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Peace vs. Tranquillity — What's the Difference?

By Fiza Rafique & Maham Liaqat — Updated on April 2, 2024
Peace is a state of freedom from conflict or disturbance, often used in the context of social and political harmony, whereas tranquility refers to a state of calmness and quiet in a more personal or environmental context.
Peace vs. Tranquillity — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Peace and Tranquillity


Key Differences

Peace is typically associated with the absence of war, conflict, or strife within a community, nation, or between countries. It implies a societal or global condition where entities coexist harmoniously without active disputes. Tranquility, on the other hand, denotes a more individual or localized sense of calmness and serenity, often free from anxiety or disturbance, and can apply to mental states, environments, or situations.
While peace often requires active efforts and agreements to maintain harmony among groups or nations, tranquility can be achieved through personal practices or by seeking environments that are naturally calm and serene. This distinction highlights the difference in scale and effort involved in attaining peace versus tranquility.
Peace can be measured by the absence of conflict and the presence of justice and equality, showcasing its social and political dimensions. Tranquility, however, is more subjective, varying greatly from person to person and situation to situation, often measured by personal feelings of calm and contentment.
The pursuit of peace often involves diplomacy, treaties, and sometimes interventions to resolve conflicts and foster understanding between conflicting parties. Tranquility might involve personal or community efforts to create or maintain a quiet and soothing environment, such as through meditation, nature conservation, or noise regulations.
In literature and art, peace is often depicted as an ideal state of the world or society, symbolizing harmony and the end of suffering. Tranquility, however, is frequently portrayed through natural scenes, quiet moments, or meditative practices, highlighting its association with personal or environmental calm.

Comparison Chart


Absence of war and conflict; societal harmony.
State of calmness and quiet; personal or environmental serenity.


Societal, national, or international.
Individual, local, or environmental.

Effort Required

Diplomacy, treaties, interventions.
Personal practices, seeking natural calm environments.


Measured by absence of conflict, justice, equality.
Subjective, based on personal feelings of calm.

Typical Context

Social, political.
Personal, environmental.

Depiction in Arts

Ideal state of the world/society, harmony.
Natural scenes, quiet moments, meditation.

Compare with Definitions


A state of societal harmony.
The community's efforts led to a lasting peace in the region.


Personal state of calmness.
The tranquil garden became her escape from the chaos of the city.


Freedom from conflict or war.
The treaty brought peace between the two warring nations.


Achieved through personal effort or natural setting.
Meditation brought him tranquility amidst stress.


Achieved through diplomacy and treaties.
Diplomats worked tirelessly to negotiate peace.


Reflects a subjective feeling of peace.
Early mornings in the countryside are filled with tranquility.


Symbolizes global or societal ideal.
Nobel Peace Prizes are awarded to those contributing significantly to world peace.


Quiet and serene environment.
The cabin by the lake offered tranquility away from urban noise.


Absence of disturbance in a social context.
The peace march advocated for non-violence and harmony.


Often associated with nature and quiet moments.
The tranquility of the forest at dawn is unparalleled.


Peace is a concept of societal friendship and harmony in the absence of hostility and violence. In a social sense, peace is commonly used to mean a lack of conflict (such as war) and freedom from fear of violence between individuals or groups.


Tranquillity (also spelled tranquility) is the quality or state of being tranquil; that is, calm, serene, and worry-free. The word tranquillity appears in numerous texts ranging from the religious writings of Buddhism, where the term passaddhi refers to tranquillity of the body, thoughts and consciousness on the path to enlightenment, to an assortment of policy and planning guidance documents, where interpretation of the word is typically linked to engagement with the natural environment....


The absence of war or other hostilities.


The quality or state of being tranquil; calm
Passing cars are the only noise that disturbs the tranquillity of rural life


An agreement or a treaty to end hostilities
Negotiated the peace.


The quality or state of being tranquil; serenity.


Freedom from quarrels and disagreement; harmonious relations
Roommates living in peace with each other.


The state of being tranquil; peacefulness, the absence of disturbance or stress; serenity; calm.


Public security and order
Was arrested for disturbing the peace.


The quality or state of being tranquil; calmness; composure.


Inner contentment; serenity
Peace of mind.


An untroubled state; free from disturbances


Used as a greeting, a farewell, or a request for silence.


A state of peace and quiet


A state of tranquility, quiet, and harmony; absence of violence. For instance, a state free from civil disturbance.
Our lounge strives to maintain an environment of peace for the comfort of our customers.


A disposition free from stress or emotion


A state free of oppressive and unpleasant thoughts and emotions.
The safety equipment will give me some peace of mind.


Harmony in personal relations.


A state free of war, in particular war between different countries.
May there be peace in our time.


(archaic) Shut up!, silence!; be quiet, be silent.


(slang) Peace out; goodbye.


To make peace; to put at peace; to be at peace.


(slang) To peace out.


A state of quiet or tranquillity; freedom from disturbance or agitation; calm; repose


To make or become quiet; to be silent; to stop.
When the thunder would not peace at my bidding.


The state prevailing during the absence of war


Harmonious relations; freedom from disputes;
The roommates lived in peace together


The absence of mental stress or anxiety


The general security of public places;
He was arrested for disturbing the peace


A treaty to cease hostilities;
Peace came on November 11th

Common Curiosities

What is tranquility?

Tranquility refers to a state of calmness and quiet, whether in a personal, situational, or environmental context.

How is peace achieved?

Peace is typically achieved through diplomacy, negotiations, and sometimes interventions to resolve conflicts.

Can tranquility exist without peace?

Yes, one can experience personal tranquility even in the absence of societal peace, though external conflicts can affect one's inner calm.

How can one find tranquility?

Tranquility can be found through personal practices like meditation, or by being in calm and serene environments.

What is peace?

Peace is a state of freedom from conflict or war, often referring to societal or global harmony.

Does tranquility only refer to nature?

While closely associated with natural environments, tranquility can also describe calmness in personal mental states or quiet spaces.

Is tranquility a passive state?

While tranquility often involves a sense of passivity, achieving it can require active effort, such as engaging in practices that promote calm.

Is peace always a global concept?

While often used in a global context, peace can also refer to harmony within smaller communities or groups.

Can technology aid in achieving tranquility?

Technology, when used mindfully, can help create environments or tools conducive to tranquility, such as noise-canceling headphones or meditation apps.

What are common obstacles to achieving peace and tranquility?

Common obstacles include unresolved conflicts, societal inequalities, personal anxieties, and environmental disturbances.

Can efforts towards peace increase tranquility?

Yes, efforts towards societal or global peace can create environments that foster personal and environmental tranquility.

How do art and literature portray peace and tranquility?

Peace is often depicted as an ideal societal state, while tranquility is portrayed through serene landscapes and quiet moments.

What role does government play in peace?

Governments play a crucial role in establishing and maintaining peace through policies, diplomacy, and law enforcement.

How does tranquility affect health?

Experiencing tranquility can positively impact mental and physical health by reducing stress and improving well-being.

Can one contribute to peace?

Individuals can contribute to peace through actions that promote understanding, tolerance, and community service.

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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Co-written by
Maham Liaqat

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