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Plant Cell vs. Animal Cell — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Published on October 15, 2023
Plant cells have a rigid cell wall, chloroplasts, and large vacuoles, while animal cells lack these structures and have small vacuoles.
Plant Cell vs. Animal Cell — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Plant Cell and Animal Cell


Key Differences

Plant cells are fundamental units of plants and have distinct features that support their photosynthetic nature and static existence. In contrast, animal cells are the basic building blocks of animals and are equipped to support movement and higher metabolic rates.
The most noticeable difference between plant cells and animal cells is the presence of a cell wall in plant cells. This rigid structure, composed mainly of cellulose, provides support and protection. Animal cells, on the other hand, possess a flexible cell membrane without a surrounding cell wall.
Chloroplasts, essential for photosynthesis, are found in plant cells, allowing them to produce their food. Animal cells, lacking chloroplasts, rely on the intake of nutrients from external sources.
Another distinction is the central vacuole in plant cells, which stores water and maintains turgor pressure. Animal cells have smaller vacuoles and do not play a significant role in maintaining cell shape or size.
While both plant cells and animal cells have mitochondria, it's notable that plant cells utilize both mitochondria and chloroplasts for energy production, while animal cells rely solely on mitochondria.

Comparison Chart

Outer Layer

Has a rigid cell wall made of cellulose.
Lacks a cell wall; has a flexible cell membrane.

Organelles for Energy

Contains chloroplasts for photosynthesis.
Does not have chloroplasts.


Large central vacuole for storage and maintaining cell shape.
Smaller vacuoles without a significant role in cell shape.


Generally fixed and rectangular.
Varied shapes, more rounded.


Less common.
Commonly present and play a role in digestion within the cell.

Compare with Definitions

Plant Cell

Enclosed by a rigid cell wall.
The plant cell's cell wall provides it with support and protection.

Animal Cell

Contains small vacuoles and lysosomes.
The animal cell uses lysosomes for intracellular digestion.

Plant Cell

Typically maintains a fixed, rectangular shape.
Due to its cell wall, the plant cell retains a specific shape.

Animal Cell

Has a more varied and rounded shape.
The shape of an animal cell can change according to its function.

Plant Cell

Contains chloroplasts for photosynthesis.
The plant cell harnesses sunlight to produce food.

Animal Cell

Relies on mitochondria for energy production.
In the animal cell, the mitochondria play a central role in energy conversion.

Plant Cell

The basic structural unit of plants.
The plant cell has a large central vacuole.

Animal Cell

The basic structural unit of animals.
The animal cell has various organelles, including the nucleus.

Plant Cell

Participates in both photosynthesis and cellular respiration.
A plant cell utilizes its mitochondria and chloroplasts for energy.

Animal Cell

Lacks chloroplasts and cell walls.
The animal cell is flexible due to the absence of a rigid cell wall.

Common Curiosities

Do both plant cells and animal cells have a nucleus?

Yes, both plant cells and animal cells have a nucleus that contains genetic material.

What's the primary energy-producing organelle in plant cells?

Plant cells use both chloroplasts (for photosynthesis) and mitochondria (for cellular respiration).

Are vacuoles exclusive to plant cells?

No, while plant cells have a large central vacuole, animal cells also have vacuoles, but they are smaller.

What is the primary function of the cell wall in plant cells?

The cell wall provides support, protection, and maintains the shape of the plant cell.

Do animal cells undergo photosynthesis?

No, animal cells lack chloroplasts and do not undergo photosynthesis.

Why do animal cells not have a rigid shape like plant cells?

Animal cells lack the rigid cell wall that plant cells have, resulting in a more flexible shape.

What is the role of chloroplasts in plant cells?

Chloroplasts in plant cells are responsible for photosynthesis, converting light energy into chemical energy.

Are lysosomes more common in plant cells or animal cells?

Lysosomes are more common and prominent in animal cells.

How do animal cells get their nutrients?

Animal cells obtain nutrients from external sources since they cannot perform photosynthesis.

Do both plant and animal cells have a cell membrane?

Yes, both plant and animal cells have a cell membrane that regulates the movement of substances in and out of the cell.

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Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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