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Paternal Uncle vs. Uncle — What's the Difference?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Published on December 3, 2023
Paternal Uncle is specifically your father's brother, while Uncle can be either your father's or mother's brother.
Paternal Uncle vs. Uncle — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Paternal Uncle and Uncle


Key Differences

A Paternal Uncle refers specifically to a brother of one's father. This distinction ensures that there is no ambiguity about which side of the family the uncle comes from. For instance, in many cultures and languages, there are separate terms for maternal and paternal uncles to provide clarity.
An Uncle, in general English usage, is a broader term. It can denote a brother of either one's father or one's mother. Without additional context, when someone mentions their "uncle," it's not immediately clear whether they're referring to a paternal or maternal uncle.
In many families, a Paternal Uncle often has a unique role or significance due to cultural or familial traditions. This might be distinct from the role of an uncle from the maternal side.
On the other hand, the term Uncle is more universally recognized and is used in various informal contexts as well. For instance, close family friends or elders might be referred to as "uncle" even if there's no blood relation.
Both terms, Paternal Uncle and Uncle, help denote relationships within a family tree. However, the former offers precision about lineage, while the latter offers a broader, more general reference.

Comparison Chart


Brother of one's father.
Brother of one's father or mother.


Refers only to father's brother.
Can refer to either side of the family.

Common Usage

Used for clarity in lineage.
Universally recognized term.

Cultural Importance

Might have unique roles in some cultures.
Role might vary based on culture.

Informal References

Rarely used informally.
Often used for non-related elder figures.

Compare with Definitions

Paternal Uncle

An elder male figure from one's father's lineage.
My Paternal Uncle taught me how to fish.


A brother of one's parent.
My Uncle gave me a book for my birthday.

Paternal Uncle

One's father's biological brother.
We celebrate every Christmas with my Paternal Uncle and his family.


An elder male family member.
Uncle Jack is my mother's youngest brother.

Paternal Uncle

Direct relation from the father's side of the family.
My Paternal Uncle has the same laugh as my father.


A general term for paternal or maternal brother.
I will be staying at my Uncle's house this summer.

Paternal Uncle

A male sibling of one's father.
My Paternal Uncle will be visiting us next week.


A familial title denoting a close relationship.
My Uncle and Aunt celebrated their anniversary recently.

Paternal Uncle

Distinct from a maternal uncle.
I have three Paternal Uncles and two maternal uncles.


A term of address for older men, often used even if not related.
Uncle Paul isn't really my uncle, but I've known him my whole life.


The brother of one's mother or father.


The husband of a sibling of one's mother or father.


Used as a form of address for an older man, especially by children.


A kindly counselor.


(Slang) A pawnbroker.


Uncle Uncle Sam.


The brother or brother-in-law of one’s parent.


The male cousin of one’s parent.


(affectionate) Used as a fictive kinship title for a close male friend of one's parent or parents.


(euphemistic) Used as a title for the male companion to one's (usually unmarried) parent.


(figuratively) A source of advice, encouragement, or help.


A pawnbroker.


An affectionate term for a man of an older generation than oneself, especially a friend of one's parents, by means of fictive kin.


An older African-American male.


Any middle-aged or elderly man older than the speaker and/or listener.


A cry used to indicate surrender.


To address somebody by the term uncle.


To act like, or as, an uncle.


The brother of one's father or mother; also applied to an aunt's husband; - the correlative of aunt in sex, and of nephew and niece in relationship.


A pawnbroker.


An eldery man; - used chiefly as a kindly or familiar appellation, esp. (Southern U. S.) for a worthy old negro; as, "Uncle Remus."
Plain old uncle as he [Socrates] was, with his great ears, - an immense talker.


The brother of your father or mother; the husband of your aunt


A source of help and advice and encouragement;
He played uncle to lonely students

Common Curiosities

What is a Paternal Uncle?

A Paternal Uncle is the brother of one's father.

Can a mother's brother be called a Paternal Uncle?

No, he would simply be called an Uncle or, specifically, a Maternal Uncle.

How do I differentiate between my Paternal Uncle and other uncles in conversation?

By specifying "Paternal Uncle," you are referring to your father's brother. Without specification, "Uncle" could be from either side.

Why is it important to differentiate between Paternal Uncle and Uncle?

It offers clarity in lineage and relationship, especially in contexts where such distinctions are important.

Is there a female equivalent for Paternal Uncle?

Yes, she would be called a Paternal Aunt.

Can I call my father's cousin my Paternal Uncle?

Traditionally, no. But in informal settings, such distinctions can be blurred.

How is an Uncle related in terms of a family tree?

An Uncle can be a sibling to one's parents, making him either a brother to one's mother or father.

Is every Uncle a Paternal Uncle?

No, only those uncles who are brothers of one's father are Paternal Uncles.

Do other languages have distinct terms like "Paternal Uncle"?

Yes, many languages have specific terms for maternal and paternal uncles.

Can the term Uncle be used outside of blood relations?

Yes, it's common to address older family friends as "Uncle" in an informal setting.

How does the role of a Paternal Uncle differ from a general Uncle?

While roles can vary by family and culture, a Paternal Uncle is specifically from the father's side and might have traditions attached to that lineage.

How is an Uncle defined?

An Uncle is the brother of either one's father or mother.

Does the role of a Paternal Uncle differ culturally?

Yes, in some cultures, a Paternal Uncle might have specific roles or significance.

Is there a specific role or duty associated with being a Paternal Uncle?

It can vary by culture and individual families. Some might have specific duties or roles, while others might not.

Is "Uncle" a title that's used globally?

While the concept exists globally, the exact term varies by language and culture.

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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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