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Pay Order vs. Demand Draft — What's the Difference?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Published on December 29, 2023
A Pay Order is a bank-issued payment instrument restricted to the bank's city or branch, whereas a Demand Draft is a payment order valid nationwide and issued by one bank branch for payment by another.
Pay Order vs. Demand Draft — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Pay Order and Demand Draft


Key Differences

A Pay Order and a Demand Draft are both banking instruments utilized for the transfer of money. The Pay Order, often referred to as a banker's cheque, is specifically meant for transactions within the same city or sometimes the same bank branch. In contrast, a Demand Draft can be used for transactions across different cities, making it a more versatile instrument in terms of geographical reach.
When considering the issuing authority, both Pay Order and Demand Draft are initiated by banks. While the Pay Order restricts transactions to the bank's specified area, a Demand Draft is an order from one bank branch to another branch to pay a specific amount to a specified person. This distinction makes the Demand Draft useful for out-of-city transactions.
In terms of safety and reliability, both Pay Order and Demand Draft are considered secure methods of transferring money. This is because the bank is directly involved in the process, ensuring the amount reaches the correct recipient. However, the wider applicability of the Demand Draft often makes it a more preferred choice for those looking to transfer money across different cities or banks.
Regarding the fees associated, both instruments might carry charges, but they differ based on the bank and the amount being transferred. A Pay Order, given its more localized nature, might often have lower charges compared to a Demand Draft, which caters to a broader geographical area.
Lastly, when one considers the cancellation process, both Pay Order and Demand Draft can be canceled or reissued in case they are lost. However, the bank might levy certain charges for the cancellation and reissuance of these instruments. While the Demand Draft can be canceled by the drawer, the Pay Order requires the purchaser's signature for cancellation.

Comparison Chart

Geographical Restriction

Restricted to the bank's city or sometimes the same bank branch.
Valid nationwide; can be used across different cities/banks.

Issuing Authority

Issued by a bank for localized transactions.
Order from one bank branch to another for payment.

Safety and Reliability

Secure due to bank's direct involvement.
Secure and preferred for wider geographical reach.

Fee Structure

Generally lower fees due to localized use.
Might have higher fees for wider applicability.

Cancellation Process

Requires the purchaser's signature.
Can be canceled by the drawer with specific bank conditions.

Compare with Definitions

Pay Order

Restricted to transactions within a limited geographical area.
For his intra-city payment, Robert opted for a Pay Order.

Demand Draft

A bank-issued instrument for transferring money nationwide.
For his inter-city transaction, John decided on a Demand Draft.

Pay Order

A bank-issued payment instrument for local transactions.
The client requested a Pay Order for the transaction within the city.

Demand Draft

Widely accepted for transactions across different banks and cities.
Due to its wide acceptance, businesses often prefer a Demand Draft.

Pay Order

Involves the bank directly, ensuring payment reaches the right recipient.
To ensure the payment was secure, the manager insisted on a Pay Order.

Demand Draft

A secure mode of payment without geographical limitations.
For his daughter's university fees in another state, Michael obtained a Demand Draft.

Pay Order

A secured mode of payment within the bank's specified area.
She preferred a Pay Order for the payment to ensure it stayed within the bank's branch.

Demand Draft

An order from one bank branch for payment by another.
She requested a Demand Draft to ensure her payment reached the out-of-town college.

Pay Order

Often referred to as a banker's cheque.
The vendor was content with a Pay Order, knowing it's as trustworthy as a banker's cheque.

Demand Draft

Can be canceled and reissued with specific bank conditions.
After misplacing the original, he had the Demand Draft reissued with minimal fuss.

Common Curiosities

Can both Pay Order and Demand Draft be issued by any bank?

Yes, both Pay Order and Demand Draft are banking instruments and can be issued by banks.

Are Pay Order and Demand Draft considered secure modes of payment?

Yes, both are secure as they involve the direct participation of the bank.

Is a Demand Draft the same as a cheque?

No, a Demand Draft is an order from one bank branch to another, while a cheque is an order from an account holder to the bank.

Are there any limitations on the amount for a Pay Order?

The limitations vary by bank, but generally, there's no upper limit on a Pay Order.

What is a Pay Order primarily used for?

A Pay Order is used for local transactions within the bank's city or sometimes the same branch.

How is a Demand Draft different from a Pay Order in terms of geographical reach?

A Demand Draft can be used nationwide, across different cities, while a Pay Order is more localized.

Which carries higher fees generally, Pay Order or Demand Draft?

Demand Draft might have higher fees due to its wider applicability, but it varies by bank.

Is there an expiration date for using a Pay Order or Demand Draft?

Both instruments have a validity period, often 3-6 months, but it varies by issuing bank.

Can a Pay Order be used for transactions in another city?

Typically, a Pay Order is restricted to the issuing bank's city or branch.

Which instrument requires the purchaser's signature for cancellation?

A Pay Order requires the purchaser's signature for cancellation.

Can I cancel a Demand Draft if I change my mind about the payment?

Yes, a Demand Draft can be canceled, but specific conditions and fees might be imposed by the bank.

Can a Demand Draft be reissued if lost?

Yes, a Demand Draft can be reissued, though specific conditions and fees might apply.

Is the Pay Order also referred to by any other names?

Yes, a Pay Order is often referred to as a banker's cheque.

How quickly is the amount transferred with a Demand Draft?

The speed varies by bank, but a Demand Draft typically ensures faster clearance compared to regular cheques.

Who benefits more from a Demand Draft, businesses or individuals?

Both can benefit from a Demand Draft due to its secure and wide acceptance.

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Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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