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Purchase vs. Buy — What's the Difference?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Updated on September 21, 2023
Purchase and Buy both refer to acquiring something in exchange for money. While "buy" is more casual and commonly used, "purchase" often appears in formal or legal contexts and may also imply a planned or researched transaction.
Purchase vs. Buy — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Purchase and Buy


Key Differences

Purchase and Buy are two terms that essentially mean the same thing: acquiring something in exchange for money. However, the word "buy" is generally more casual and is commonly used in everyday speech. You're more likely to hear someone say they're going to "buy groceries" rather than "purchase groceries."
On the other hand, Purchase is often used in formal and business contexts. For example, legal contracts might use the word "purchase" instead of "buy" to denote the transfer of ownership of a property. Purchase can also imply a transaction that involved planning or research, whereas "buy" might be used for more spontaneous transactions.
In terms of grammar, both Purchase and Buy can be used as verbs and nouns, but the term "purchase" has an additional usage as a technical term in mechanics and sailing, where it refers to mechanical advantage gained by using a simple machine. "Buy," however, is limited to contexts involving trade or transactions.
Both Purchase and Buy can be modified by adjectives to convey the quality or nature of the transaction. You can "make a quick purchase" or "buy something cheaply." However, "purchase" may often be used with more formal adjectives, like "significant purchase" or "capital purchase," whereas "buy" pairs well with colloquial terms like "quick buy" or "cheap buy."

Comparison Chart

Common Usage

Formal or legal contexts
Casual or everyday speech

Implied Planning

May imply planning/research
Often implies spontaneity

Grammatical Forms

Can be verb or noun
Can be verb or noun

Technical Uses

In mechanics and sailing

Common Modifiers

"Significant," "Capital"
"Quick," "Cheap"

Compare with Definitions


To acquire something in exchange for money.
I decided to purchase a new car.


Implies acquisition but not necessarily planning.
I decided to buy it on a whim.


Often used in formal or business contexts.
The company made a significant purchase last quarter.


Used as both a verb and a noun.
That was a good buy.


Used as both a verb and a noun.
The purchase was completed yesterday.


To acquire something in exchange for money.
I need to buy groceries.


Acquire (something) by paying for it; buy
Mr Gill spotted the manuscript at a local auction and purchased it for £1,500


Commonly used in casual speech.
I'll buy a coffee on the way.


Haul up (a rope, cable, or anchor) by means of a pulley or lever.


Often paired with informal adjectives.
That's a quick buy.


The action of buying something
She made her purchases carefully
The large number of videos currently available for purchase


Obtain in exchange for payment
Homeowners who buy into housing developments
He had been able to buy up hundreds of acres
He bought me a new frock
She bought six first-class stamps


Firm contact or grip
The horse's hooves fought for purchase on the slippery pavement
An attempt to gain a purchase on the soft earth


Accept the truth of
I hate to buy into stereotypes
I am not prepared to buy the claim that the ends justify the means


To obtain in exchange for money or its equivalent; buy.


A purchase
Wine is rarely a good buy in duty-free shops


To acquire by effort; earn
Purchased the victory with the loss of many lives.


To acquire in exchange for money or its equivalent; purchase. See Note at boughten.


To pull or haul by means of a mechanical device, such as a winch.


To be capable of purchasing
"Certainly there are lots of things in life that money won't buy" (Ogden Nash).


The act or an instance of buying
The sudden purchase of a car.


To acquire by sacrifice, exchange, or trade
Wanted to buy love with gifts.


Something bought
That hat was a wise purchase.


To bribe
Tried to buy a judge.


A hold or position that allows the application of power, as in moving something
Got a purchase for her foot and climbed up.


(Informal) To accept the truth or feasibility of
The officer didn't buy my lame excuse for speeding.


A device, such as a pulley, used to obtain mechanical advantage.


To purchase something; act as a purchaser.


A means or advantage that allows the increase of power or influence.


Something bought or for sale; a purchase.


The acquisition of title to, or property in, anything for a price; buying for money or its equivalent.
They offer a free hamburger with the purchase of a drink.


An act of purchasing
A drug buy.


That which is obtained, got or acquired, in any manner, honestly or dishonestly; property; possession; acquisition.


Something that is underpriced; a bargain.


That which is obtained for a price in money or its equivalent.
He was pleased with his latest purchase.


To obtain (something) in exchange for money or goods.
I'm going to buy my father something nice for his birthday.


(obsolete) The act or process of seeking and obtaining something (e.g. property, etc.)


To obtain, especially by some sacrifice.
I've bought material comfort by foregoing my dreams.
You just bought yourself an assault charge!


A price paid for a house or estate, etc. equal to the amount of the rent or income during the stated number of years.


To suffer consequences for (something) through being deprived of something; to pay for (something one has done).


Any mechanical hold or advantage, applied to the raising or removing of heavy bodies, as by a lever, a tackle or capstan.
It is hard to get purchase on a nail without a pry bar or hammer.


(transitive) To bribe.
He tried to buy me with gifts, but I wouldn't give up my beliefs.


The apparatus, tackle or device by which such mechanical advantage is gained and in nautical terminology the ratio of such a device, like a pulley, or block and tackle.


(transitive) To be equivalent to in value.
The dollar doesn't buy as much as it used to.


The amount of hold one has from an individual foothold or ledge.


To accept as true; to believe
I'm not going to buy your stupid excuses anymore!


Acquisition of lands or tenements by means other than descent or inheritance, namely, by one's own act or agreement.


(intransitive) To make a purchase or purchases, to treat (for a drink, meal or gift)
She buys for Federated.
Let's go out for dinner. I'm buying.


