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Product Concept vs. Production Concept — What's the Difference?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Published on December 1, 2023
The Product Concept focuses on the belief that consumers will favor products offering the most quality and features, while the Production Concept emphasizes efficiency in producing and mass distribution.
Product Concept vs. Production Concept — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Product Concept and Production Concept


Key Differences

The Product Concept is rooted in the idea that customers are primarily attracted to products that are superior in terms of quality and features. It believes that consumers will prefer and purchase products that offer the most in performance or innovative features. On the other hand, the Production Concept is centered around the notion that businesses can best achieve profitability through economies of scale. This means emphasizing efficient production and large-scale distribution, often minimizing costs wherever possible.
In the Product Concept, the primary concern of businesses is to ensure that the product is of the highest quality, has distinct features, or brings something innovative to the table. Companies might invest significantly in research and development, ensuring that their product is the best in its category. In contrast, companies operating under the Production Concept would prioritize optimizing their production processes and ensuring that their products are available to as wide an audience as possible.
While the Product Concept is consumer-oriented, focusing on what the consumers want or need in a product, the Production Concept is more internally focused. It looks at how a company can best produce its products efficiently and effectively. The belief under the Production Concept is that consumers are primarily interested in product availability and affordability.
The Product Concept can sometimes lead businesses to be so product-focused that they lose sight of the actual needs or desires of the consumer. If taken to an extreme, it can result in over-engineering. The Production Concept, when taken to its extreme, can sometimes neglect the quality of the product or the specific needs of the consumer, as it aims for mass production and distribution.

Comparison Chart

Primary Focus

Product quality and features
Efficient production and distribution




Deliver superior products
Achieve economies of scale

Potential Downside

Can lead to over-engineering
Might neglect product quality or user needs

Main Belief

Consumers value quality and innovation
Consumers value product availability

Compare with Definitions

Product Concept

The principle that products should be innovative or have unique features to attract consumers.
The tech firm's Product Concept-driven approach resulted in an innovative smartwatch.

Production Concept

The idea that large-scale production will reduce costs and increase product accessibility.
The car manufacturer adopted the Production Concept, aiming for mass production and wide distribution.

Product Concept

The philosophy that customers desire products with superior attributes.
Companies adopting the Product Concept often invest heavily in research and development.

Production Concept

The philosophy that consumers prioritize product availability and affordability.
By adhering to the Production Concept, the retailer ensured their products were always in stock.

Product Concept

A belief that consumers prioritize product quality and features.
The new smartphone was designed following the Product Concept, boasting cutting-edge features.

Production Concept

A belief that efficiency in production and distribution leads to success.
Their company thrived by applying the Production Concept, producing goods at a large scale.

Product Concept

The idea that consumer choice is heavily influenced by product quality and differentiation.
With the Product Concept in mind, the designers added unique features to the camera.

Production Concept

The principle that economies of scale can lead to profitability.
The soda company, driven by the Production Concept, built large factories for efficient production.

Product Concept

A strategy emphasizing product innovation and excellence to appeal to consumers.
Due to their commitment to the Product Concept, the company frequently updated their software with advanced functionalities.

Production Concept

A strategy emphasizing internal efficiencies and widespread distribution to meet consumer demand.
Through the Production Concept, the electronics firm aimed to make their products available worldwide.

Common Curiosities

Can the Product Concept lead to over-engineering?

Yes, if taken to an extreme, the Product Concept can lead to over-engineering.

Is the Product Concept more externally or internally oriented?

The Product Concept is more externally or consumer-oriented.

What is the primary focus of the Product Concept?

The Product Concept primarily focuses on product quality and unique features.

What does the Production Concept emphasize in a business's operations?

The Production Concept emphasizes efficient production and large-scale distribution.

How does the Production Concept view consumer demand?

The Production Concept believes consumers prioritize product availability and affordability.

Why might companies choose to follow the Product Concept?

Companies might follow the Product Concept to offer superior products or innovative features to attract consumers.

How does the Production Concept view product innovation?

While not its core focus, the Production Concept does not inherently oppose product innovation but emphasizes efficiency and distribution.

Can companies blend both the Product and Production Concepts?

Yes, many successful companies find a balance between product innovation (Product Concept) and efficient production (Production Concept).

Which concept might a startup with a unique product lean towards?

A startup with a unique product might lean towards the Product Concept to highlight its distinctive features.

What might be a downside of the Production Concept?

The Production Concept, if overly emphasized, might neglect product quality or specific consumer needs.

Is consumer feedback more crucial for the Product Concept or Production Concept?

While important for both, consumer feedback is especially crucial for the Product Concept as it focuses on meeting consumer desires.

How can the Production Concept benefit companies?

The Production Concept can lead to economies of scale, reducing costs, and increasing product accessibility.

Is product innovation a key component of the Product Concept?

Yes, product innovation is a core component of the Product Concept.

How does mass production relate to the Production Concept?

Mass production is a key aspect of the Production Concept, emphasizing wide-scale distribution and cost efficiencies.

In which concept might a company invest more in research and development?

A company would typically invest more in research and development under the Product Concept.

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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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