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Red Curry vs. Green Curry — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Published on November 19, 2023
Red Curry is made with dried red chilies, imparting a fiery flavor and reddish color. Green Curry uses fresh green chilies, giving it a milder taste and vibrant green hue.
Red Curry vs. Green Curry — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Red Curry and Green Curry


Key Differences

Red Curry and Green Curry are both quintessential dishes in Thai cuisine, but they come with distinctive flavors and ingredients. Red Curry is derived from dried red chilies, which provide a deeper, somewhat earthy heat. This spiciness is mellowed by the addition of ingredients like garlic, lemongrass, and shallots. Green Curry, on the other hand, derives its characteristic color and flavor from fresh green chilies, giving it a fresher and slightly sweeter taste.
In terms of heat level, Red Curry is generally perceived as spicier than Green Curry. This is due to the intense heat of dried red chilies in the Red Curry paste. Conversely, Green Curry has a more subtle heat, stemming from the green chilies which, while still spicy, tend to be milder than their dried red counterparts. However, the spice level in both can vary depending on the chef and region.
Ingredients like coconut milk are common to both Red Curry and Green Curry, adding creaminess and depth to the dishes. While both curries might include proteins like chicken, beef, or tofu, the choice of vegetables and other accompaniments can differ. For instance, Red Curry might feature bamboo shoots or bell peppers, while Green Curry might have eggplants or peas.
In terms of global popularity, both Red Curry and Green Curry have found fans worldwide. Many international Thai restaurants feature both curries on their menus, allowing diners to experience the unique flavors and aromas of each. It's worth noting that while Red Curry and Green Curry share some similarities, they each offer a unique culinary journey, marked by their individual ingredients and preparation techniques.

Comparison Chart

Base Ingredient

Dried red chilies
Fresh green chilies

General Spiciness


Common Ingredients

Garlic, lemongrass, shallots
Green chilies, galangal, kaffir lime leaves

Typical Color

Vibrant green


Deeper, earthy heat
Fresher, slightly sweeter taste

Compare with Definitions

Red Curry

Red Curry is renowned for its intense, fiery flavor.
Diners often enjoy Red Curry with a side of rice to temper its spiciness.

Green Curry

Green Curry often includes ingredients like eggplants and peas.
The vegetables in Green Curry add to its fresh taste.

Red Curry

Red Curry is a spicy Thai dish made from dried red chilies.
The rich flavors of Red Curry make it a favorite among spicy food lovers.

Green Curry

Green Curry features a milder spiciness compared to Red Curry.
Those who prefer a milder heat often opt for Green Curry.

Red Curry

Red Curry has a deep, rich hue because of the red chilies.
The vibrant color of Red Curry is visually enticing.

Green Curry

Green Curry is a Thai dish made with fresh green chilies.
The aromatic flavors of Green Curry are loved by many.

Red Curry

Red Curry often features a creamy coconut milk base.
The addition of coconut milk balances the heat in Red Curry.

Green Curry

Green Curry has a vibrant green color from its chili base.
The bright green hue of Green Curry makes it visually appealing.

Red Curry

Red Curry can be paired with various proteins like chicken or tofu.
The tofu soaks up the Red Curry sauce, making it a delightful vegetarian option.

Green Curry

Green Curry's flavor is enhanced by kaffir lime leaves and galangal.
These ingredients give Green Curry its unique and aromatic flavor.

Common Curiosities

Which is spicier, Red Curry or Green Curry?

Red Curry is generally spicier.

What is the main chili used in Red Curry?

Dried red chilies.

Can both Red Curry and Green Curry be vegetarian?

Yes, both can be made vegetarian with appropriate ingredients.

Which curry uses coconut milk?

Both Red Curry and Green Curry often use coconut milk.

Which curry might have bamboo shoots?

Red Curry.

Is the sweetness in Green Curry from sugar?

Not necessarily, the fresh green chilies and other ingredients give it a naturally sweeter taste.

What gives Green Curry its color?

Fresh green chilies.

Can you find both Red Curry and Green Curry in most Thai restaurants?

Yes, they are both staples in Thai cuisine.

Which curry might feature eggplants?

Green Curry.

Is Green Curry always mild?

Not always; its spiciness can vary but is generally milder than Red Curry.

What gives Red Curry its rich red color?

Dried red chilies.

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Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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