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Pantyhoes vs. Pantyhose — Which is Correct Spelling?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Updated on March 27, 2024
"Pantyhoes" is an incorrect spelling. The correct spelling is "Pantyhose," which refers to a tight-fitting covering for the feet and legs.
Pantyhoes vs. Pantyhose — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Pantyhoes or Pantyhose

How to spell Pantyhose?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

"Pantyhoes" sounds like a mix of panties and garden tools, which doesn't make sense.
Visualize "hose" as in a garden hose – it's "hose" not "hoes."
Remember "hose" as the old term for stockings.
"Panty-" refers to underwear and "-hose" means covering, combining them gives "Pantyhose."
Connect "Pantyhose" with a singular piece of clothing, not multiple "hoes."

How Do You Spell Pantyhose Correctly?

Incorrect: He mistakenly called them pantyhoes instead of socks.
Correct: He mistakenly called them pantyhose instead of socks.
Incorrect: Can you find my black pantyhoes in the drawer?
Correct: Can you find my black pantyhose in the drawer?
Incorrect: These pantyhoes have a run in them.
Correct: These pantyhose have a run in them.
Incorrect: Pantyhoes are very comfortable to wear during winter.
Correct: Pantyhose are very comfortable to wear during winter.
Incorrect: She bought a new pair of pantyhoes for the party.
Correct: She bought a new pair of pantyhose for the party.

Pantyhose Definitions

A one-piece, tight-fitting legwear that covers from the waist to the feet.
She wore pantyhose to complement her skirt.
Nylon tights worn under skirts or dresses.
Her dress was paired with sheer pantyhose.
Elastic hosiery worn for professional or formal occasions.
She bought new pantyhose for the interview.
A garment that combines panties and stockings.
Pantyhose offer convenience and a smooth appearance under clothes.
Legwear often used for fashion, warmth, or to give a polished look.
Black pantyhose give an elegant touch.
Pantyhose, called sheer tights, or tights in the United Kingdom and a few other countries, are close-fitting legwear covering the wearer's body from the waist to the toes. Mostly considered to be a garment for women and girls, pantyhose first appeared on store shelves in 1959 (Allen Gant's product, 'Panti-Legs') as a convenient alternative to stockings and/or control panties (which, in turn, replaced girdles).
(North America) Women's thin nylon tights worn over the legs, usually tan in color.
A woman's tights consisting of underpants and stockings

Pantyhose Meaning in a Sentence

I need to buy pantyhose for my ballet recital.
My grandmother prefers thick pantyhose during the winter.
She chose sheer pantyhose to complete her outfit.
It's hard to put on pantyhose without getting a snag.
Pantyhose are essential for some professional dress codes.
You should wash pantyhose with delicate items.
Black pantyhose make your legs look slimmer.
Pantyhose can be uncomfortable if they're too tight.
Pantyhose can also be worn under shorts to keep warm.
Running in pantyhose can cause them to tear.
Some pantyhose have patterns to make them more fashionable.
She wears pantyhose to protect her legs from the sun.

Common Curiosities

What is the pronunciation of Pantyhose?

It's pronounced as [PAN-tee-hohz].

Which vowel is used before Pantyhose?

"A" as in "a pair of pantyhose."

What is the verb form of Pantyhose?

There isn't a verb form for "Pantyhose."

Which conjunction is used with Pantyhose?

No specific conjunction is exclusive to "pantyhose."

Why is it called Pantyhose?

It combines "panties" (underwear) and "hose" (stockings), as a single garment.

Which article is used with Pantyhose?

"The" or "a" depending on the context.

What is the singular form of Pantyhose?


Is Pantyhose an adverb?


What is the root word of Pantyhose?

The words "panty" and "hose" are combined to form "Pantyhose."

Is Pantyhose a collective noun?


What is the plural form of Pantyhose?

Pantyhose (the same as singular).

Is Pantyhose an abstract noun?


Is Pantyhose a negative or positive word?


What is a stressed syllable in Pantyhose?

The first syllable "Pan."

Which preposition is used with Pantyhose?

"In" as in "in pantyhose."

Is Pantyhose a vowel or consonant?

"Pantyhose" is a word containing both vowels and consonants.

Is the Pantyhose term a metaphor?


How many syllables are in Pantyhose?

Three syllables.

What part of speech is Pantyhose?


What is another term for Pantyhose?


What is the second form of Pantyhose?


Is the word Pantyhose imperative?


What is the opposite of Pantyhose?

Bare legs.

What is the third form of Pantyhose?


How is Pantyhose used in a sentence?

She chose a sheer pair of pantyhose to wear with her evening dress.

Which determiner is used with Pantyhose?

"That" as in "that pair of pantyhose."

Is Pantyhose a noun or adjective?

It's primarily a noun.

Is Pantyhose a countable noun?

Not typically. It's usually referred to in the singular.

How do we divide Pantyhose into syllables?


What is the first form of Pantyhose?

N/A as it doesn't have verb forms.

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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