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Perk vs. Perquisite — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman & Fiza Rafique — Updated on April 24, 2024
Perk generally refers to informal, non-essential employee benefits, like free coffee, while a perquisite is a formal, often contractual benefit such as a company car.
Perk vs. Perquisite — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Perk and Perquisite


Key Differences

Perk often implies benefits that are extra, non-monetary, and informally granted to employees, such as casual dress days. Whereas, a perquisite (often shortened to perk) is typically a more formal, possibly contractual part of an employment package, like health insurance.
Perks are usually seen as supplementary and can enhance workplace culture or employee satisfaction without being fundamental to the job offer, such as free meals or gym memberships. On the other hand, perquisites may be crucial for the job role, potentially affecting the decision to accept a job offer, like stock options or a housing allowance.
Perks can vary widely between different companies and may not be standardized or guaranteed, focusing more on improving day-to-day experiences at work. Whereas perquisites are often consistent within a company, structured as part of the compensation plan to provide long-term value to employees.
Perks are often provided to all employees regardless of their position or seniority, aiming to create a positive and inclusive work environment. In contrast, perquisites can sometimes be exclusive, offered only to higher-level executives or employees in senior positions, reflecting their status and role within the organization.
Perks can include things like parties or team outings, which are designed to boost morale and team cohesion. While perquisites often address more personal or individual needs, such as a company car or expense accounts, which are tailored to specific job functions or seniority levels.

Comparison Chart


Informal, casually offered
Formal, often contractual


Enhance workplace satisfaction
Integral to compensation package

Typical Benefits

Free lunches, gym memberships
Company car, stock options


Available to all employees
Often reserved for senior executives

Impact on Job Role

Minimal direct impact
Can be crucial for job functionality

Compare with Definitions


An incidental benefit awarded for certain types of employment beyond salary.
As a teacher, summer vacations were a perk she greatly valued.


A benefit or profit received from one's employment above and beyond one's salary.
The perquisite of free travel was essential for his consulting role.


A benefit given freely and enjoyed as a privilege of employment.
The free gym membership was a much-appreciated perk at her new job.


A privilege or profit provided in addition to regular salary and benefits.
The executive's perquisites included a company car and a substantial bonus scheme.


A minor privilege or concession given voluntarily.
Casual Fridays are a common perk in many modern offices.


A special right or privilege enjoyed as a result of one's position.
He had the perquisite of a private office due to his senior managerial role.


An advantage or benefit following from a job or situation.
One of the perks of his promotion was a flexible work schedule.


An entitlement or benefit granted as a supplemental advantage.
Private healthcare perquisites were part of her comprehensive employment package.


A privilege or gain that is expected or customary.
Free refreshments at work were a perk that employees really loved.


A customary right or advantage given on top of regular income.
Annual stock options are a valuable perquisite for many senior executives.


Become or make more cheerful, lively, or interesting
The coffee had perked him up long enough to tackle the reviews
She'd been depressed, but she seemed to perk up last week


A benefit which one enjoys or is entitled to on account of one's job or position
The wife of a president has all the perquisites of stardom


(with reference to coffee) percolate
She showed us how to perk the coffee
While the coffee perks, head out for the morning paper


A payment, profit, or benefit received in addition to a regular wage or salary, especially when due or expected.


A benefit to which one is entitled because of one's job
Many agencies are helping to keep personnel at their jobs by providing perks


Something regarded or claimed as an exclusive right by virtue of one's social position or rank
"The family had the perquisites of the upper-middle class, employing a maid, a chauffeur-gardener, and an Irish Catholic nanny" (Ira Bruce Nadel).


A coffee percolator
Leo hooked up an extension cord for me so I can use my perk


A gratuity; a tip.


To stick up or jut out
Dogs' ears that perk.


(chiefly in the plural) Any monetary or other incidental benefit beyond salary.
The perquisites of this job include health insurance and a performance bonus.


