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Public Administration vs. Private Administration — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Published on November 17, 2023
Public Administration involves governance and the execution of public policies, while Private Administration focuses on business management and the pursuit of profit.
Public Administration vs. Private Administration — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Public Administration and Private Administration


Key Differences

Public Administration relates to the activities undertaken by the government, ensuring the rights and policies are upheld for the welfare of the community. Private Administration, on the other hand, concerns itself primarily with the activities of private enterprises, whose main objective is to earn profits.
Public Administration often functions under direct government control, ensuring the public's welfare, safety, and justice. Conversely, Private Administration operates in a competitive business environment, focusing on efficiency, profitability, and customer satisfaction.
Public Administration's scope encompasses a broad range of services including healthcare, education, and public safety, addressing the needs of society. Private Administration is generally narrower in scope, concentrating on specific business objectives and catering to particular market segments.
Public Administration's decision-making is influenced by political considerations and seeks to achieve social equity and public interest. In contrast, Private Administration's decisions are driven by market conditions, aiming to achieve business growth and profitability.
Public Administration, being a part of the government machinery, is accountable to the public and is under scrutiny for its operations. Private Administration, on the other hand, is accountable primarily to its shareholders and stakeholders, operating with more confidentiality.

Comparison Chart

Primary Objective

Welfare of the community
Profit maximization

Decision Influences

Political considerations
Market conditions


To the public
To shareholders and stakeholders


Broad services for societal needs
Specific to business objectives

Operational Environment

Under direct government control
Competitive business environment

Compare with Definitions

Public Administration

Public Administration operates within governmental structures, implementing policies for public benefit.
Through Public Administration, urban areas received better infrastructure and facilities.

Private Administration

Public Administration is the organization and execution of public policies by government agencies.
The Department of Education is a key entity in Public Administration, focusing on educational policies.

Public Administration

Public Administration encompasses tasks ranging from policy-making to its practical execution.
Public Administration reforms led to more efficient public transport systems in major cities.

Private Administration

Public Administration operates within governmental structures, implementing policies for public benefit.
Through Public Administration, urban areas received better infrastructure and facilities.

Public Administration

Public Administration aims to serve the public and ensure societal welfare.
The improvements in public health services showcase the effectiveness of Public Administration.

Private Administration

Public Administration encompasses tasks ranging from policy-making to its practical execution.
Public Administration reforms led to more efficient public transport systems in major cities.

Public Administration

Public Administration involves both the maintenance of order and the facilitation of public services.
Public Administration played a crucial role during natural disasters, coordinating relief efforts.

Private Administration

Public Administration aims to serve the public and ensure societal welfare.
The improvements in public health services showcase the effectiveness of Public Administration.

Public Administration

Public Administration is the organization and execution of public policies by government agencies.
The Department of Education is a key entity in Public Administration, focusing on educational policies.

Private Administration

Public Administration involves both the maintenance of order and the facilitation of public services.
Public Administration played a crucial role during natural disasters, coordinating relief efforts.

Common Curiosities

To whom is Public Administration accountable?

To the general public and its welfare.

What's the main objective of Private Administration?

Profit maximization and business growth.

How is Private Administration's scope determined?

By specific business objectives and market demands.

Is Public Administration limited to any specific sector?

No, it encompasses various sectors serving societal needs.

How does decision-making differ in Public and Private Administration?

Public decisions are influenced by politics, while private decisions are driven by market conditions.

Can a person work in both Public and Private Administration?

Yes, though the skill sets and objectives may differ.

Which type of administration, Public or Private, has a broader scope?

Public Administration, as it addresses diverse societal needs.

Who holds Private Administration accountable?

Primarily shareholders and stakeholders.

Is transparency more prevalent in Public or Private Administration?

Public Administration typically requires more transparency.

What drives the goals of Private Administration?

Market conditions, profitability, and business growth.

What does Public Administration primarily concern itself with?

Governance and execution of public policies for societal welfare.

Is profitability a concern in Public Administration?

Not primarily, as its main focus is public welfare.

Do Public and Private Administration require different skill sets?

While there's overlap, each has its unique requirements due to differing objectives.

Why might someone choose a career in Private Administration?

For opportunities in business growth, profit, and competitive environments.

Can principles of Private Administration be applied to Public Administration?

Some principles can be adapted, but the core objectives and constraints differ.

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Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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