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Patrolling vs. Patroling — Which is Correct Spelling?

Patrolling vs. Patroling — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Patrolling or Patroling

How to spell Patrolling?


Correct Spelling


Incorrect Spelling

Patrolling Definitions

Patrolling is a military tactic. Small groups or individual units are deployed from a larger formation to achieve a specific objective and then return.
The act of moving about an area especially by an authorized and trained person or group, for purposes of observation, inspection, or security.
A person or group of persons who perform such an act.
A military unit sent out on a reconnaissance or combat mission.
One or more military vehicles, boats, ships, or aircraft assigned to guard or reconnoiter a given area.
A division of a Boy Scout troop or Girl Scout troop consisting of between six and eight children.
To engage in a patrol of.
To engage in a patrol.
Present participle of patrol
The act of going on patrol.
The activity of going around or through an area at regular intervals for security purposes.

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