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Private vs. Secret — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Updated on October 30, 2023
Private pertains to an individual's personal matters, while Secret refers to something intentionally hidden or concealed.
Private vs. Secret — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Private and Secret


Key Differences

In the realm of language, "Private" and "Secret" are two terms that, while synonymous in some contexts, carry distinct connotations. The word "Private" is rooted in individualism and personal boundaries. It signifies matters or spaces that belong to a specific person or group and are not intended for general public access or view. On the other hand, "Secret" leans more towards the idea of concealment or intentional hiding. Something secret may be hidden not just from the general public, but even from specific individuals.
The term "Private" can be seen in contexts like private property, private schools, or private conversations. Here, the emphasis is on restricted access or limited audience. "Secret", however, is used in situations like secret missions, secret recipes, or secret hideouts. In these instances, the focus is more on the element of surprise, mystery, or confidentiality.
While both "Private" and "Secret" suggest a level of exclusivity, the distinction often lies in the intention behind the restriction. For example, a private journal may be meant for the author's eyes only, but its contents aren't necessarily concealed with the intent of hiding something. A secret diary, however, implies that there's something within that the author doesn't want others to discover.
Furthermore, when we label something as "Private", we're often merely stating its limited access. It doesn’t always mean something is hidden; it just means it’s not for everyone. Conversely, calling something a "Secret" carries a weight of mystery and intrigue. There's an underlying implication that there's a reason for the concealment, be it for protection, advantage, or any other purpose.
Lastly, while "Private" often deals with boundaries – be it physical, emotional, or social – "Secret" is more about the knowledge or information being withheld. A private letter might be meant for a single recipient, but a secret letter implies information that could be consequential if revealed.

Comparison Chart

Grammatical Use

Often used as an adjective.
Can be used as an adjective or a noun.


Implies restriction based on personal boundaries.
Implies intentional concealment or hiding.

Contextual Usage

Private room, private chat, private lesson.
Secret password, secret agent, secret meeting.

Level of Access

Limited access, not necessarily hidden.
Concealed, not known to others.

Associated Feel

More neutral, stating a fact of limited access.
Carries an element of mystery, intrigue, or confidentiality.

Compare with Definitions


Belonging to or for the use of one particular person or group of people only
His private plane
All bedrooms have private facilities


Not known or seen or not meant to be known or seen by others.
She whispered a secret to me.


(of a person) having no official or public role or position
The paintings were sold to a private collector


Not known or seen or not meant to be known or seen by others
How did you guess I'd got a secret plan?
The resupply effort was probably kept secret from Congress


(of a service or industry) provided or owned by an individual or an independent, commercial company rather than the state
This research was carried out by private industry


Something that is kept or meant to be kept unknown or unseen by others
A state secret
At first I tried to keep it a secret from my wife


The lowest rank in the army, below lance corporal or private first class.


Kept hidden from knowledge or view; concealed
A secret identity.
A secret passageway.


Short for private parts


Not expressed; inward
Secret desires.


Secluded from the sight, presence, or intrusion of others
A private hideaway.


Given to keeping one's thoughts and activities unknown to others; secretive
"Scrooge ... was secret, and self-contained, and solitary as an oyster" (Charles Dickens).


Designed or intended for one's exclusive use
A private room.


Not revealing a secret or not given to revealing secrets
"She boasted ... that he did tell her. But he didn't. He was secret as the grave" (Ruth Prawer Jhabvala).


Of or confined to the individual; personal
A private joke.
Private opinions.


Operating in a hidden or confidential manner
A secret commission.
A secret agent.


Undertaken on an individual basis
Private studies.
Private research.


Containing information, the unauthorized disclosure of which poses a grave threat to national security.


Of, relating to, or receiving special hospital services and privileges
A private patient.


Not much visited; secluded
A secret hiding place.


Not available for public use, control, or participation
A private club.
A private party.


Known or shared only by the initiated
Secret rites.


Belonging to a particular person or persons, as opposed to the public or the government
Private property.


Beyond ordinary understanding; mysterious
"like Pan, calling out with his flute to come join in on the secret chaos of the world" (Rick Bass).


Of, relating to, or derived from nongovernment sources
Private funding.


Something that is kept out of the knowledge or sight of others or is known only to oneself or a few
Wanted to have no secrets between them.


Conducted and supported primarily by individuals or groups not affiliated with governmental agencies or corporations
A private college.
A private sanatorium.


Something that remains beyond understanding or explanation; a mystery
Unlocking the secrets of the atom.


