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Pased vs. Passed — Which is Correct Spelling?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Updated on March 27, 2024
"Pased" is mistakenly used. The correct spelling is "Passed," which is the past tense form of the verb "pass."
Pased vs. Passed — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Pased or Passed

How to spell Passed?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

A car "passes," and then it has "passed."
When in doubt, double the 's' for the past tense.
Remember it like classroom "pass," which is given permission.
"Passed" sounds like "past," and both refer to something completed.
Recall "pass" has two 's' and so does its past tense "passed."

How Do You Spell Passed Correctly?

Incorrect: She pased her exams with flying colors.
Correct: She passed her exams with flying colors.
Incorrect: We pased by an old, abandoned mansion on our hike.
Correct: We passed by an old, abandoned mansion on our hike.
Incorrect: He pased the ball to his friend during the game.
Correct: He passed the ball to his friend during the game.
Incorrect: The rumor about the haunted house quickly pased through the neighborhood.
Correct: The rumor about the haunted house quickly passed through the neighborhood.
Incorrect: The time pased so slowly while waiting for the results.
Correct: The time passed so slowly while waiting for the results.

Passed Definitions

Successfully completed an examination or test.
He passed the final exam with flying colors.
Surpassed or exceeded.
The athlete passed the world record in his event.
Transferred from one person to another.
The secret was passed down through generations.
To move on or ahead; proceed
The train passed through fields of wheat.
To extend; run
The river passes through our land.
To move by or in front of something
The band passed and the crowd cheered.
To move past another vehicle
The sports car passed on the right.
To gain passage despite obstacles
Pass through difficult years.
To move past in time; elapse
The days passed quickly.
To be transferred from one to another; circulate
The wine passed around the table.
(Sports) To transfer a ball or puck to a teammate.
To be communicated or exchanged between persons
Loud words passed in the corridor.
To be transferred or conveyed to another by will or deed
The title passed to the older heir.
To undergo transition from one condition, form, quality, or characteristic to another
Daylight passed into darkness.
To come to an end
My anger suddenly passed. The headache finally passed.
To cease to exist; die. Often used with on
The patient passed on during the night.
To happen; take place
Wanted to know what had passed at the meeting.
To be allowed to happen without notice or challenge
Let their rude remarks pass.
Sports & Games To decline one's turn to bid, draw, bet, compete, or play.
To decline an offer
When we offered him dessert, he passed.
To undergo an examination or a trial with favorable results.
To serve as a barely acceptable substitute
The spare tire was nearly bald but would pass until we bought a new one.
To be accepted as a member of a group by denying one's own ancestry or background.
To be approved or adopted
The motion to adjourn passed.
To make a decision
To pass upon a legal question.
To convey property to an heir or heirs
To pass according to the terms of the will.
(Medicine) To be discharged from a bodily part
The patient had a lot of pain when the kidney stone passed.
(Sports) To thrust or lunge in fencing.
To go by without stopping; proceed beyond or leave behind
The bus passed a gas station.
To go across; go through
We passed the border into Mexico.
To allow to go by or elapse; spend
He passed his winter in Vermont.
To go by without paying attention to; disregard or ignore
If you pass the new photographs in the collection, you'll miss some outstanding ones.
To fail to pay (a dividend).
To go beyond; surpass
The inheritance passed my wildest dreams.
To undergo (a trial or examination) with favorable results
She passed every test.
To cause or allow to go through a trial, test, or examination successfully
The instructor passed all the candidates.
To cause to move
We passed our hands over the fabric.
To cause to move into a certain position
Pass a ribbon around a package.
To cause to move as part of a process
Pass liquid through a filter.
To cause to go by
The sergeant passed his troops before the grandstand.
To allow to cross a barrier
The border guard passed the tourists.
(Baseball) To walk (a batter).
To maneuver (the bull) by means of a pase in bullfighting.
To cause to be transferred from one to another; circulate
They passed the news quickly.
To hand over to someone else
Please pass the bread.
(Sports) To transfer (a ball, for example) to a teammate, as by throwing.
To cause to be accepted; circulate fraudulently
Pass counterfeit money.
(Law) To convey (property) to an heir or heirs
To pass an estate.
(Medicine) To discharge (a waste product, for example) from a bodily part.
(Medicine) To introduce (an instrument) into a bodily cavity.
To approve; adopt
The legislature passed the bill.
To be sanctioned, ratified, or approved by
The bill passed the House of Representatives.
To pronounce; utter
Pass judgment.
Pass sentence on an offender.
The act of passing; passage.
A way, such as a narrow gap between mountains, that affords passage around, over, or through a barrier.
A permit, ticket, or authorization to come and go at will.
A free ticket entitling one to transportation or admission.
Written leave of absence from military duty.
A passing grade, especially when graded using a pass-fail grading system.
A sweep or run, as by an aircraft, over or toward an area or target.
A single complete cycle of operations, as by a machine or computer program.
A condition or situation, often critical in nature; a predicament
Contract negotiations that had come to an emotional pass.
A sexual invitation or overture
Was he making a pass at her?.
A motion of the hand or the waving of a wand
The magician made a pass over the hat.
(Sports) A transfer of a ball or puck between teammates.
(Sports) A lunge or thrust in fencing.
(Baseball) A base on balls.
Sports & Games A refusal to bid, draw, bet, compete, or play.
(Games) A winning throw of the dice in craps.
A pase in bullfighting.
Simple past tense and past participle of pass
That has passed beyond a certain point (chiefly in set collocations).
That has passed a given qualification or examination; qualified.
Went or moved in a specific direction.
She passed by the old house every day.
Approved or ratified a decision or proposal.
The bill was passed by the Senate.

