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Pungent vs. Pugnant — Which is Correct Spelling?

Pungent vs. Pugnant — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Pungent or Pugnant

How to spell Pungent?


Correct Spelling


Incorrect Spelling

Pungent Definitions

Affecting the organs of taste or smell with a sharp acrid sensation.
Penetrating, biting, or caustic
Pungent satire.
To the point; sharp
Pungent talks during which the major issues were confronted.
A pungent leaf.
Having a strong odor that stings the nose, said especially of acidic or spicy substances.
I accidentally dropped the bottle of ammonia and after few seconds, a very pungent stench could be detected.
Having a strong taste that stings the tongue, said especially of hot (spicy) food, which has a strong and sharp or bitter taste.
(figurative) Stinging; acerbic.
The critic gave a pungent review.
(botany) Having a sharp and stiff point.
Causing a sharp sensation, as of the taste, smell, or feelings; pricking; biting; acrid; as, a pungent spice.
Pungent radish biting infant's tongue.
The pungent grains of titillating dust.
Sharply painful; penetrating; poignant; severe; caustic; stinging.
With pungent pains on every side.
His pungent pen played its part in rousing the nation.
Prickly-pointed; hard and sharp.
Sharp biting or acrid especially in taste or smell;
Tasting the pungent wood sorrel
Pungent curry
A pungent smell of burning sulfur
Capable of wounding;
A barbed compliment
A biting aphorism
Pungent satire

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