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Potato Puree vs. Mashed Potatoes — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Published on December 12, 2023
Potato Puree is a smooth blend of potatoes, often with added cream or butter, while Mashed Potatoes are typically lumpier and made by mashing cooked potatoes, often with butter and milk.
Potato Puree vs. Mashed Potatoes — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Potato Puree and Mashed Potatoes


Key Differences

Potato Puree is known for its exceptionally smooth texture. It's often made by blending cooked potatoes until they achieve a creamy consistency, and ingredients like cream or butter might be added. Mashed Potatoes, however, are made by physically mashing the potatoes, which can leave a slightly lumpier texture, even though they're still soft and fluffy.
Potato Puree is often used in gourmet cooking and fine dining establishments because of its velvety mouthfeel. Chefs might pass it through a sieve or use blenders to ensure there are no lumps. On the other hand, Mashed Potatoes have a more rustic feel and are a staple in many households, especially during holidays like Thanksgiving.
In terms of preparation, Potato Puree might require more steps or tools, like a food processor, to achieve the desired smoothness. Mashed Potatoes, in contrast, can be easily made with just a hand masher or even a fork, and some people prefer leaving a few lumps for texture.
While both Potato Puree and Mashed Potatoes start with the same basic ingredient, their end textures and potential uses can vary. Potato Puree can be used as a base for soups or sauces, while Mashed Potatoes stand strong as a side dish, often adorned with gravy or additional seasonings.
Although there's a difference in texture and preparation between Potato Puree and Mashed Potatoes, both offer comfort and flavor. Whether you're looking for a silky-smooth dish or a heartier, chunkier option, both choices are beloved by many.

Comparison Chart


Can be slightly lumpy.

Preparation Method

Often blended or passed through a sieve.
Typically mashed with a hand masher or fork.

Common Use

Gourmet dishes, soups, sauces.
Side dish, often served with gravy.

Key Ingredients

Potatoes, sometimes with added cream or butter.
Potatoes, often with butter, milk, or seasonings.

Associated Cuisine

Fine dining, gourmet.
Traditional, home-cooked meals.

Compare with Definitions

Potato Puree

A velvety-smooth blend of potatoes.
The steak was served atop a bed of rich potato puree.

Mashed Potatoes

A side dish made by mashing cooked potatoes.
Mashed potatoes with gravy is a classic comfort food.

Potato Puree

Can be used as a base for certain soups or sauces.
The creamy soup had a base of potato puree.

Mashed Potatoes

Easily made with minimal kitchen tools.
She quickly whipped up some mashed potatoes using just a fork.

Potato Puree

Made by blending potatoes until lump-free.
The key to a good potato puree is to ensure no lumps remain.

Mashed Potatoes

Can have a lumpy or smooth consistency based on preference.
Some people prefer their mashed potatoes with a few lumps for texture.

Potato Puree

Often found in gourmet dishes due to its texture.
The chef's signature dish features a silky potato puree.

Mashed Potatoes

Often seasoned with butter, milk, and spices.
The mashed potatoes were creamy and flavorful with garlic and butter.

Potato Puree

Sometimes contains added cream or butter for richness.
Her potato puree was extra creamy with the addition of butter.

Mashed Potatoes

A staple in many traditional meals, especially during holidays.
No Thanksgiving dinner is complete without a bowl of mashed potatoes.

Common Curiosities

What is Potato Puree?

Potato Puree is a silky-smooth blend of potatoes, often enriched with butter or cream.

Can I use a blender for both?

While blenders are great for Potato Puree, they can make Mashed Potatoes gluey if over-blended.

Can I use sweet potatoes for Potato Puree?

Absolutely! Sweet potatoes can be used to make a sweeter version of Potato Puree.

How do Mashed Potatoes differ?

Mashed Potatoes are made by mashing cooked potatoes and can have a lumpier texture.

Which is creamier, Potato Puree or Mashed Potatoes?

Potato Puree typically has a creamier texture due to its smooth consistency.

Can I add cheese to Potato Puree?

Yes, cheese can be added to both Potato Puree and Mashed Potatoes for added flavor.

How can I store leftover Potato Puree or Mashed Potatoes?

Both can be refrigerated in an airtight container for a few days.

What tools do I need for Mashed Potatoes?

A hand masher or fork is commonly used for Mashed Potatoes.

Is it common to serve Mashed Potatoes with gravy?

Yes, Mashed Potatoes are often served with gravy, especially in traditional meals.

Why is my Potato Puree lumpy?

Lumps in Potato Puree can arise if not blended thoroughly or if the potatoes are undercooked.

Can I freeze Mashed Potatoes?

Yes, Mashed Potatoes can be frozen and reheated, but the texture might change slightly upon thawing.

Are Mashed Potatoes and Potato Puree interchangeable in recipes?

Depending on the desired texture, they can sometimes be substituted, but they will give different consistencies.

Can I add garlic to Mashed Potatoes?

Yes, garlic can enhance the flavor of both Mashed Potatoes and Potato Puree.

What potatoes are best for Potato Puree?

Starchy potatoes like Russets are ideal for a smooth Potato Puree.

Are Potato Puree and Mashed Potatoes gluten-free?

Generally, yes, unless additional ingredients containing gluten are added.

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Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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