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Popularist vs. Populist — Which is Correct Spelling?

Edited by Sumaia Saeed — By Munazza Shafiq — Updated on April 22, 2024
Popularist is the incorrect spelling of populist. Populist refers to a political approach that strives to appeal to ordinary people who feel that their concerns are disregarded by established elite groups.
Popularist vs. Populist — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Popularist or Populist

How to spell Populist?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

The root "popul-" in populist is also found in "population," reinforcing its connection to the people.
Populist derives from "populus," the Latin word for people, reflecting its focus on the general population.
Focus on the suffix "-ist" in populist to help remember it's about a person or movement, whereas "popular" is more about being liked or well-known.
Remember that populist ends in "ist," indicating a person or ideology, which aligns with other political terms like "socialist" or "capitalist."

How Do You Spell Populist Correctly?

Incorrect: The party's popularist agenda was well-received in rural areas.
Correct: The party's populist agenda was well-received in rural areas.
Incorrect: Many believe popularist politics oversimplify complex issues.
Correct: Many believe populist politics oversimplify complex issues.
Incorrect: She wrote a book criticizing the rise of popularist movements.
Correct: She wrote a book criticizing the rise of populist movements.
Incorrect: He is a popularist leader who speaks about economic reforms.
Correct: He is a populist leader who speaks about economic reforms.
Incorrect: The popularist rhetoric often targets the urban elites.
Correct: The populist rhetoric often targets the urban elites.

Populist Definitions

Relating to a political approach that seeks to represent the interests of ordinary people.
His populist policies included tax reductions for the middle class.
Describing movements or policies that appeal directly to the everyday concerns of voters.
Populist leaders often promise to challenge the status quo and fight for the common man.
Often used pejoratively to describe demagogic politicians who stir up emotions.
Critics argue that his populist approach is more about gaining power than solving problems.
A person, especially a politician, who strives to appeal to ordinary people who feel that their concerns are disregarded by established elite groups
He ran as a populist on an anti-corruption platform
Right-wing populists seem poised to make electoral gains
Relating to or characteristic of a political approach that strives to appeal to ordinary people who feel that their concerns are disregarded by established elite groups
A populist opposition leader
Populist tabloid newspapers
Party leaders plan to reprise the populist rhetoric that they used in the tax fight
A supporter of the rights and power of the people.
Populist A supporter of the Populist Party.
Of or relating to populism or its advocates
A populist aversion to business monopolies.
Populist Of or relating to the Populist Party.
A person who advocates populism (a movement against ruling elites who are presumed not to act in the interests of the ordinary citizen).
A politician who advocates specific policies just because they are popular.
A person who advocates democratic principles.
(of a political policy) Put forward just because it would be popular.
Of or pertaining to populism.
A member of the People's party.
An advocate of democratic principles
A supporter or adherent of populism, often seen as opposing the elite.
The candidate positioned herself as a populist by focusing on grassroots support.
A term used to denote political strategies that mobilize the general populace against perceived elites.
Populist rhetoric typically frames politics as a battle between the people and the powerful.

Populist Meaning in a Sentence

The senator’s populist stance resonated with many voters in the rural areas.
Her campaign strategy is heavily populist, aiming at winning over the working-class majority.
Many populist parties have risen to prominence by exploiting economic discontent.
His writings include a detailed analysis of populist economics.
Populist movements have gained momentum in various parts of the world.
He criticized the government's policies as too elitist and not populist enough.
Populist leaders often use rhetoric that appeals to the nation's pride.
The movement’s populist nature helped it gain a wide base of support.
The documentary explores the rise of populist sentiments in the 21st century.
She attended the rally where the populist candidate spoke about healthcare reforms.
The debate highlighted the growing influence of populist politics in the region.
Populist speeches typically include promises to fight corruption and reduce inequality.
She argued that populist policies should not be dismissed as mere rhetoric.
Populist messages tend to resonate well during times of economic hardship.
Scholars debate whether populist strategies are ultimately beneficial or harmful.
Populist agendas often promise to return power to the people.
The party tried to broaden its appeal with a more populist platform.
They discussed the impact of populist policies on global trade.
The new law was described as a populist measure by the opposition.
Her essay examined the fine line between populist and demagogic leadership.
Populist rhetoric frequently involves criticizing the mainstream media.
He has been a vocal critic of the populist wave sweeping across the continent.
The conference focused on the challenges posed by rising populist forces.
Historians trace the roots of modern populist movements to earlier democratic struggles.
Populist economics are sometimes criticized for being overly simplistic.

Populist Idioms & Phrases

Populist backlash

Negative reaction against the elite instigated by populist movements.
The new policy triggered a populist backlash against the government.

Populist stance

A position taken that aligns with populist principles.
Her populist stance on immigration has won her many supporters.