To buy, obtain by payment of a price in money or its equivalent.
To purchase land, to purchase a house


To make a bluff, usually a large one.
Smith tried to buy the pot on the river with a huge bluff


To pursue and obtain; to acquire by seeking; to gain, obtain, or acquire.


Something which is bought; a purchase.
At only $30, the second-hand kitchen table was a great buy.


To obtain by any outlay, as of labor, danger, or sacrifice, etc.
To purchase favor with flattery


To acquire the ownership of (property) by giving an accepted price or consideration therefor, or by agreeing to do so; to acquire by the payment of a price or value; to purchase; - opposed to sell.
Buy what thou hast no need of, and ere long thou wilt sell thy necessaries.


To expiate by a fine or forfeit.


To acquire or procure by something given or done in exchange, literally or figuratively; to get, at a cost or sacrifice; to buy pleasure with pain.
Buy the truth and sell it not; also wisdom, and instruction, and understanding.


To apply to (anything) a device for obtaining a mechanical advantage; to get a purchase upon, or apply a purchase to; to raise or move by mechanical means.
To purchase a cannon


To negotiate or treat about a purchase.
I will buy with you, sell with you.


To put forth effort to obtain anything; to strive; to exert oneself.


An advantageous purchase;
She got a bargain at the auction
The stock was a real buy at that price


To constitute the buying power for a purchase, have a trading value.
Many aristocratic refugees' portable treasures purchased their safe passage and comfortable exile during the revolution.


Obtain by purchase; acquire by means of a financial transaction;
The family purchased a new car
The conglomerate acquired a new company
She buys for the big department store


To pursue and obtain; to acquire by seeking; to gain, obtain, or acquire.
That loves the thing he can not purchase.
Your accent is Something finer than you could purchase in so removed a dwelling.
His faults . . . hereditaryRather than purchased.


Make illegal payments to in exchange for favors or influence;
This judge can be bought


To obtain by paying money or its equivalent; to buy for a price; as, to purchase land, or a house.
The field which Abraham purchased of the sons of Heth.


Acquire by trade or sacrifice or exchange;
She wanted to buy his love with her dedication to him and his work


To obtain by any outlay, as of labor, danger, or sacrifice, etc.; as, to purchase favor with flattery.
One poor retiring minute . . . Would purchase thee a thousand thousand friends.
A world who would not purchase with a bruise?


Accept as true;
I can't buy this story


To expiate by a fine or forfeit.
Not tears nor prayers shall purchase out abuses.


Be worth or be capable of buying;
This sum will buy you a ride on the train


To acquire by any means except descent or inheritance.


To apply to (anything) a device for obtaining a mechanical advantage; to get a purchase upon, or apply a purchase to; as, to purchase a cannon.


To put forth effort to obtain anything; to strive; to exert one's self.
Duke John of Brabant purchased greatly that the Earl of Flanders should have his daughter in marriage.


To acquire wealth or property.
Sure our lawyersWould not purchase half so fast.


The act of seeking, getting, or obtaining anything.
I'll . . . get meat to have thee,Or lose my life in the purchase.


The act of seeking and acquiring property.


The acquisition of title to, or properly in, anything for a price; buying for money or its equivalent.
It is foolish to lay out money in the purchase of repentance.


That which is obtained, got, or acquired, in any manner, honestly or dishonestly; property; possession; acquisition.
We met with little purchase upon this coast, except two small vessels of Golconda.
A beauty-waning and distressed widow . . . Made prize and purchase of his lustful eye.


That which is obtained for a price in money or its equivalent.


Any mechanical hold, or advantage, applied to the raising or removing of heavy bodies, as by a lever, a tackle, capstan, and the like; also, the apparatus, tackle, or device by which the advantage is gained.
A politician, to do great things, looks for a power - what our workmen call a purchase.


Acquisition of lands or tenements by other means than descent or inheritance, namely, by one's own act or agreement.


The acquisition of something for payment;
They closed the purchase with a handshake


Something acquired by purchase


A means of exerting influence or gaining advantage;
He could get no purchase on the situation


The mechanical advantage gained by being in a position to use a lever


Obtain by purchase; acquire by means of a financial transaction;
The family purchased a new car
The conglomerate acquired a new company
She buys for the big department store


Can imply planning or research.
After much consideration, she made the purchase.


Sometimes a technical term in mechanics and sailing.
The pulley system provided better purchase for lifting.

Common Curiosities

Are Purchase and Buy interchangeable?

Largely yes, but "purchase" is more formal and may imply planning, while "buy" is more casual.

Does Purchase have any technical meanings?

Yes, in mechanics and sailing, it refers to mechanical advantage.

What does Purchase mean?

Purchase means to acquire something in exchange for money, often in a formal or planned context.

Can both words be used as nouns?

Yes, both can be used as verbs and nouns.

Can Purchase imply a significant transaction?

Yes, it can imply a more significant or planned transaction.

Is Buy used in formal contracts?

Rarely. "Purchase" is usually the term used in legal and formal documents.

Is Buy always informal?

Not always, but it is more commonly used in casual speech.

Can Buy be used in business settings?

It can, but "purchase" is generally preferred for formality.

What does Buy mean?

Buy means to acquire something in exchange for money, usually in a more casual or spontaneous context.

What types of adjectives commonly modify Purchase?

Formal adjectives like "significant" or "capital."

Can I use Purchase in everyday conversation?

Yes, but it might sound more formal than using "buy."

Is Buy used internationally?

Yes, it's commonly understood in many languages due to the influence of English.

Do both words have the same etymological origin?

No, "purchase" comes from Latin via Old French, while "buy" comes from Old English.

Can Purchase refer to buying services as well?

Yes, you can purchase both goods and services.

What types of adjectives commonly modify Buy?

Informal adjectives like "quick" or "cheap."

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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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