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Phosphoric Acid vs. Citric Acid — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Published on November 30, 2023
Phosphoric Acid is a mineral acid derived from phosphorus; Citric Acid is an organic acid found naturally in citrus fruits.
Phosphoric Acid vs. Citric Acid — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Phosphoric Acid and Citric Acid


Key Differences

Phosphoric Acid is a mineral acid with the chemical formula H₃PO₄. Originating from phosphorus, this acid is commonly used in the industrial sector for various applications. Citric Acid, on the other hand, is an organic acid known for its presence in citrus fruits like lemons and oranges. With its chemical formula C₆H₈O₇, it plays a vital role in metabolism as part of the citric acid cycle.
Both Phosphoric Acid and Citric Acid have extensive applications in various industries. While Phosphoric Acid is employed in rust removal, fertilizer production, and soft drink flavoring, Citric Acid finds its use in food preservation, flavoring, and as a key component in many cleaning agents. Though they share the title of 'acid', their origins, structures, and functions are distinctly unique.
Another key difference between Phosphoric Acid and Citric Acid lies in their acidity levels and taste profiles. Phosphoric Acid, though less caustic than some other mineral acids, can have a more neutral taste and is often found in colas. Citric Acid has a distinctly sour taste, making it ideal for candies, beverages, and other edibles that need a tangy flavor.
In terms of safety and consumption, while both acids are found in various foods and drinks, Citric Acid is more common in day-to-day consumables, given its natural occurrence in many fruits. Phosphoric Acid, although used in some beverages, is primarily an industrial acid, and its ingestion in high concentrations can be harmful.

Comparison Chart


Derived from phosphorus
Naturally found in citrus fruits

Chemical Formula



More neutral taste
Distinctly sour

Common Uses

Rust removal, fertilizers, soft drinks
Food preservation, flavoring, cleaning agents


Mineral acid
Organic acid

Compare with Definitions

Phosphoric Acid

A component in dental cements.
Phosphoric Acid aids in bonding dental materials.

Citric Acid

An organic acid with the formula C₆H₈O₇.
Citric Acid gives lemons their sour taste.

Phosphoric Acid

A mineral acid with the formula H₃PO₄.
Phosphoric Acid is used in many industrial processes.

Citric Acid

Plays a role in the citric acid cycle in metabolism.
Citric Acid is vital for energy production in cells.

Phosphoric Acid

Derived from the element phosphorus.
Phosphoric Acid is a common ingredient in some fertilizers.

Citric Acid

Naturally found in citrus fruits.
Oranges are a rich source of Citric Acid.

Phosphoric Acid

Used as an acidifying agent in colas.
The tang in some sodas comes from Phosphoric Acid.

Citric Acid

Used as a flavoring and preserving agent.
Citric Acid prevents apples from browning.

Phosphoric Acid

Employed for metal rust removal.
Phosphoric Acid can treat and prevent rust on surfaces.

Citric Acid

Commonly used in eco-friendly cleaning products.
Citric Acid effectively removes limescale.

Common Curiosities

Which acid is derived from citrus fruits?

Citric Acid is derived from citrus fruits.

Are both acids safe for consumption?

Both are found in foods, but only in regulated amounts. Excessive Phosphoric Acid can be harmful.

Which acid is used in eco-friendly cleaning products?

Citric Acid is commonly used in eco-friendly cleaning products.

What is the chemical formula of Phosphoric Acid?

The chemical formula of Phosphoric Acid is H₃PO₄.

Which acid has a distinctly sour taste?

Citric Acid has a distinctly sour taste.

Is Citric Acid a part of human metabolism?

Yes, Citric Acid plays a role in the citric acid cycle in cellular metabolism.

Where is Phosphoric Acid primarily sourced from?

Phosphoric Acid is derived from phosphorus.

In which industry is Phosphoric Acid used for rust removal?

Phosphoric Acid is used in the metallurgy industry for rust removal.

What is the primary use of Phosphoric Acid in beverages?

Phosphoric Acid is used as an acidifying agent in colas.

Which acid is a component in dental cements?

Phosphoric Acid is used in dental cements for bonding.

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Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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