Populist wave

A significant increase in populist sentiment or movements.
The country is riding a populist wave that could change its political landscape.

Populist strategy

A method employed to gain political support by appealing directly to public concerns.
Using a populist strategy, she managed to sway undecided voters.

Populist agenda

A list of priorities or objectives that are considered populist.
The party unveiled its populist agenda during the convention.

Populist tactics

Techniques used to gain support through populist means.
Populist tactics often include speaking directly to people’s fears and aspirations.

Populist appeal

The ability to attract the general populace's support.
The candidate’s populist appeal was evident in his landslide election victory.

Populist rhetoric

Language and arguments used to appeal to ordinary people.
His speech was filled with populist rhetoric promising vast reforms.

Populist sentiment

Feelings or attitudes that reflect populist views.
There is a strong populist sentiment that the elites are out of touch with the public.

Populist movement

A movement that seeks to rally the common people against the elite.
The populist movement has grown significantly in the past year.

Populist leader

A leader who embodies or promotes populism.
The populist leader promised to dismantle the corrupt power structures.

Populist uprising

An uprising rooted in populist ideals.
The populist uprising was a response to decades of economic mismanagement.

Populist platform

The set of policies or agenda that a populist party or politician promotes.
His populist platform focuses on reducing wealth inequality.

Populist politics

Political actions or policies that are based on appealing to ordinary people.
Populist politics often involve addressing the economic worries of the middle class.

Populist reform

Changes or improvements promoted by populists.
The new government initiated several populist reforms to stabilize the economy.

Populist tone

The manner of expression that indicates a populist approach.
The article was written in a populist tone to appeal to a wider audience.

Populist discourse

Discussion or conversation that involves populist themes.
The forum was dominated by populist discourse regarding economic disparity.

Populist victory

A win achieved through or resulting from populist support.
The election results were seen as a populist victory against the traditional parties.

Populist party

A political party that bases its ideology and policies on populism.
The populist party won a surprising number of seats in the election.

Populist promise

A promise made with the intent of appealing to the general population.
The politician made a populist promise to cut taxes for everyone.

Common Curiosities

How many syllables are in populist?

Populist has three syllables.

How do we divide populist into syllables?

Populist is divided into syllables as pop-u-list.

Why is it called populist?

Populist comes from the Latin "populus," meaning "people," reflecting its focus on the general population's interests.

What is a stressed syllable in populist?

The stressed syllable in populist is the first syllable, "pop."

What is the verb form of populist?

Populist is not a verb; it is an adjective and noun.

How is populist used in a sentence?

Populist is used as an adjective or noun, referring to political strategies that appeal to the general populace, often contrasting with the elite.

What part of speech is populist?

Populist is both an adjective and a noun.

What is the singular form of populist?

The singular form of populist is "populist."

What is another term for populist?

Another term for populist could be "demagogue" when used pejoratively or simply "people's advocate" in a neutral sense.

What is the pronunciation of populist?

Populist is pronounced as \ˈpä-pyə-list.

What is the root word of populist?

The root word of populist is "populus," the Latin word for "people."

Is populist a collective noun?

No, populist is not a collective noun; it refers to individuals or a general approach.

Is the word populist imperative?

No, populist is not an imperative; it is a descriptive term.

Is the word populist Gerund?

No, populist is not a gerund; it remains an adjective or a noun.

Is populist an adverb?

No, populist is not an adverb.

Is populist a countable noun?

Yes, as a noun, populist is countable; one can talk about one or more populists.

Is the populist term a metaphor?

No, the term populist directly describes political approaches and is not used metaphorically.

What is the opposite of populist?

The opposite of populist could be "elitist," referring to policies or attitudes that favor a small, privileged group.

Is populist a negative or positive word?

Populist can be either negative or positive, depending on the context and perspective of the speaker.

Is the word “populist” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

As a noun, populist can be used as either a direct object or an indirect object depending on its role in a sentence.

Which vowel is used before populist?

The article "a" is commonly used before populist.

Which conjunction is used with populist?

Conjunctions such as "and," "or," and "but" can be used when discussing aspects of populist.

Which article is used with populist?

The definite article "the" is commonly used with populist.

What is the plural form of populist?

The plural form of populist is "populists."

Is populist a noun or adjective?

Populist is both a noun and an adjective.

Is populist an abstract noun?

As an adjective, it's not a noun, but as a noun, it refers concretely to individuals or movements and is not abstract.

Is populist a vowel or consonant?

The word populist starts with a consonant.

Which determiner is used with populist?

Determiners such as "the," "a," "some," and "any" can be used with populist.

Which preposition is used with populist?

Prepositions like "of," "with," and "for" are commonly used with populist depending on the context.

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Written by
Munazza Shafiq
Edited by
Sumaia Saeed

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