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PNG 24 vs. PNG 8 — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Published on November 27, 2023
PNG 24 offers 24-bit color with over 16 million colors and transparency. PNG 8 provides 8-bit color, supporting 256 colors and limited transparency.
PNG 24 vs. PNG 8 — What's the Difference?

Difference Between PNG 24 and PNG 8


Key Differences

PNG 24 is a type of image file format that allows for 24-bit color depth. This means it can represent over 16 million colors, making it suitable for complex images with gradients, shadows, and high color variation. On the contrary, PNG 8 is an image format with an 8-bit color depth.
While PNG 24 can accommodate a broad spectrum of colors, PNG 8 is limited to a palette of just 256 colors. This characteristic makes PNG 8 files significantly smaller in size compared to PNG 24. Therefore, for simpler graphics with fewer colors, PNG 8 can be a more efficient choice.
Both PNG 24 and PNG 8 support transparency, which allows for the creation of images with no background or with semi-transparent elements. However, PNG 24 provides smoother transparency gradients, whereas PNG 8 has a more limited, often "choppy" type of transparency.
In web and graphic design, the choice between PNG 24 and PNG 8 often hinges on the specific needs of a project. If preserving the image's detailed color and smooth transparency is a priority, PNG 24 is the go-to. But for more basic graphics or when smaller file sizes are essential, PNG 8 is often preferred.
The understanding of PNG 24 and PNG 8 is crucial for graphic designers and web developers. While both offer the advantages of the PNG format, like lossless compression and transparency, their differences in color depth and file size can impact design and website performance.

Comparison Chart

Color Depth


Color Range

Over 16 million colors
256 colors

File Size

Generally larger
Smaller due to limited color palette


Smooth transparency gradients
Limited, often "choppy" transparency

Best Use

Complex images with gradients and high color variation
Basic graphics with fewer colors

Compare with Definitions

PNG 24

An image format with 24-bit color depth.
For detailed artwork, using PNG 24 ensures a broader range of color representation.


An image format that uses 8-bit color depth.
The simple chart was saved in PNG 8 due to its limited colors.

PNG 24

Provides smooth transparency gradients.
Designers prefer PNG 24 for logos with transparent backgrounds and soft shadows.


Provides limited transparency features.
The button's simple transparent background was achieved using PNG 8.

PNG 24

Offers lossless compression with detailed color.
To retain the image's vibrant palette, it was exported as a PNG 24.


Suitable for basic graphics with smaller file sizes.
Web designers chose PNG 8 for fast-loading website icons.

PNG 24

Ideal for complex images with high color variation.
The digital painting, full of rich hues, was saved in PNG 24 format.


Can represent a palette of up to 256 colors.
The icon, with its few shades, was ideal for the PNG 8 format.

PNG 24

Supports over 16 million colors.
The photographer chose PNG 24 to capture the image's intricate color nuances.


Offers lossless compression but with a restricted color palette.
To optimize the webpage's load time, the banner was saved as PNG 8.

Common Curiosities

What is PNG 24?

PNG 24 is an image format that offers 24-bit color depth, supporting over 16 million colors.

Which format provides smoother transparency: PNG 24 or PNG 8?

PNG 24 provides smoother transparency gradients, while PNG 8 offers more limited transparency.

Which format results in larger file sizes?

Typically, PNG 24 files are larger due to their broader color representation.

Is PNG 8 suitable for photographs?

PNG 8 might not be ideal for photographs due to its limited color palette. PNG 24 is often preferred.

Which format is better for website performance?

PNG 8, due to its smaller file size, is often better for website performance, but it depends on the image's complexity.

How does PNG 8 differ from PNG 24 in terms of colors?

PNG 8 supports up to 256 colors, while PNG 24 can represent over 16 million colors.

When might one prefer to use PNG 8 over PNG 24?

PNG 8 is preferred for basic graphics with fewer colors or when smaller file sizes are essential.

Are both PNG 24 and PNG 8 lossless formats?

Yes, both PNG 24 and PNG 8 offer lossless compression, but they differ in color depth.

How do PNG 24 and PNG 8 handle shadows and gradients?

PNG 24 handles shadows and gradients more smoothly, while PNG 8 may display them with some banding.

Can I convert a PNG 24 image to PNG 8?

Yes, but be mindful that converting to PNG 8 may result in color loss and limited transparency.

Can both formats support transparency?

Yes, both PNG 24 and PNG 8 support transparency, but PNG 24 offers smoother transparency gradients.

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Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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