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Polo vs. Ralph Lauren — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Published on January 19, 2024
Polo is a brand under the Ralph Lauren Corporation, known for its polo shirts and sportswear, while Ralph Lauren is a broader luxury fashion company encompassing various brands and styles, including Polo.
Polo vs. Ralph Lauren — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Polo and Ralph Lauren


Key Differences

Polo is a flagship brand of the Ralph Lauren Corporation, primarily known for its iconic polo shirts. Ralph Lauren, the company, encompasses a range of brands and lines, including Polo, which offer a variety of apparel and lifestyle products.
The Polo brand focuses on sportswear and casual wear, epitomized by its polo shirts, which have become a classic symbol of preppy style. Ralph Lauren as a company offers a wider range of products, including high-end fashion lines, fragrances, home furnishings, and accessories.
Polo is known for its distinctive logo featuring a polo player on a horse, representing a sporty and casual lifestyle. Ralph Lauren, named after its founder, has a broader brand image that includes luxury and sophistication, encompassing several different aesthetics and price points.
Polo typically targets a market looking for high-quality, casual, and sport-inspired clothing. Ralph Lauren, in its entirety, caters to a diverse clientele, offering everything from luxury fashion to more accessible lines like Polo.
In terms of brand recognition, Polo is often synonymous with its polo shirts and casual attire, while Ralph Lauren represents a broader luxury lifestyle, with its brand portfolio offering a range of styles and products beyond casual wear.

Comparison Chart

Brand Focus

Sportswear and casual wear, especially polo shirts.
Diverse range including luxury fashion, accessories, and home products.

Target Market

Consumers seeking quality sporty and casual apparel.
Wider luxury market, with various lines catering to different tastes and budgets.

Signature Style

Preppy, sport-inspired style.
Includes preppy, luxury, and sophisticated styles.


Polo player on a horse.
Varied logos for different lines, with the polo player being one of them.

Product Range

Primarily apparel focused on casual wear.
Broader range including high-end fashion, fragrances, and home decor.

Compare with Definitions


Part of the Ralph Lauren Corporation's brand portfolio.
Polo is one of the key brands under the Ralph Lauren umbrella.

Ralph Lauren

Encompasses various brands including Polo, Black Label, and others.
Ralph Lauren's brand portfolio includes Polo, offering diverse fashion choices.


A brand known for its classic polo shirts and casual wear.
He wore a Polo shirt with the signature logo at the golf course.

Ralph Lauren

A luxury fashion company offering a range of high-end products.
Ralph Lauren is renowned for its luxury clothing and lifestyle products.


Targets customers looking for high-quality sport-inspired clothing.
For quality sport-inspired apparel, many turn to Polo.

Ralph Lauren

Caters to a clientele seeking luxury and diverse fashion styles.
Ralph Lauren appeals to those who appreciate luxury and varied styles.


Represents a sporty, preppy lifestyle in fashion.
Polo's clothing line perfectly captures a preppy and sporty aesthetic.

Ralph Lauren

Named after its founder and represents sophistication and style.
Ralph Lauren, founded by the designer of the same name, symbolizes elegance in fashion.


Features the iconic logo of a polo player on a horse.
The Polo logo is instantly recognizable in the world of fashion.

Ralph Lauren

Offers products beyond clothing, including fragrances and home decor.
Ralph Lauren's home decor line is as exquisite as its fashion collection.

Common Curiosities

What is Polo known for?

Polo is best known for its polo shirts and casual, sporty apparel.

Is Polo a separate company from Ralph Lauren?

No, Polo is a brand under the Ralph Lauren Corporation.

Is the Polo logo present on all Ralph Lauren products?

No, the Polo logo is specific to the Polo brand and not all Ralph Lauren products feature it.

What types of products does Ralph Lauren offer?

Ralph Lauren offers a wide range of products including luxury clothing, accessories, fragrances, and home decor.

What distinguishes Ralph Lauren's luxury lines from Polo?

Ralph Lauren's luxury lines often feature more sophisticated, high-end designs compared to the casual style of Polo.

What demographic does Polo target?

Polo targets consumers who prefer sporty, casual, and preppy styles.

Can Polo be considered a luxury brand?

While Polo is high-quality, it's more casual and less high-end compared to some of Ralph Lauren's other lines.

Are Ralph Lauren products more expensive than Polo?

Generally, Ralph Lauren's high-end lines are more expensive than the Polo line.

Can I find Polo products in Ralph Lauren stores?

Yes, Polo products are typically available in Ralph Lauren stores.

What makes Ralph Lauren a luxury brand?

Its high-quality materials, craftsmanship, and sophisticated designs contribute to its luxury status.

Who founded Ralph Lauren?

Ralph Lauren was founded by American designer Ralph Lauren.

Do Ralph Lauren and Polo offer online shopping?

Yes, both brands offer online shopping options.

Does Ralph Lauren have a home furnishings line?

Yes, Ralph Lauren offers a luxury home furnishings line.

Is Polo apparel suitable for formal occasions?

Polo apparel is generally more suited for casual and semi-formal occasions.

Is Ralph Lauren involved in sustainable fashion?

Ralph Lauren has made efforts towards sustainability in its production and product lines.

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Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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