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Pincer vs. Pincher — Which is Correct Spelling?

Pincer vs. Pincher — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Pincer or Pincher

How to spell Pincer?


Correct Spelling


Incorrect Spelling

Pincer Definitions

A tool made of two pieces of metal with blunt concave jaws that are arranged like the blades of scissors, used for gripping and pulling things.
A hinged and sharply pointed organ used by an arthropod for feeding or defence, as the mandibles of an insect, or each of the chelae of a crab, lobster, or scorpion.
Often pincers or pinchers A grasping tool having two parts hinged together to work in opposition.
One of the opposing parts in such a tool.
A claw resembling such a tool, as of a lobster or scorpion; a chela.
Pincers or pinchers A pair of mandibles or other appendages used by certain arthropods for grasping, as the cerci of an earwig.
A military maneuver in which an enemy force is attacked from two flanks and the front.
Any object that resembles one half of a pair of pincers.
To surround with a pincer attack.
A hand tool for holding consisting of a compound lever
A structure like a pincer on the limb of a crustacean or other arthropods

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