Enrolled in or attending a private school
A private student.


A method or formula for doing or making something well, especially when not widely known
The secret of this dish is in the sauce.


Capitalized in shares of stock that are held by a relatively small number of owners and are not traded on the open market
A private company.
A company that went private.
Took a company private.


Secret A variable prayer said after the Offertory and before the Preface in the Mass.


Not holding an official or public position
A private citizen.


(countable) A piece of knowledge that is hidden and intended to be kept hidden.
"Can you keep a secret?" "Yes." "So can I."


Not for public knowledge or disclosure; secret
Private papers.
A private communication.


The key or principle by which something is made clear; the knack.
The secret to a long-lasting marriage is compromise.


Not appropriate for use or display in public; intimate
Private behavior.
A private tragedy.


Something not understood or known.


Placing a high value on personal privacy
A private person.


(uncountable) Private seclusion.
The work was done in secret, so that nobody could object.


A noncommissioned rank in the US Army or Marine Corps that is below private first class.


The genital organs.


One who holds this rank or a similar rank in another military organization.


(historical) A form of steel skullcap.


Privates Private parts. Often used with the.


Any prayer spoken inaudibly and not aloud; especially, one of the prayers in the Mass, immediately following the "orate, fratres", said inaudibly by the celebrant.


Belonging to, concerning, or accessible only to an individual person or a specific group.
Her address is private; you can't have it.
Private papers


Being or kept hidden.
We went down a secret passage.


Not accessible by the public.
Private property


(obsolete) Withdrawn from general intercourse or notice; in retirement or secrecy; secluded.


Not in governmental office or employment.
He quit public life, living quietly as a private citizen.


(obsolete) Faithful to a secret; not inclined to divulge or betray confidence; secretive, separate, apart.


Not publicly known; not open; secret.
The identity of the beneficiaries of the trust is private.


(obsolete) Separate; distinct.


Protected from view or disturbance by others; secluded.
Can we go somewhere more private?


(transitive) To make or keep secret.


Not traded by the public.
Private corporation


(transitive) To hide secretly.
He was so scared for his safety he secreted arms around the house.


Secretive; reserved.
He is a very private person.


Hidden; concealed; as, secret treasure; secret plans; a secret vow.
The secret things belong unto the Lord our God; but those things which are revealed belong unto us.


Not shared with another patient.


Withdrawn from general intercourse or notice; in retirement or secrecy; secluded.
There, secret in her sapphire cell,He with the Naïs wont to dwell.


Accessible only to the class itself or instances of it, and not to other classes or even subclasses.


Faithful to a secret; not inclined to divulge or betray confidence; secretive.
Secret Romans, that have spoke the word,And will not palter.


A soldier of the lowest rank in the army.


Separate; distinct.
They suppose two other divine hypostases superior thereunto, which were perfectly secret from matter.


A doctor working in privately rather than publicly funded health care.


Something studiously concealed; a thing kept from general knowledge; what is not revealed, or not to be revealed.
To tell our own secrets is often folly; to communicate those of others is treachery.


The genitals.


A thing not discovered; what is unknown or unexplained; a mystery.
All secrets of the deep, all nature's works.


(obsolete) A secret message; a personal unofficial communication.


The parts which modesty and propriety require to be concealed; the genital organs.
Bread eaten in secret is pleasant.


(obsolete) Personal interest; particular business.


To keep secret.


(obsolete) Privacy; retirement.


Something that should remain hidden from others (especially information that is not to be passed on);
The combination to the safe was a secret
He tried to keep his drinking a secret


(obsolete) One not invested with a public office.


Information known only to a special group;
The secret of Cajun cooking


A private lesson.
If you want to learn ballet, consider taking privates.


Something that baffles understanding and cannot be explained;
How it got out is a mystery
It remains one of nature's secrets


To make something hidden from the public (without deleting it permanently).


Not open or public; kept private or not revealed;
A secret formula
Secret ingredients
Secret talks


Belonging to, or concerning, an individual person, company, or interest; peculiar to one's self; unconnected with others; personal; one's own; not public; not general; separate; as, a man's private opinion; private property; a private purse; private expenses or interests; a private secretary.


Conducted with or marked by hidden aims or methods;
Clandestine intelligence operations
Cloak-and-dagger activities behind enemy lines
Hole-and-corner intrigue
Secret missions
A secret agent
Secret sales of arms
Surreptitious mobilization of troops
An undercover investigation
Underground resistance


Sequestered from company or observation; appropriated to an individual; secret; secluded; lonely; solitary; as, a private room or apartment; private prayer.
Reason . . . then retiresInto her private cell when nature rests.