To carry oneself in a lively and jaunty manner.


A gratuity.
After the wonderful service that evening he didn’t hesitate in laying a substantial perquisite on the table.


To cause to stick up quickly
The dog perked its ears at the noise.


A privilege or possession held or claimed exclusively by a certain person, group or class.
Private jets and motor yachts are perquisites of the rich.


To percolate
The coffee was perking on the stove.


Something gained from a place or employment over and above the ordinary salary or fixed wages for services rendered; especially, a fee allowed by law to an officer for a specific service.
The pillage of a place taken by storm was regarded as the perquisite of the soldiers.
The best perquisites of a place are the advantages it gaves a man of doing good.




Things gotten by a man's own industry, or purchased with his own money, as opposed to things which come to him by descent.


A perquisite.


An incidental benefit awarded for certain types of employment (especially if it is regarded as a right);
A limousine is one of the fringe benefits of the job


(informal) Perquisite.
Free coffee is one of the perks of the job.


A right reserved exclusively by a particular person or group (especially a hereditary or official right);
Suffrage was the prerogative of white adult males


(video games) A bonus ability that a player character can acquire; a permanent power-up.


A percolator, particularly of coffee.


To make (coffee) in a percolator or a drip coffeemaker.
I’ll perk some coffee.


Of coffee: to be produced by heated water seeping (“percolating”) through coffee grounds.
The coffee is perking.


(transitive) To make trim or smart; to straighten up; to erect; to make a jaunty or saucy display of.


(intransitive) To appear from below or behind something, emerge, pop up, poke out.


To exalt oneself; to bear oneself loftily.


(dated) To peer; to look inquisitively.


(obsolete) To perch.


(obsolete) Smart; trim; spruce; jaunty; vain.


To make trim or smart; to straighten up; to erect; to make a jaunty or saucy display of; as, to perk the ears; to perk up one's head.


To exalt one's self; to bear one's self loftily.


To peer; to look inquisitively.


Smart; trim; spruce; jaunty; vain.


An incidental benefit awarded for certain types of employment (especially if it is regarded as a right);
A limousine is one of the fringe benefits of the job


Gain or regain energy;
I picked up after a nap

Common Curiosities

What is a perk?

A perk is a non-essential, often informal benefit provided by an employer to enhance employee satisfaction.

What defines a perquisite?

A perquisite is a more formal, contractual employment benefit, integral to compensation packages, particularly for high-level positions.

How do perks impact employee motivation?

Perks can significantly boost employee motivation and job satisfaction, contributing to a happier workplace.

What is an example of a perk?

An example of a perk could be free beverages at work or flexible working hours.

Are perquisites dependent on the job level?

Often, perquisites are dependent on job level or seniority, especially significant benefits like company cars.

What is an example of a perquisite?

An example of a perquisite is a company-provided smartphone or a health insurance plan.

What is the most common perk in workplaces?

Common perks in many workplaces include casual work environments and wellness programs.

What perquisite is often crucial for executive roles?

For executive roles, significant perquisites like stock option plans or executive health plans are common.

Can perks and perquisites overlap in meaning?

Yes, the terms can overlap; 'perk' is sometimes used colloquially to refer to any employment benefit, including perquisites.

Why do companies offer perks?

Companies offer perks to improve workplace morale, attract talent, and reduce employee turnover.

Are perks typically available to all employees?

Yes, perks are generally available to all employees to foster a positive and inclusive work culture.

Do perquisites affect employee loyalty?

Offering substantial perquisites can enhance employee loyalty and encourage long-term commitment to the company.

How do perks and perquisites vary internationally?

Perks and perquisites can vary widely internationally, influenced by cultural norms and employment regulations.

Are perquisites always part of the salary package?

While not always part of the salary, perquisites are typically integrated into the overall compensation plan for eligible employees.

Is there a tax implication for perks?

Yes, some perks may have tax implications depending on their value and nature.

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.
Co-written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.

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