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Patriotism vs. Jingoism — What's the Difference?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Published on October 10, 2023
Patriotism is the love and devotion to one's country, while jingoism is extreme and aggressive nationalism, often advocating for war.
Patriotism vs. Jingoism — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Patriotism and Jingoism


Key Differences

Patriotism and Jingoism both pertain to feelings of national pride and loyalty, but they diverge significantly in intensity and implication. Patriotism embodies a genuine affection for and commitment to one's homeland. This sentiment often manifests as a deep respect for one's country's culture, heritage, and values, without disparaging other nations.
Jingoism, conversely, is an exaggerated form of patriotism, tipping into aggressive nationalism. Jingoists not only showcase an excessive devotion to their country but also a disdain or superiority over other nations. This often results in a fervent belief in national supremacy and, at times, a call for conflict or war as an assertion of dominance.
While patriotism can be a uniting force, celebrating shared values and collective identity, jingoism is divisive. The latter can lead to discrimination against foreigners and blind support for potentially harmful national actions. Moreover, while patriotism appreciates the nuances of a country's history and future, jingoism tends to be unwavering, seeing the nation as infallible.

Comparison Chart

Primary Definition

Love and devotion to one's country.
Extreme nationalism emphasizing aggression and war.

Relation to Others

Respects other countries while loving one's own.
Believes in the superiority of one's country over others.


Positive, emphasizing unity and shared values.
Negative, implying blind nationalism and hostility.


Toward peace and mutual respect.
Toward conflict, dominance, and potential war.

Effect on Unity

Can unify individuals under shared love for country.
Can divide based on excessive nationalistic views.

Compare with Definitions


Pride in one's national heritage and values.
Celebrating Independence Day is an act of patriotism for many.


Vehement patriotism to the point of hostility.
Jingoism can strain international relations with its harsh rhetoric.


Devotion to the well-being and progress of one's nation.
Her patriotism drove her to volunteer during national crises.


Extreme nationalism, often warlike in stance.
His jingoism led him to view all foreign policies with suspicion.


Attachment to homeland without belittling others.
Patriotism involves respecting your own country without degrading others.


National pride taken to an aggressive extreme.
Jingoism can blind individuals to the merits of international collaboration.


Deep love and loyalty to one's country.
His patriotism was evident in his service to the community.


Blind advocacy for national dominance.
The politician's jingoism was evident in his aggressive speeches.


A sentiment of national unity and pride.
The national anthem evoked strong feelings of patriotism among the crowd.


Overzealous attachment to one's nation and its supremacy.
The march was criticized for its overt jingoism and disregard for peace.


Love of and devotion to one's country.


Extreme nationalism characterized especially by a belligerent foreign policy; chauvinistic patriotism.


Love of one's country; devotion to the welfare of one's compatriots; passion which inspires one to serve one's country.


(uncountable) Excessive patriotism or aggressive nationalism, especially with regards to foreign policy.


The actions of a patriot


(countable) A jingoistic attitude, comment, etc.


The desire to compete with other nations; nationalism.


(uncountable) Chauvinism.


Love of country; devotion to the welfare of one's country; the virtues and actions of a patriot; the passion which inspires one to serve one's country.


The policy of the Jingoes, so called. See Jingo, 2.


Love of country and willingness to sacrifice for it


A bellicose patriotism; aggressive chauvinism; belligerence in international relations.


An appeal intended to arouse patriotic emotions


Fanatical patriotism

Common Curiosities

Can patriotism coexist with global appreciation?

Absolutely, one can love their country while respecting others.

Can patriotism turn into jingoism?

Yes, if unchecked, extreme patriotism can become jingoistic.

How can one avoid jingoistic tendencies?

By promoting understanding, empathy, and collaboration.

What drives jingoism?

Often a mix of excessive nationalism and a belief in national supremacy.

Does jingoism always support war?

Not always, but it often advocates for aggressive stances.

How do jingoism and nationalism differ?

Jingoism is an aggressive form of nationalism, often advocating for dominance.

Is patriotism inherently positive?

Generally, it's seen as positive, but extremes can be harmful.

Is jingoism a form of patriotism?

It's an extreme form, often with aggressive undertones.

How do media play into jingoism?

Media can amplify jingoistic sentiments or challenge them.

Is it possible to be patriotic without being nationalistic?

Yes, one can love their country without feeling it's superior to others.

Is jingoism a modern phenomenon?

No, it's existed in various forms throughout history.

Can patriotism promote peace?

Yes, when it emphasizes unity and mutual respect.

Does patriotism require agreement with all national decisions?

No, one can love their country and still question its actions.

How can societies balance patriotism and global cooperation?

By fostering national pride alongside respect for international partnerships.

Can countries with strong patriotism avoid jingoism?

Yes, with balanced education and promotion of global understanding.

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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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