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Plush Mattress vs. Pillow Top Mattress — What's the Difference?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Urooj Arif — Published on August 23, 2024
A plush mattress offers a soft, yielding feel for comfort, while a pillow top mattress features an added cushioning layer on top for enhanced softness and support.
Plush Mattress vs. Pillow Top Mattress — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Plush Mattress and Pillow Top Mattress


Key Differences

A plush mattress is designed to provide a soft sleeping surface that contours to the body, offering a balance of comfort and support. It's ideal for side sleepers and those who prefer a softer feel without sinking too deeply. Pillow top mattresses, on the other hand, have an additional layer of soft material stitched on top, creating a distinct "pillow" appearance that adds an extra level of softness and luxury.
The key difference lies in the construction. Plush mattresses achieve their softness through the materials used within the mattress itself, such as memory foam or softer springs. Pillow top mattresses, however, maintain a standard mattress structure and add a soft, cushioned layer on top, which can be made of memory foam, cotton, wool, or down.
In terms of support, plush mattresses provide a gentle cradle for the body, which can relieve pressure points and support proper spinal alignment, especially for side sleepers. Pillow top mattresses offer a similar level of softness but with the added benefit of the pillow top layer, which can provide additional support and comfort, particularly beneficial for people with back pain or those seeking extra cushioning.
Durability is another consideration. Plush mattresses may wear out more quickly due to the softer materials compressing over time. Pillow top mattresses might also face issues with the top layer compressing or shifting, but the base mattress typically retains its support longer.
Both mattress types cater to those seeking a softer sleeping surface, but the choice between them often comes down to personal preference for the feel and the specific type of softness and support each person finds most comfortable.

Comparison Chart


Soft materials integrated within the mattress.
Additional soft layer stitched on top of the mattress.


Soft and yielding, with a gentle cradle.
Extra softness from the pillow top, with underlying support.


Good for pressure relief and side sleepers.
Added cushioning can enhance support and comfort.


May compress over time due to softer materials.
Pillow top may compress, but base tends to retain support longer.

Best for

Those who prefer a softer feel without extra layers.
Those seeking an extra layer of cushioning on top of a supportive mattress.

Compare with Definitions

Plush Mattress

May wear out faster due to the compression of softer materials over time.
After a few years, the plush mattress showed signs of compression but remained comfortable.

Pillow Top Mattress

Those who want an extra soft sleeping surface with underlying support.
He appreciated the pillow top mattress for its extra cushioning, which eased his back discomfort.

Plush Mattress

A mattress with a soft feel that contours to the body, providing comfort and support.
The plush mattress cradled her body, relieving the pressure points and ensuring a restful sleep.

Pillow Top Mattress

The pillow top layer may compress or shift over time, but the base mattress remains supportive.
Although the pillow top layer showed some compression, the mattress underneath continued to provide solid support.

Plush Mattress

Side sleepers and those who prefer a softer sleeping surface without sinking too deeply.
As a side sleeper, she found the plush mattress to be the perfect blend of softness and support.

Pillow Top Mattress

A mattress featuring an added layer of soft material on top, creating a pillow-like surface.
The pillow top mattress had a luxurious feel, with the top layer offering additional softness.

Plush Mattress

Often made with softer springs or memory foam to achieve its plush feel.
The memory foam in the plush mattress adapted to his body shape, providing personalized comfort.

Pillow Top Mattress

The pillow top can be made of various soft materials like foam, cotton, or wool.
The cotton-filled pillow top on the mattress added a breathable layer of softness.

Plush Mattress

Provides a balance of softness and support, ideal for those seeking gentle cradling.
The plush mattress offered a comfortable, soft sleeping surface that wasn't too firm or too soft.

Pillow Top Mattress

Offers an additional layer of comfort on top of a supportive mattress, suitable for a variety of sleepers.
The pillow top mattress was a hit in the guest room, with visitors enjoying the plush, comfortable sleep experience.

Common Curiosities

What is a plush mattress?

A plush mattress is a soft mattress that provides a comfortable, contouring sleep surface without deep sinking.

What are the benefits of a pillow top mattress?

Pillow top mattresses offer enhanced softness and comfort with an extra cushioning layer, making them suitable for those seeking additional softness and support.

Can plush and pillow top mattresses support back pain relief?

Both can offer pressure relief and support proper spinal alignment, which may help with back pain, though individual preferences and needs vary.

Is a plush mattress good for stomach sleepers?

Stomach sleepers might find plush mattresses too soft, as they may not provide enough support to prevent the spine from arching.

Who should choose a plush mattress?

Plush mattresses are ideal for side sleepers and those who prefer a softer, more contouring sleep surface.

How long do plush mattresses last?

The lifespan of a plush mattress depends on the quality of materials but may be slightly shorter than firmer mattresses due to the softer materials compressing over time.

Are pillow top mattresses more expensive than plush mattresses?

Pillow top mattresses might be more expensive due to the additional material and construction, but prices vary widely based on brand and quality.

What if the pillow top wears out before the mattress?

If the pillow top layer wears out, a mattress topper can provide a similar feel without needing to replace the entire mattress.

Can you flip a pillow top mattress?

Most pillow top mattresses cannot be flipped due to the specific construction with the pillow top on one side.

How does a pillow top mattress differ from a plush mattress?

A pillow top mattress features an additional soft layer stitched on top for extra softness, whereas a plush mattress integrates softness throughout its construction.

How do you decide between a plush and a pillow top mattress?

Choosing between the two depends on personal preference for sleep surface softness, support needs, and whether you prefer integrated softness or an additional cushioning layer.

How do you maintain a pillow top mattress?

Rotating the mattress regularly can help prevent uneven wear and extend the life of the pillow top layer.

Can a pillow top be added to an existing mattress?

For added comfort, a separate pillow top mattress topper can be added to an existing mattress.

Do plush mattresses need a special foundation?

Like all mattresses, plush mattresses perform best on a solid, supportive foundation, but no special foundation is necessary.

Are plush or pillow top mattresses better for hot sleepers?

Hot sleepers might find some plush and pillow top materials too insulating, but breathable materials like cotton or gel-infused foams can help mitigate heat retention.

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Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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