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Prefering vs. Preferring — Which is Correct Spelling?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Updated on March 26, 2024
"Prefering" is an incorrect spelling. The correct spelling is "preferring," which means liking one option more than another.
Prefering vs. Preferring — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Prefering or Preferring

How to spell Preferring?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Use the mnemonic: Prefer Pairs; Repeat "R" when Referring.
Associate "prefer" with "better" – you prefer what's better, and both have double consonants.
Think of "refer" and "referring" as a similar pattern to "prefer" and "preferring."
When a verb ends in a single consonant preceded by a single vowel, and the stress is on the last syllable, double the final consonant before adding "-ing."
Recall the phrase: "I prefer preferring," emphasizing the double "r."

How Do You Spell Preferring Correctly?

Incorrect: Are you prefering coffee or tea in the mornings?
Correct: Are you preferring coffee or tea in the mornings?
Incorrect: I am prefering this color over that one.
Correct: I am preferring this color over that one.
Incorrect: He was prefering classical music to modern genres.
Correct: He was preferring classical music to modern genres.
Incorrect: She keeps prefering to stay indoors on weekends.
Correct: She keeps preferring to stay indoors on weekends.
Incorrect: We are prefering to go by train rather than by plane.
Correct: We are preferring to go by train rather than by plane.

Preferring Definitions

Having a stronger desire for one possibility.
Kids are often preferring candies to fruits.
Liking or approving of one thing more than another.
I am preferring coffee to tea lately.
Giving priority or precedence to one thing over another.
He's always preferring his job over his family.
Favoring one option in comparison to another.
The coach is preferring experienced players this season.
Showing a greater liking for one alternative.
She's preferring outdoor activities these days.
To choose or be in the habit of choosing as more desirable or as having more value
Prefers coffee to tea.
To give priority or precedence to (a creditor).
To present (a charge) against a defendant before a court
Prefer an indictment.
To present (a case) to a court as ready for consideration
Prefer the case for trial.
(Archaic) To recommend for advancement or appointment; promote.
Present participle of prefer
Present participle of preferre
A preference; the choice of something preferred.

Preferring Meaning in a Sentence

We're preferring the blue paint for the living room walls.
Are you preferring to read fiction or non-fiction these days?
She's been preferring spicy food more as she gets older.
Lately, he's preferring to walk to work instead of driving.
I've been preferring tea over coffee in the mornings now.
I'm preferring a quiet evening at home tonight.
He's preferring to take the later flight so he can sleep in.
She's preferring to use her bike for short trips around the city.
They are preferring to save their vacation days for later in the year.
She's preferring to study at the library for better concentration.
We're preferring to dine outdoors whenever the weather allows.
Are you preferring manual or automatic cars when you rent?
Lately, I'm preferring classical music over any other genre.
We're preferring the idea of a staycation this year to traveling abroad.
He's preferring to spend his free time gardening these days.
I'm preferring to wake up early to enjoy the quiet of the morning.
We're preferring to adopt a pet from a shelter rather than buy one.
He's preferring to invest in stocks over bonds in the current market.
She's preferring digital books for convenience, though she misses paper.
They've been preferring to cook at home rather than eating out.

Common Curiosities

What is the pronunciation of preferring?

It is pronounced as /prɪˈfɜrɪŋ/.

What is the root word of preferring?

The root word is "prefer."

What is the verb form of preferring?

"Preferring" is the present participle verb form of "prefer."

Which vowel is used before preferring?

The vowel "i" is used before the suffix in "preferring."

Which preposition is used with preferring?

The preposition "to" is commonly used with "preferring."

What is the plural form of preferring?

"Preferring" doesn't have a plural form.

Is preferring a negative or positive word?

"Preferring" is neutral; the positivity or negativity depends on context.

Why is it called preferring?

The word "preferring" comes from the Latin "praeferre," meaning "to set before."

Which conjunction is used with preferring?

The conjunction used with "preferring" depends on the sentence's context.

Which article is used with preferring?

The choice of article before "preferring" depends on the sentence's context.

Is preferring a noun or adjective?

"Preferring" is a verb.

Is preferring an adverb?

No, "preferring" is not an adverb.

What is the singular form of preferring?

"Preferring" is a verb, so it doesn't have a singular or plural form. The base form is "prefer."

Is the word preferring imperative?

No, "preferring" is not imperative; it's a present participle.

What part of speech is preferring?

"Preferring" is a verb.

What is the first form of preferring?

The first form is "prefer."

What is the third form of preferring?

The third form is "preferred."

Is preferring an abstract noun?

No, "preferring" is not an abstract noun.

Is preferring a vowel or consonant?

"Preferring" is a word comprised of both vowels and consonants.

Is preferring a collective noun?

No, "preferring" is not a collective noun.

How many syllables are in preferring?

There are three syllables in "preferring."

How do we divide preferring into syllables?

It can be divided as: pre-fer-ring.

What is the opposite of preferring?

The opposite of "preferring" might be "disliking" or "avoiding."

What is a stressed syllable in preferring?

The second syllable "fer" is stressed.

Which determiner is used with preferring?

Determiners like "this" or "that" can be used with "preferring" based on context.

What is the second form of preferring?

The second form is "preferred."

How is preferring used in a sentence?

Example: She is preferring classical music to pop these days.

Is preferring a countable noun?

"Preferring" is not a noun, so it isn't countable.

Is the preferring term a metaphor?

No, "preferring" itself is not a metaphor.

What is another term for preferring?

Another term for "preferring" is "favoring."

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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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