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Product Line vs. Product Mix — What's the Difference?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Published on December 24, 2023
A Product Line is a group of related products under a single brand. A Product Mix encompasses all products and product lines a company offers.
Product Line vs. Product Mix — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Product Line and Product Mix


Key Differences

A Product Line refers to a group of related products marketed under the same brand by a company. These products usually share similar features, cater to the same target audience, or function in related ways. Conversely, Product Mix is a broader term, which includes all the product lines that a company offers in the market.
To better understand the distinction, think of a Product Line as a subset within the overall Product Mix. If you were to visualize this, imagine a shelf in a supermarket dedicated to one particular brand of cereal. That shelf showcases a specific Product Line. However, the entire cereal section, which includes various brands and types, represents the Product Mix of that store.
When businesses strategize about expanding their product offerings, they can either broaden their Product Line by introducing more variants or widen their Product Mix by venturing into entirely new product categories. Often, a diverse Product Mix helps a company tap into different market segments and mitigate risks.
Both Product Line and Product Mix play crucial roles in a company's marketing strategy. While Product Line decisions might revolve around diversifying or streamlining a specific category, Product Mix decisions encompass the larger picture, determining the breadth and depth of products a company will offer to its customers.
In essence, while a Product Line is all about depth in a particular category, the Product Mix is about the breadth across multiple categories.

Comparison Chart


Group of related products under one brand.
Entire range of products a company offers.


Narrower, focused on a specific category.
Broader, encompassing all product categories.


Introducing new variants in the same category.
Venturing into new product categories.

Risk Mitigation

Limited to one category.
Diversifies risk across multiple categories.

Strategy Focus

Depth in a specific product category.
Breadth across multiple product categories.

Compare with Definitions

Product Line

Items marketed together due to a shared target audience.
Proactiv's skincare Product Line targets acne-prone individuals.

Product Mix

The total assortment of products that a company offers.
Walmart's Product Mix includes electronics, groceries, and clothing.

Product Line

A range of goods or services within a particular category.
The luxury car Product Line focuses on high-end vehicles.

Product Mix

The breadth and depth of product lines in a company's portfolio.
Coca-Cola's Product Mix features sodas, waters, and juices.

Product Line

Products grouped based on similar characteristics or usage.
Nike has a dedicated Product Line for basketball shoes.

Product Mix

The combination of all product lines a company markets.
Amazon's Product Mix has expanded from books to virtually everything.

Product Line

Variants of a product under the same brand name.
The iPhone's different models constitute Apple's main Product Line.

Product Mix

A representation of a company's diversification in offerings.
Tesla's Product Mix has grown to include cars, solar products, and batteries.

Product Line

A series of related products offered by one company.
Samsung's Galaxy series is a popular Product Line.

Product Mix

All goods and services a business provides to its customers.
McDonald's Product Mix includes burgers, fries, salads, and beverages.

Common Curiosities

How does Product Mix differ from Product Line?

Product Mix encompasses all products and product lines a company offers, whereas a Product Line is specific to a category.

Can a company have multiple product lines?

Yes, companies often have multiple Product Lines within their broader Product Mix.

Is Product Line depth the same as Product Mix breadth?

No, Product Line depth refers to variants within a category, while Product Mix breadth refers to the range of different product categories.

What is a Product Line?

A Product Line is a group of related products marketed under a single brand.

Why is a diverse Product Mix important?

A diverse Product Mix allows companies to cater to varied market segments and reduces business risk.

How does expanding a Product Line affect a business?

Expanding a Product Line can cater to a broader audience within the same category and boost brand loyalty.

What's an example of a broad Product Mix?

Amazon's offerings, from electronics to groceries, showcase a broad Product Mix.

Can Product Mix influence pricing strategies?

Yes, a diverse Product Mix allows for varied pricing strategies targeting different market segments.

Why might a company limit its Product Line?

To maintain brand focus, manage resources, or cater to a niche market segment.

How do companies decide on their Product Mix?

Decisions are based on market research, demand, competition, resources, and strategic goals.

How does a new Product Line impact a company's Product Mix?

A new Product Line broadens the company's Product Mix, offering more variety to customers.

How is Product Mix depth measured?

It's measured by the number of product lines and the variety within each line.

Can a single Product Line belong to multiple Product Mixes?

Typically, no. A Product Line belongs to the Product Mix of a specific company.

Do all companies have a diverse Product Mix?

No, some companies specialize and have a limited Product Mix to cater to specific niches.

Are Product Line and Product Mix decisions static?

No, they evolve based on market dynamics, consumer preferences, and business strategies.

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Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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