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Quantisation vs. Quantization — What's the Difference?

By Urooj Arif & Maham Liaqat — Updated on May 14, 2024
Quantisation and quantization refer to the same process of converting a continuous signal into a discrete signal, but differ in spelling; "quantisation" is British English, while "quantization" is American English.
Quantisation vs. Quantization — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Quantisation and Quantization


Key Differences

Quantisation is the British English spelling of the term used to describe the process of converting a continuous range of values into a finite range of discrete values. This is common in digital signal processing. On the other hand, quantization is the American English spelling for the same process, reflecting the standard linguistic variations between British and American English.
While quantisation might appear in texts or discussions that adhere to British standards, quantization is typically used in American publications and academic papers. This distinction in spelling does not affect the technical meaning or application of the term but indicates the regional usage.
The choice between quantisation and quantization may also influence related technical terminology in research or educational materials. For example, British educational materials may consistently use "quantisation" along with other British spellings like "analogue" instead of "analog".
In software development and engineering disciplines, the spelling "quantization" might be more prevalent globally due to the influence of American software and international standards which often use American English.
Despite the spelling differences, both terms are understood universally among professionals in fields like digital communications, computing, and electronic engineering. The context in which they are used can sometimes provide clues about the geographical or cultural orientation of the authors or the intended audience.

Comparison Chart



Usage in Literature

Predominantly in the UK
Predominantly in the US

Educational Materials

Common in British curricula
Common in American curricula

Technical Standards

May appear in EU standards
Often in international standards

Software Coding

Less common globally
More commonly used globally

Compare with Definitions


A technique in digital signal processing.
Quantisation noise is an important consideration when designing a digital audio system.


Essential in the development of digital systems.
Quantization is critical for the accuracy of digital measurements.


A fundamental concept in digital communication.
Quantisation of signals allows for efficient digital transmission.


Used in computing to represent continuous values discretely.
Quantization in machine learning helps in reducing model size.


The process of converting a continuous signal into discrete levels.
In digital audio, quantisation reduces the continuous range of amplitudes into discrete steps.


Involves approximation of real values.
The effects of quantization are studied to minimize errors in digital representation.


The act of dividing into quantized units.
The quantisation of energy levels in physics refers to discrete energy values.


The process of turning continuous information into a countable form.
Image quantization involves reducing the number of colors used in a digital image.


A step in the analog-to-digital conversion.
Quantisation error occurs when converting analog signals to digital form.


Part of data compression techniques.
Quantization tables are crucial in JPEG compression.


(British spelling) quantization


To limit the possible values of (a magnitude or quantity) to a discrete set of values by quantum mechanical rules.


The act of dividing into quanta or expressing in terms of quantum theory


To apply quantum mechanics or the quantum theory to.


The process of approximating a continuous signal by a set of discrete symbols or integer values


A procedure for constructing a quantum field theory starting from a classical field theory; to represent by quanta


The act of dividing into quanta or expressing in terms of quantum theory

Common Curiosities

What is quantisation?

Quantisation refers to the process of converting continuous data or signals into discrete numeric values, typically used in digital signal processing.

Which spelling should I use for my research paper?

Use "quantization" if you are adhering to American English standards and "quantisation" for British English standards.

How do the terms appear in software code?

In programming and software development, "quantization" is more commonly used, especially in American or globally-used software.

Is one spelling more common in certain industries?

"Quantization" is more common in computing and digital technology, especially in international or American settings.

Are quantisation and quantization interchangeable?

Yes, they are interchangeable in technical contexts but vary by regional spelling preferences.

Can using one spelling over the other impact the perceived quality of work?

In academic or international publications, adhering to the appropriate regional spelling standard is advisable.

Does the difference in spelling affect the understanding in professional contexts?

No, professionals in relevant fields understand both spellings as they refer to the same concept.

Do both terms appear in academic textbooks?

Yes, both terms can be found in textbooks, with the spelling usually reflecting the region the textbook is published in.

What is quantization?

Quantization is the American English version of quantisation, meaning the same process of converting continuous information into a discretized form for digital use.

What impacts might arise from misusing the terms in professional settings?

Misuse of the terms is unlikely to confuse, but using the regional spelling can enhance the document's alignment with intended standards.

Are there any online resources that prefer one spelling over the other?

Online resources based in the US will generally use "quantization," whereas UK-based sites might use "quantisation."

How do these terms relate to digital technology advancements?

Both terms are crucial in the evolution of digital technology, particularly in areas like telecommunications, audio processing, and digital imaging.

Is there a difference in application between the two terms?

No, both terms are applied in the same way in fields like digital signal processing and communications.

Can using different spellings lead to errors in technical implementation?

No, the difference in spelling does not lead to technical errors but is more about adhering to linguistic standards in documentation and communication.

Which term is preferred in international conferences?

"Quantization" is generally preferred in international contexts due to the dominance of American English in scientific and technical writing.

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Written by
Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.
Co-written by
Maham Liaqat

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