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Pour Homme vs. Eau De Toilette — What's the Difference?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Published on December 7, 2023
Pour Homme means "for men" in French, indicating a product designed for men. Eau De Toilette refers to a type of fragrance concentration, lighter than perfume.
Pour Homme vs. Eau De Toilette — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Pour Homme and Eau De Toilette


Key Differences

Pour Homme, a French term, translates to "for men" in English. It is commonly used in the fragrance industry to denote products, especially perfumes or colognes, specifically formulated for male clientele. These products often have scent profiles and characteristics that appeal to traditional masculine tastes, though preferences can vary widely.
Eau De Toilette, on the other hand, refers to the concentration of the fragrance oil in a perfume or cologne. It is one of several concentrations available, typically containing between 5% to 15% perfume oil. As a result, Eau De Toilette is usually less intense and lasts for a shorter duration than its counterparts like Eau De Parfum or pure Parfum. It's ideal for individuals who prefer a lighter scent or for daytime wear.
Pour Homme and Eau De Toilette can sometimes be seen together on a product. In such instances, it would mean the fragrance is designed for men and has the concentration of an Eau De Toilette. This information helps potential buyers make informed decisions based on their scent preferences and the longevity they desire from their fragrance.
Eau De Toilette isn't restricted to Pour Homme fragrances. It's a term that cuts across gender lines. Both men's and women's fragrances can come in Eau De Toilette concentrations. However, when you see "Pour Homme," you can be assured that the scent has been tailored with men in mind.

Comparison Chart


"For men" in French
A fragrance concentration with 5-15% perfume oil


Indicates product is for men
Indicates the strength and longevity of the fragrance

Found on

Men's perfumes, cosmetics, and skincare
Both men's and women's fragrances

Relation to Gender

Exclusively masculine

Primary Function

Denotes target demographic
Specifies fragrance concentration

Compare with Definitions

Pour Homme

A French term meaning "for men."
This cologne is labeled Pour Homme, so it's designed for men.

Eau De Toilette

A common concentration for both men's and women's fragrances.
Both the Pour Homme and Pour Femme versions are available in Eau De Toilette.

Pour Homme

Indicating a fragrance or cosmetic product's masculine formulation.
The latest Pour Homme fragrance has woodsy and musky notes.

Eau De Toilette

A fragrance concentration containing 5-15% perfume oil.
I prefer wearing Eau De Toilette during the day because of its lighter scent.

Pour Homme

Used to specify a product tailored for male users.
The skincare line introduced a Pour Homme range to cater to men.

Eau De Toilette

A type of perfume that's lighter than Eau De Parfum.
The Eau De Toilette version of this fragrance is perfect for office wear.

Pour Homme

Signifying a product's masculine scent profile.
Despite being a woman, Jane preferred the Pour Homme version of the cologne.

Eau De Toilette

Often abbreviated as EDT in the fragrance industry.
The label reads EDT, which stands for Eau De Toilette.

Pour Homme

Used in branding to appeal to a male demographic.
The store has a separate Pour Homme section for male shoppers.

Eau De Toilette

Suitable for individuals desiring a milder scent.
For those sensitive to strong fragrances, Eau De Toilette might be a better choice.

Common Curiosities

Is Pour Homme a type of fragrance concentration?

No, Pour Homme indicates the target demographic, not the concentration.

Is Eau De Toilette for men or women?

Eau De Toilette is gender-neutral, used for both men's and women's fragrances.

How long does Eau De Toilette typically last?

Eau De Toilette generally lasts 3-5 hours, but this can vary based on the formula and individual skin chemistry.

What does Pour Homme mean?

Pour Homme is French for "for men," indicating a product for male users.

Is Eau De Toilette more expensive than Eau De Parfum?

Typically, Eau De Parfum is more expensive due to its higher fragrance concentration.

Can women use Pour Homme products?

Yes, while Pour Homme products are designed for men, anyone can use them based on personal preference.

How does Eau De Toilette differ from Eau De Parfum?

Eau De Toilette is lighter with 5-15% perfume oil, while Eau De Parfum has a higher concentration, typically between 15-20%.

Is Eau De Toilette suitable for evening wear?

While Eau De Toilette is often preferred for daytime, it's versatile and can be worn any time based on personal preference.

How often should I reapply Eau De Toilette?

Depending on your preference and the fragrance's longevity, you might reapply every 3-5 hours.

Can a product be both Pour Homme and Eau De Toilette?

Yes, a men's fragrance can be labeled Pour Homme and also have an Eau De Toilette concentration.

Do Pour Homme fragrances have a specific scent profile?

While many Pour Homme fragrances lean towards woodsy, musky, or spicy notes, there's a wide variety of scent profiles available.

How should I store my Eau De Toilette?

Store Eau De Toilette in a cool, dark place, away from direct sunlight and temperature fluctuations.

Are all men's fragrances labeled Pour Homme?

No, while many are, it's not a rule. The scent profile and branding determine its label.

Are Pour Homme products only for mature men?

No, Pour Homme products cater to men of all ages and preferences.

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Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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