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Philosopher vs. Philosophist — Which is Correct Spelling?

Philosopher vs. Philosophist — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Philosopher or Philosophist

How to spell Philosopher?


Correct Spelling


Incorrect Spelling

Philosopher Definitions

A philosopher is someone who practices philosophy. The term philosopher comes from the Ancient Greek: φιλόσοφος, romanized: philosophos, meaning 'lover of wisdom'.
A student of or specialist in philosophy.
A person who lives and thinks according to a particular philosophy.
A person who is calm and rational under any circumstances.
(originally) A lover of wisdom.
A student of philosophy.
A scholar or expert engaged in or contributing to philosophical inquiry.
(archaic) A person who applies the principles of philosophy to the conduct of their life, as by acting calmly and rationally in the face of inevitable change.
(archaic) A student, scholar, or expert in any branch of knowledge, especially those branches studied prior to being considered part of pure science.
(obsolete) An alchemist.
One who philosophizes; one versed in, or devoted to, philosophy.
Then certain philosophers of the Epicureans, and of the Stoics, encountered him.
One who reduces the principles of philosophy to practice in the conduct of life; one who lives according to the rules of practical wisdom; one who meets or regards all vicissitudes with calmness.
An alchemist.
A specialist in philosophy
A wise person who is calm and rational; someone who lives a life of reason with equanimity

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