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Private Law vs. Public Law — What's the Difference?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Published on November 19, 2023
Private Law governs relationships between individuals. Public Law regulates relationships between individuals and the government.
Private Law vs. Public Law — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Private Law and Public Law


Key Differences

Private Law primarily pertains to the legal frameworks and disputes between private individuals or entities, concentrating on aspects like contracts, properties, and obligations. On the other hand, Public Law deals with issues that affect the community at large, ensuring that governmental authorities adhere to their legal confines and protect citizens' interests.
Within the realm of Private Law, entities seek redress and enforcement of their rights in relations to others, highlighting its role in resolving disputes and conflicts between private parties. Conversely, Public Law stands as a guardian of public interests, seeking to assure adherence to laws by governmental bodies and protect the public from unlawful government actions.
While Private Law entails adjudication where both parties are equal before the law, focusing on compensation for the aggrieved party, Public Law frequently involves the state prosecuting or acting against an individual or entity, with sanctions such as penalties or imprisonment utilized as punitive measures.

Comparison Chart

Primary Relationships

Between individuals or entities
Between individuals and the government


Resolve disputes between private parties
Regulate actions affecting the community


Contract, property, and family law
Constitutional, administrative, and criminal law

Typical Legal Outcomes

Compensation to aggrieved party
Penalties, imprisonment, or policy changes


Daily interactions and personal relationships
Societal order and governmental functioning

Compare with Definitions

Private Law

Private Law may govern familial relations and disputes.
Divorce proceedings fall under Private Law.

Public Law

Public Law addresses issues affecting the general populace.
Environmental regulations are often governed by Public Law.

Private Law

Private Law settles disputes among private individuals.
Private Law governs the transaction when purchasing a house.

Public Law

Public Law regulates the actions of governmental bodies.
Public Law ensures legislative acts adhere to the constitution.

Private Law

Private Law encompasses torts and private wrongs.
Personal injury claims are addressed in Private Law.

Public Law

Public Law safeguards citizens’ constitutional rights.
Public Law protects citizens from unlawful government surveillance.

Private Law

Private Law includes the branch of contract law.
Private Law ensures contractual agreements are honored.

Public Law

Public Law encompasses administrative and constitutional law.
Public Law oversees the lawful administration of public services.

Private Law

Private Law can dictate terms regarding private property.
Property inheritance issues are resolved through Private Law.

Public Law

Public Law can impose penalties on non-compliant entities.
Violation of tax laws can result in penalties under Public Law.

Common Curiosities

Can Private Law cases impact societal norms or policies?

While Private Law primarily deals with private disputes, landmark cases can sometimes influence societal norms or policies.

Is family law categorized under Private Law?

Yes, family law, dealing with matters like divorce and custody, is a sub-discipline of Private Law.

Can Public Law impose sanctions on individuals?

Yes, Public Law can impose sanctions, such as fines or imprisonment, on individuals violating laws.

How does Private Law address property disputes?

Private Law facilitates legal procedures to resolve disputes regarding ownership, usage, or boundaries of private property.

What role does Public Law play in government functioning?

Public Law regulates government operations, ensuring legality in its actions and adherence to constitutional principles.

Is Private Law involved in business transactions?

Yes, Private Law often governs contracts and agreements in business transactions.

How does Private Law protect individual rights?

Private Law facilitates a legal platform to settle disputes and enforce rights among private entities.

Is criminal law categorized under Public Law?

Yes, criminal law, involving the prosecution of offenses against the state, is a subset of Public Law.

Is environmental law a concern of Public Law?

Yes, environmental law, often under Public Law, regulates issues impacting community and environmental health.

Can Private Law influence employment agreements?

Yes, Private Law often governs employment contracts and workplace agreements.

How does Public Law ensure the protection of citizens’ rights?

Public Law sets legal frameworks that safeguard citizens against unlawful actions by the state or public entities.

How does Public Law treat international relations?

Public Law helps shape and enforce laws regarding a nation's dealings and treaties with other countries.

Can an individual challenge government actions via Public Law?

Yes, Public Law allows individuals to challenge government actions deemed unlawful or unconstitutional.

Does Private Law engage in enforcing wills and trusts?

Yes, Private Law governs the enforcement and management of wills and trusts.

Do Private Law and Public Law ever intersect?

Yes, certain cases, like those involving public figures or public interest, might navigate interfaces of both Private and Public Law.

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Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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