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Paneer vs. Chena — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Published on January 26, 2024
Paneer is a fresh, unaged Indian cheese with a firm texture, made by curdling milk with an acid. Chena is a softer, more crumbly version of paneer, used primarily in sweets, made similarly but has higher moisture content.
Paneer vs. Chena — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Paneer and Chena


Key Differences

Paneer is a type of fresh cheese popular in South Asian cuisine, especially in Indian dishes. It is made by curdling heated milk with an acidic substance like lemon juice or vinegar and then pressing it to form a firm block. Chena is also a product of milk curdling, but it is not pressed like paneer, resulting in a more moist and crumbly texture, typically used in making Indian sweets.
Paneer has a mild, milky flavor and a dense, firm texture that holds its shape well, making it suitable for grilling and frying. It does not melt, allowing it to retain its form in dishes. Chena, on the other hand, is softer with a delicate consistency and is often used as a base for Indian desserts like Rasgulla and Sandesh, where its texture complements the sweet syrup.
In the process of making paneer, the curdled milk is thoroughly drained of whey and then pressed under heavy weights to form a compact block. This process gives paneer its characteristic firmness. Chena is less processed; the curdled milk is only lightly drained, retaining more moisture, giving it a softer texture suitable for sweets.
Paneer is used in a variety of savory dishes like curries, kebabs, and paneer tikka due to its ability to absorb flavors and maintain its texture. Chena is the foundation of many traditional Indian sweets. Its ability to soak in flavors like cardamom or rose water makes it ideal for desserts.
Nutritionally, paneer is rich in protein and calcium but also high in fat, making it a substantial addition to vegetarian diets. Chena shares similar nutritional qualities but may have slightly less fat due to its higher moisture content.

Comparison Chart


Firm and dense
Soft and crumbly


Pressed to remove moisture
Lightly drained, retains moisture

Usage in Cooking

Used in savory dishes
Primarily used in sweets

Melting Property

Does not melt, retains shape
Too soft to retain shape when heated

Nutritional Content

High in protein and calcium, higher fat
Similar but slightly less fat due to moisture

Compare with Definitions


Paneer has a mild flavor, absorbing spices and seasonings well.
Marinated paneer skewers are a favorite in barbecues.


Chena is a primary component in Bengali confectioneries.
Chena-based sweets are a highlight of Bengali festivals.


Paneer is made by curdling milk and pressing the curds.
Homemade paneer is often fresher than store-bought.


Chena is a soft, crumbly cheese used in Indian sweets.
Chena is the key ingredient in making Rasgulla.


Paneer is a staple in vegetarian Indian cuisine.
Palak paneer combines spinach and paneer in a creamy sauce.


Chena is made by curdling milk, similar to paneer but softer.
Fresh chena is essential for quality Sandesh.


Paneer is a non-melting Indian cheese used in savory dishes.
Paneer butter masala is a popular Indian curry.


Chena is less dense and more moist than paneer.
Chena's soft texture is perfect for creamy sweets.


Paneer is rich in protein and calcium.
Paneer is a good protein source for vegetarians.


Chena absorbs sweet flavors, making it ideal for desserts.
Chena balls soaked in sugar syrup are a traditional treat.


A soft unsalted and unripened cheese made from milk that is simmered, curdled using lemon juice, vinegar, yogurt, or a similarly acidic substance, and then drained and pressed in cheesecloth.


A soft, non-matured, Indian cheese.
The spinach was mixed with paneer to make a satisfying meal.

Common Curiosities

What is Chena?

Chena is a soft, crumbly cheese used in Indian sweets, similar to paneer but with higher moisture content.

What dishes use Paneer?

Paneer is used in curries, grilled as paneer tikka, and in various vegetarian dishes.

What is Paneer?

Paneer is a fresh, firm cheese from South Asian cuisine, used in various savory dishes.

Can Chena be used in savory dishes?

Chena is typically used in sweets due to its soft texture and delicate flavor.

How is Paneer made?

Paneer is made by curdling milk with an acid like lemon juice, then pressing the curds to form a firm block.

Does Paneer melt when cooked?

No, paneer retains its shape and does not melt, making it suitable for frying and grilling.

Can I make Paneer at home?

Yes, paneer can easily be made at home by curdling milk and pressing the curds.

How is Chena made?

Chena is made by curdling milk and lightly draining the whey, without pressing it into a firm block.

What are common sweets made with Chena?

Chena is used in Indian sweets like Rasgulla, Sandesh, and Chum Chum.

Can Paneer be eaten raw?

Yes, paneer can be consumed raw and is often added to salads.

Is Paneer a good protein source?

Yes, paneer is rich in protein and a popular choice in vegetarian diets.

Can I freeze Paneer?

Yes, paneer can be frozen, but it may change its texture slightly.

How long can Chena be stored?

Chena is best consumed fresh but can be refrigerated for a couple of days in an airtight container.

Is Chena nutritionally similar to Paneer?

Yes, chena is similar in nutritional content to paneer but slightly less fatty due to its moisture.

Is Chena suitable for lactose-intolerant people?

Like paneer, chena contains lactose, so it may not be suitable for those with lactose intolerance.

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Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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