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Perpetual Inventory System vs. Periodic Inventory System — What's the Difference?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Published on December 29, 2023
The Perpetual Inventory System updates inventory continuously, while the Periodic Inventory System updates at specific intervals. Both systems track inventory but differ in update frequency.
Perpetual Inventory System vs. Periodic Inventory System — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Perpetual Inventory System and Periodic Inventory System


Key Differences

The Perpetual Inventory System is a method of inventory tracking where updates to the inventory levels are made continuously, in real-time. This method allows businesses to maintain a highly accurate record of their inventory at any given moment. Through this system, each sale, purchase, or return immediately alters the inventory count.
On the contrary, the Periodic Inventory System updates inventory levels at specific, set intervals, such as weekly, monthly, or annually. Instead of continuous updates, businesses using this system will wait until the end of the period to make adjustments based on physical inventory counts and purchase records.
Under the Perpetual Inventory System, technology plays a crucial role. Modern point-of-sale systems and inventory management software often facilitate this real-time updating. The immediate tracking provides businesses with a clear picture of their stock levels at all times.
In contrast, the Periodic Inventory System can be less technology-dependent. It might be more suitable for smaller businesses with less inventory turnover. This system relies on periodic physical counts, which can be labor-intensive but can also provide a hands-on approach to inventory management.
Although both the Perpetual Inventory System and the Periodic Inventory System aim to monitor and manage inventory, the choice between them often depends on the business's size, technological infrastructure, and specific operational needs.

Comparison Chart

Update Frequency

Continuous, real-time updates.
Updates at specific intervals (e.g., monthly).

Technology Dependence

High; often relies on modern software.
Lower; can operate with minimal tech.

Accuracy Level

Offers high accuracy as inventory is updated in real-time.
Less precise due to time between updates.

Labor Intensity

Lower, due to automated updates.
Higher, due to periodic manual counts.


Suitable for businesses with high inventory turnover.
Fits businesses with lower turnover or limited tech access.

Compare with Definitions

Perpetual Inventory System

The Perpetual Inventory System ensures immediate adjustments to inventory counts.
The introduction of the Perpetual Inventory System minimized stockouts in their warehouse.

Periodic Inventory System

He Periodic Inventory System updates stock counts at designated intervals.
Their boutique used a Periodic Inventory System, updating inventory monthly.

Perpetual Inventory System

Perpetual Inventory System offers an ongoing tally of goods in stock.
Using a Perpetual Inventory System, the pharmacy could track medications with precision.

Periodic Inventory System

Periodic Inventory System means adjusting inventory based on periodic counts.
With the Periodic Inventory System, they did a comprehensive count every quarter.

Perpetual Inventory System

The Perpetual Inventory System provides continuous, real-time inventory tracking.
Their retail store implemented a Perpetual Inventory System to monitor stock levels instantly.

Periodic Inventory System

The Periodic Inventory System requires set times for inventory review and adjustment.
Adopting a Periodic Inventory System, the cafe reviewed stock levels every week.

Perpetual Inventory System

Perpetual Inventory System refers to constant inventory updates upon each transaction.
With the Perpetual Inventory System, they immediately knew when to reorder products.

Periodic Inventory System

Periodic Inventory System depends on regular, scheduled stock evaluations.
The craft store's Periodic Inventory System involved bi-monthly stocktaking sessions.

Perpetual Inventory System

The Perpetual Inventory System reflects instant inventory changes with every sale or purchase.
The e-commerce platform's Perpetual Inventory System ensured accurate online stock indications.

Periodic Inventory System

The Periodic Inventory System involves updates at predetermined times, not continuously.
Using the Periodic Inventory System, they ensured quarterly checks of their warehouse items.

Common Curiosities

What is the Perpetual Inventory System?

A system that updates inventory levels continuously, in real-time.

How does the Periodic Inventory System work?

It updates inventory at specific intervals based on physical counts and purchase records.

When are updates made in the Periodic Inventory System?

At set intervals, such as weekly, monthly, or annually.

Which inventory system offers higher accuracy?

The Perpetual Inventory System, due to its real-time updates.

Is the Periodic Inventory System labor-intensive?

It can be, as it often involves manual counts at the end of each period.

Why might a business choose the Periodic Inventory System?

It can be simpler, suitable for businesses with limited tech access or lower turnover.

Who might benefit from the Perpetual Inventory System?

Businesses with high inventory turnover or those seeking real-time inventory accuracy.

How frequently are counts made in the Periodic Inventory System?

It varies; counts can be made weekly, monthly, quarterly, or even annually.

Is the Perpetual Inventory System technology-dependent?

Yes, it often relies on modern point-of-sale and inventory management software.

Can the Perpetual Inventory System prevent stockouts?

It can help by offering immediate stock level insights, aiding timely reorders.

Do all businesses need a Perpetual Inventory System?

Not necessarily; the choice depends on business size, tech infrastructure, and operational needs.

How do businesses track sales in the Periodic Inventory System?

They often rely on sales records, followed by a physical inventory count at the period's end.

Can a business switch between the Perpetual and Periodic Inventory Systems?

Yes, though transitioning may require adjustments in operations and potentially new software.

Does the Perpetual Inventory System require physical counts?

While it offers real-time updates, occasional physical counts can ensure system accuracy.

Which system is more technologically advanced?

The Perpetual Inventory System, with its continuous, software-aided updates.

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Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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