from similar basic ingredients, can vary so much in texture and serving traditions. Pancakes are often associated with a hearty breakfast, perhaps paired with bacon or sausages, and drenched in maple syrup. In contrast, pikelets have a more delicate association, often enjoyed in a more refined setting, like afternoon tea.
To sum it up, while both pancakes and pikelets are delightful treats made from a basic batter, their size, texture, and the occasions they're associated with set them apart. One is a breakfast staple, while the other is a teatime treat.

Comparison Chart


Often larger
Smaller, similar to "silver dollar" pancakes



Typical Serving Time

Afternoon tea or snack


Syrup, fruit, whipped cream
Jam, cream, butter

Cultural Association

Popular in many countries, especially the U.S.
Common in Australia and New Zealand

Compare with Definitions


A versatile dish often paired with sweet or savory toppings.
Some people prefer pancakes with bacon or sausages.


Teatime treats made from a batter similar to pancakes.
The pikelets tasted wonderful with a dollop of cream.


Fluffy griddle cakes often served with syrup.
Every Sunday morning, we enjoy homemade pancakes.


Dense, round cakes popular in Australia and New Zealand.
Pikelets are a favorite treat during afternoon tea sessions.


Large, flat cakes cooked until golden brown.
The aroma of freshly cooked pancakes filled the kitchen.


Small, dense cakes enjoyed with various toppings.
Freshly made pikelets with butter are simply delicious.


Breakfast items made from flour, eggs, and milk.
Pancakes are his favorite breakfast treat.


A traditional snack often paired with jam or cream.
He reminisced about the pikelets his grandmother used to make.


A thin cake made of batter that is poured onto a hot greased surface and cooked on both sides until brown. Also called flannel cake, flapjack, griddle cake, hotcake; also called regionally battercake.


Small, thick pancakes commonly served with tea.
She spread strawberry jam over the warm pikelets.


To cause (an aircraft) to make a pancake landing.


Plural of pikelet


To make a pancake landing.


To fall flat to the ground with great force, especially to collapse in such a way that higher floors or structures fall directly on the ones beneath.


Plural of pancake

Common Curiosities

Do pancakes exist in various cuisines?

Yes, many cultures have their version of pancakes, such as French crêpes, Russian blinis, or American flapjacks.

How do pancakes differ from waffles?

While the batter can be similar, waffles are cooked in a waffle iron, which gives them a distinct shape and texture.

Do pancakes always contain dairy?

Traditional recipes do, but there are many dairy-free and vegan pancake versions.

What are Pancakes?

Pancakes are flat, round cakes made from a batter and cooked on a hot surface, typically a griddle or frying pan.

Are all pancakes sweet?

No, they can be either sweet or savory, depending on the ingredients and toppings.

Are pikelets always sweet?

They are predominantly sweet but can occasionally be served with savory toppings.

Can pancakes be made ahead of time?

Yes, they can be refrigerated or frozen and then reheated when needed.

What is the primary ingredient in pancakes?

The basic ingredients usually include flour, eggs, milk, and a raising agent like baking powder.

What are Pikelets?

Pikelets are small, thick pancakes, commonly found in the United Kingdom, Australia, and New Zealand.

Do pikelets contain yeast?

Traditionally in the UK, pikelets might contain yeast, making them more akin to crumpets, but in other places like Australia, they're typically yeast-free.

How are pancakes usually served?

They're often served stacked with toppings like syrup, butter, fruit, or whipped cream.

Are pancakes typically fluffy or thin?

It varies by type and preference. American-style pancakes are often fluffy, while European-style pancakes, like crêpes, are thin.

Do pikelets need any special equipment to cook?

No, they can be cooked on a regular griddle or frying pan.

Are pikelets exclusive to specific regions?

They're most commonly associated with British, Australian, and New Zealand cuisines.

What's the texture of a pikelet?

Pikelets are generally soft and spongy, with a slightly crispy exterior when freshly cooked.

Are pikelets breakfast food?

They can be eaten for breakfast, but they're also popular for afternoon tea or as snacks.

What's the origin of the word "pancake"?

It derives from "pan," referring to the cooking method, and "cake," describing its form.

How do pikelets differ from pancakes?

Pikelets are typically smaller, thicker, and are often enjoyed as a snack or with afternoon tea.

How are pikelets typically served?

They can be eaten plain or topped with spreads like butter, jam, or cream.

What's the origin of the word "pikelet"?

The term's origin is unclear, but it may relate to the word "pike," implying a pointed or peaked form.

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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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