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Preemptive Scheduling in Operating Systems vs. Non Preemptive Scheduling in Operating Systems — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Published on January 6, 2024
Preemptive scheduling allows task interruption; non-preemptive scheduling runs tasks to completion.
Preemptive Scheduling in Operating Systems vs. Non Preemptive Scheduling in Operating Systems — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Preemptive Scheduling in Operating Systems and Non Preemptive Scheduling in Operating Systems


Key Differences

Preemptive Scheduling in Operating Systems is a method where a running task can be interrupted by the scheduler to assign CPU time to another task. Non Preemptive Scheduling in Operating Systems, in contrast, means a running task holds the CPU until it finishes or voluntarily yields control.
In Preemptive Scheduling, the operating system decides when a process should be interrupted and another should start executing. In Non Preemptive Scheduling, once a process starts its CPU cycle, it runs to completion, and only then can another process take over the CPU.
Preemptive Scheduling in Operating Systems is generally considered more complex due to the need for saving and restoring process states. Non Preemptive Scheduling, however, is simpler as processes run their course without the overhead of state saving.
The advantage of Preemptive Scheduling is its responsiveness to real-time tasks, which can preempt less critical ones. Non Preemptive Scheduling offers predictability, where once a process starts, its execution time until completion can be easily calculated.
Preemptive Scheduling is often used in multiuser systems to ensure equitable CPU time distribution. Non Preemptive Scheduling is used where processes are collaborative and do not require immediate responses to external events.

Comparison Chart

Task Interruption

Allows interruption of tasks
Does not allow interruption


More complex due to task switching
Simpler, no task switching overhead

Responsiveness to Tasks

Higher responsiveness to urgent tasks
Lower responsiveness; tasks wait in queue


Suitable for time-sharing systems
Suitable for batch systems

Control over CPU

OS has higher control over CPU allocation
Processes have control until completion

Compare with Definitions

Preemptive Scheduling in Operating Systems

Requires saving the state of interrupted processes.
In Preemptive Scheduling in Operating Systems, the system must frequently save process states.

Non Preemptive Scheduling in Operating Systems

Processes maintain control of the CPU until they finish.
With Non Preemptive Scheduling in Operating Systems, a process's execution is predictable and uninterrupted.

Preemptive Scheduling in Operating Systems

A CPU scheduling method where tasks can be interrupted.
Preemptive Scheduling in Operating Systems allows important tasks to take over CPU resources immediately.

Non Preemptive Scheduling in Operating Systems

Simpler to implement due to less overhead.
We chose Non Preemptive Scheduling in Operating Systems for its simplicity in our batch processing system.

Preemptive Scheduling in Operating Systems

Suited for systems that need to handle real-time operations.
Preemptive Scheduling in Operating Systems is essential for our real-time data processing application.

Non Preemptive Scheduling in Operating Systems

Ideal for batch jobs that require minimal user interaction.
Batch jobs on our mainframe use Non Preemptive Scheduling in Operating Systems for efficiency.

Preemptive Scheduling in Operating Systems

Often leads to higher system throughput.
Preemptive Scheduling in Operating Systems contributes to the system’s overall efficiency and throughput.

Non Preemptive Scheduling in Operating Systems

Processes must wait for the CPU to be free before executing.
In Non Preemptive Scheduling in Operating Systems, new processes must wait their turn, leading to potential idle time.

Preemptive Scheduling in Operating Systems

Enables dynamic redistribution of CPU time among processes.
The server utilizes Preemptive Scheduling in Operating Systems to manage multiple users effectively.

Non Preemptive Scheduling in Operating Systems

A scheduling method where the CPU runs a task to completion.
Non Preemptive Scheduling in Operating Systems ensures the current process is not interrupted by others.

Common Curiosities

Can Preemptive Scheduling lead to resource contention?

Yes, because multiple processes may compete for CPU time.

Why is Non Preemptive Scheduling used in Operating Systems?

It's used for its simplicity and when processes don't need immediate response times.

When is Preemptive Scheduling preferred in Operating Systems?

It's preferred in systems requiring immediate processing of high-priority tasks.

What is a drawback of Non Preemptive Scheduling?

It can lead to increased wait times for all but the running process.

How does Preemptive Scheduling affect task priorities?

Higher priority tasks can preempt lower ones, affecting execution order.

What is Non Preemptive Scheduling in Operating Systems?

It's a scheduling method where a process runs to completion before another can start.

Can Non Preemptive Scheduling be used in real-time systems?

Typically not, as it lacks the responsiveness required for real-time systems.

What is Preemptive Scheduling in Operating Systems?

It's a CPU scheduling technique that allows a process to be interrupted mid-execution by another process.

Does Preemptive Scheduling ensure fairness in Operating Systems?

It can improve fairness by ensuring CPU time is distributed based on priority.

In Non Preemptive Scheduling, what determines the next process to run?

The next process is determined by the scheduling algorithm after the current process finishes.

How does multitasking work with Preemptive Scheduling in Operating Systems?

It allows multiple tasks to run concurrently by dividing CPU time into short slices.

Does Non Preemptive Scheduling reduce context switching overhead?

Yes, as processes are not interrupted, reducing the need for context switches.

Is Preemptive Scheduling in Operating Systems complex to implement?

Yes, due to the need for managing process states and context switching.

How do interrupts relate to Preemptive Scheduling in Operating Systems?

Interrupts are a key mechanism allowing preemptive scheduling to occur.

What happens to running processes in Non Preemptive Scheduling when a higher-priority task arrives?

The running process will complete before the higher-priority task begins.

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Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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