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Project Management vs. General Management — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Published on October 25, 2023
Project Management is coordination and control of a project from inception to completion. General Management is an ongoing administration and coordination of organizational activities and resources.
Project Management vs. General Management — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Project Management and General Management


Key Differences

Project Management revolves around planning, executing, and overseeing a specific project within a designated time frame, ensuring goals and objectives are achieved efficiently. In comparison, General Management navigates through the broader aspects, dealing with the entire organization's management, focusing on the long-term strategy and administration.
While Project Management ensures that a project adheres to the predetermined plan, timeframe, and budget, ensuring specific outcomes, General Management dwells in a more extensive sphere, influencing the overall organizational culture, strategic planning, and decision-making, ensuring the organization’s sustainability and growth.
The essence of Project Management lies in achieving the specific objectives of a particular project by applying knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to project activities. Conversely, General Management prioritizes overseeing various facets of the organization, including finance, operations, and strategy, ensuring synchronized functionality and comprehensive development.
In the realm of Project Management, every aspect is often temporary, in the sense that it is project-specific and ends upon project completion. General Management, however, is continuous, ensuring that the organization effectively utilizes its resources, adheres to its mission, and consistently achieves its objectives while adapting to the evolving business environment.
A key distinction lies wherein Project Management leans towards addressing the unique goals, scope, and constraints of a specific project. On the other hand, General Management encompasses a holistic approach, addressing various organizational aspects like policy formulation, organizational behavior, and strategic management, facilitating the overall growth and sustainability of the organization.

Comparison Chart


Centers on specific projects.
Encompasses entire organization.


Temporal and has definite start and end dates.
Continuous and ongoing.


Aims to achieve project-specific goals.
Aims for overall organizational success.


Defined and constrained by project requirements.
Broad, influencing all organizational facets.


Involves project-specific coordination and control.
Involves widespread strategic planning and decision-making.

Compare with Definitions

Project Management

It involves planning and executing defined projects.
Through careful Project Management, budget overruns were successfully avoided.

General Management

General Management ensures alignment with organizational objectives.
Under proficient General Management, the company successfully navigated through market changes.

Project Management

Project Management achieves specific goals within constraints.
Project Management tools facilitated resource allocation and timeline tracking.

General Management

General Management oversees organizational operations.
His expertise in General Management boosted the company's overall productivity.

Project Management

Project Management coordinates tasks towards project completion.
Effective Project Management ensured the new product launch was on schedule.

General Management

It involves directing and coordinating overall business activities.
General Management decisions impacted various departments within the corporation.

Project Management

Project Management organizes resources to attain project goals.
Project Management skills were crucial in coordinating the multidisciplinary team.

General Management

General Management formulates and implements corporate strategies.
Effective General Management was evident in the organization’s sustained profitability.

Project Management

It guides a project from inception to closure.
The principles of Project Management were applied to streamline the development process.

General Management

It focuses on the holistic development of the organization.
General Management ensured resources were adequately distributed across all departments.

Common Curiosities

What role does a Project Manager typically play?

A Project Manager plans, organizes, and oversees the completion of a specific project, ensuring goals and timelines are met.

Does Project Management have a temporal aspect?

Yes, Project Management is temporary, concerning itself with the specific duration and objectives of a particular project.

How does General Management approach organizational objectives?

General Management holistically approaches objectives, ensuring organization-wide coordination and development.

Can General Management be project-specific?

No, General Management is broad, dealing with organization-wide administration, policy-making, and strategic planning.

How does General Management interact with various organizational departments?

General Management coordinates all departments, ensuring they align with and work towards overarching organizational goals.

Is Project Management relevant to non-project-oriented businesses?

Yes, Project Management can be applied to any task requiring organized completion of objectives, regardless of the business type.

Is General Management concerned with project timelines?

Not directly; General Management is continuous and deals with overarching organizational function and strategy.

What is the primary focus of Project Management?

Project Management emphasizes planning, executing, and finalizing individual projects.

Can Project Management influence organizational strategy?

It can, but its primary focus is on achieving specific, project-related outcomes rather than shaping overall strategy.

How does General Management facilitate organizational growth?

General Management enables growth by crafting strategies, making decisions, and ensuring that resources are effectively utilized.

Is Project Management constrained by organizational strategy?

It might be influenced by it, but Project Management primarily adheres to project-specific goals and constraints.

Does Project Management involve risk management?

Yes, identifying and mitigating risks to ensure the project stays on course is a vital aspect of Project Management.

What skills are crucial in General Management?

Skills like strategic planning, decision-making, leadership, and comprehensive organizational understanding are crucial in General Management.

Can a General Manager also be a Project Manager?

While a General Manager can oversee projects, the specialized, detailed work of Project Management is often assigned to dedicated Project Managers.

How does General Management contribute to organizational culture?

Through leadership, decision-making, and strategy formulation, General Management shapes and nurtures organizational culture.

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Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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