Passed Meaning in a Sentence

As the parade passed, the crowd cheered loudly.
Years have passed since they last saw each other.
He passed the salt to his sister across the dinner table.
They passed through the town without stopping.
She passed her old clothes down to her younger sister.
The message passed from one person to another until everyone knew the secret.
As the deadline passed, he realized he was out of time.
After he passed his driving test, he couldn't wait to drive to school.
The teacher passed out the exams to the class.
The storm passed overnight, leaving a clear sky.
The baton was passed smoothly during the relay race.
The law was finally passed after much debate.
He passed up the opportunity to go to the concert with his friends.
They passed around pictures from their vacation.
She passed down the family recipe to her daughter.
He passed out flyers for the upcoming event.
When she passed away, the whole community felt the loss.
The guard passed them through after checking their IDs.
The day passed quickly because it was so busy.
The chance to meet her favorite author passed by unnoticed.
The torch will be passed to a new generation.
He passed the ball just in time for the winning goal.
He carefully passed over the broken glass on the floor.
The opportunity passed her by, and she regretted not taking it.
Time passed so quickly during the summer vacation.

Passed Idioms & Phrases

Passed the test

Succeeded in a challenge.
His honesty passed the test when he returned the lost wallet.

Passed away

Euphemism for died.
Her grandmother passed away after a long illness.

Passed the buck

Shifted responsibility to someone else.
When asked about the mistake, he passed the buck to his coworker.

Passed down through generations

Something handed down from one generation to the next.
The quilt was passed down through generations and held many family memories.

Passed up

Declined an opportunity.
He passed up the job offer to travel the world instead.

Passed with flying colors

To succeed brilliantly, especially in a test.
She passed her final exam with flying colors.

Passed muster

Met the required standards.
The new design passed muster with the clients and was approved.

Passed the time

Engaged in an activity to make time go by more quickly.
They played cards to pass the time during the power outage.

Common Curiosities

Why is it called Passed?

It's the past tense and past participle form of the verb "pass."

What is the pronunciation of Passed?

Pronounced as /pæst/.

What is the root word of Passed?

The root word is "pass."

Which conjunction is used with Passed?

Any conjunction can be used depending on the context.

Is Passed an adverb?


What is the plural form of Passed?

Passed doesn't have a plural form as it's a verb tense.

Which article is used with Passed?

"the" can be used, depending on context.

Is Passed an abstract noun?


Is Passed a negative or positive word?


What is the verb form of Passed?

The base verb form is "pass."

Which vowel is used before Passed?

"a" as in "a passed note."

What is the singular form of Passed?

Passed is already in singular form.

Is Passed a collective noun?


Which preposition is used with Passed?

"by" as in "passed by."

Is Passed a noun or adjective?

It is primarily a verb, but can be used as an adjective in some contexts.

Is the word Passed imperative?


What is another term for Passed?

Surpassed, exceeded, went by.

Which determiner is used with Passed?

Determiners like "the" can be used depending on the context.

What is the third form of Passed?


How many syllables are in Passed?


What part of speech is Passed?

Verb (past tense) or adjective.

What is the first form of Passed?


Is Passed a vowel or consonant?

"Passed" is a word, not a single letter.

How do we divide Passed into syllables?

Passed is one syllable and isn't divided.

What is the second form of Passed?


How is Passed used in a sentence?

"She passed the store without stopping."

Is Passed a countable noun?

No, it's not a noun.

Is the Passed term a metaphor?

Not in itself, but can be used metaphorically.

What is a stressed syllable in Passed?

The entire word "passed" is stressed as it has only one syllable.

What is the opposite of Passed?

Failed (in a test context).

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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