Not openly made known;
A secret marriage
A secret bride


Not invested with, or engaged in, public office or employment; as, a private citizen; private life.
A private person may arrest a felon.


Communicated covertly;
Their a secret signal was a wink
Secret messages


Not publicly known; not open; secret; as, a private negotiation; a private understanding.


Not expressed;
Secret (or private) thoughts


Having secret or private knowledge; privy.


Designed to elude detection;
A hidden room or place of concealment such as a priest hole
A secret passage
The secret compartment in the desk


A secret message; a personal unofficial communication.


Hidden from general view or use;
A privy place to rest and think
A secluded romantic spot
A secret garden


Personal interest; particular business.
Nor must I be unmindful of my private.


(of information) given in confidence or in secret;
Closet information
This arrangement must be kept confidential
Their secret communications


Privacy; retirement.


Indulging only covertly;
A closet alcoholic
Closet liberals


One not invested with a public office.
What have kings, that privates have not too?


Having an import not apparent to the senses nor obvious to the intelligence; beyond ordinary understanding;
Mysterious symbols
The mystical style of Blake
Occult lore
The secret learning of the ancients


A common soldier; a soldier below the grade of a noncommissioned officer.


The next to highest level of official classification for documents


The private parts; the genitals.


Kept hidden from knowledge or view; concealed.
The secret ingredient makes the dish delicious.


An enlisted man of the lowest rank;
Our prisoner was just a private and knew nothing of value


Operating in a clandestine manner.
He was a secret agent during the war.


Confined to particular persons or groups or providing privacy;
A private place
Private discussions
Private lessons
A private club
A private secretary
Private property
The former President is now a private citizen
Public figures struggle to maintain a private life


Not openly acknowledged or displayed.
Their secret love affair was discovered by her husband.


Concerning things deeply private and personal;
Private correspondence
Private family matters


A piece of information intentionally hidden from others.
Can you keep a secret? I'm planning a surprise party.


Concerning one person exclusively;
We all have individual cars
Each room has a private bath


Not expressed;
Secret (or private) thoughts


Pertaining to an individual or personal matters.
It's a private matter; I'd rather not discuss it.


Not open to the public or general audience.
She attends a private school in the city.


Belonging to a particular person or group.
This is my private journal; please don't read it.


Concerning someone's personal life, relationships, or emotions.
He keeps his private life out of the media spotlight.


Not connected with one's work or official position.
I'm attending the event in a private capacity, not as a company representative.

Common Curiosities

Is "Private" always synonymous with "Secret"?

No, while they can be synonymous in some contexts, "Private" often means restricted access, while "Secret" implies intentional concealment.

Is "Secret" only an adjective?

No, "Secret" can be used both as a noun and an adjective.

What's the difference between a "Private joke" and a "Secret joke"?

A "Private joke" is understood only by a select few, while a "Secret joke" is intentionally kept hidden from certain individuals.

Can a matter be both private and secret?

Yes, something can be both private (restricted to certain individuals) and secret (intentionally hidden).

How does a "Private Detective" differ from a "Secret Agent"?

A "Private Detective" works on personal or private investigations, while a "Secret Agent" often works covertly for a government agency.

Is "Private" mainly used as a noun or an adjective?

"Private" is mainly used as an adjective.

Can something be "Private" but not "Secret"?

Yes, for instance, a private event might just be for invitees but not necessarily hidden or concealed.

What does "Private" mean in the context of browsing?

In browsing, "Private" mode means that the user's activity won't be recorded in the browser's history.

Can "Private" imply confidentiality?

Yes, something private can also be confidential, but not all private things are confidential.

Can a place be both "Private" and "Secret"?

Yes, a place can be private (restricted access) and also secret (not known or intentionally hidden from others).

Can a "Secret" ever become public knowledge?

Yes, if a secret is revealed, it can become public knowledge.

Is "Private property" the same as "Secret property"?

No, "Private property" is owned by an individual or entity, while "Secret property" implies that the ownership or details are intentionally hidden.

How does one differentiate between "Private information" and "Secret information"?

"Private information" refers to personal data that isn't meant for the public, while "Secret information" refers to data that's actively hidden or concealed for specific reasons.

How does a "Private session" differ from a "Secret session"?

A "Private session" is closed to the public, while a "Secret session" implies that the proceedings are concealed or hidden from certain individuals.

Is "Secret" always something mysterious?

Not always, but "Secret" often carries a connotation of mystery or intrigue.

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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