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Persistence vs. Persistance — Which is Correct Spelling?

Persistence vs. Persistance — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Persistence or Persistance

How to spell Persistence?


Correct Spelling


Incorrect Spelling

Persistence Definitions

The act of persisting.
The state or quality of being persistent; persistency.
Continuance of an effect after the cause is removed
Persistence of vision.
The property of being persistent.
You've got to admire her persistence. She's asked him out every day for a month even though she keeps turning him down.
(computer science) Of data, the property of continuing to exist after the termination of the program.
Once written to a disk file, the data has persistence: it will still be there tomorrow when we run the next program.
(meteorology) Continuation of the previous day's weather (particularly temperature and precipitation statistics).
(mathematics) The number of times an operation can be iteratively applied to a number before it reaches a permanently constant state.
2=The persistence of the number 39 under the operation of multiplying the digits of the number is three, because 3x9 = 27, 2x7 = 14, and 1x4 = 4, and no further iterations will change the number again.
The quality or state of being persistent; staying or continuing quality; hence, in an unfavorable sense, doggedness; obstinacy.
The continuance of an effect after the cause which first gave rise to it is removed
The property of a continuous and connected period of time
Persistent determination
The act of persisting or persevering; continuing or repeating behavior;
His perseveration continued to the point where it was no longer appropriate

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